What did Sup Forums think of Valerian?
What did Sup Forums think of Valerian?
Of course it was doomed to fail; they got a cold lesbo as one of the leads.
And Cara was in it too. Upvote pls.
Literally a great movie if they had casted any other two people on earth as the leads.
did not like it. It looked pretty at times like that scene in the black market. I haven't read the comics but the universe seems like it would fit well in a television adaption,
Haven't seen it and probably won't until it passes by chance on the film channel and I happen to be watching.
Why doesn't it interest me?
Both leads look like unexpressive anemic kids. The boy seemed to have huge pockets under his eyes and if I want to look at an ugly actor for two hours I'll take Steve Buscemi first.
The trailer tried to be action packed and cocky but just felt pretentious. The story seems uninventive with a go save the world mission for lead actor 1 and lead actor 2. The trailer then touched on there being thousands of worlds or whatever, that screamed: "this film has no real setting and will keep skipping from one random spot to another", which put me off even more. I eyed the critics lately and I am not surprised that it is bombing.
is it better than duncuck?
I liked it but if they ever make a second movie i'd suggest the male lead to work out a bit and to lock him up with Cara for a month in the same room to improve their chemistry.
>is it better than duncuck?
Yes.Duncuck is a shit movie.
>The fate of all of civilization lies in the hands of 2 14-year olds
>14-year olds
Aren't both of the closing in on 30?
then why the fuck do they look like children?
it doesn't come out here for another two weeks, dogfucker. stop asking this.
I saw it and Dunkirk on the same day.
Preferred Valerian, 2bh.
>closing on 30
Not a hair on his faggot chin.
Cara looks waifish as fuck.
look at this dude
Would smash
of course!
>Height: 5′ 8″
why did they cast 2 fuckugly gnomes as the lead roles? I was sure it was another movie about teenaged heroes after the trailer.
>in 2800 there can be no badass muh secret agents anymore only manlet cucks
if i have to see this ugly pignosed whore shitposted 1000x every time i open this board i'm leaving
I feel like the older I get the more I find little pot-bellies like this hot as hell.
I think the french chick in Pulp Fiction was right.
Bad marketing, bad casting, an enjoyable flick anyways.
Shame it flopped. I liked it.