Let's all be honest do we really need a Han Solo film?

Let's all be honest do we really need a Han Solo film?

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We didn't need any more Star Wars at all, but Disney needs more money.

Always good to have more star wars movies

Its fucked out

No, we need more comic book movies

Please no more star wars.
The original trilogy is good to watch every now and then, not every year.


A new character would have been better. Not great. But better.

Didn't they cast the wrong guy for this role?
The movie will flop, financially not, but for everyone who would have wanted to see a good movie.

How much of this movie will focus on Emilia Clarke?

Why does Sup Forums hate Alden? Is it only because he is a Jew? I liked him in everything he's been.

she will teach him how to shoot and fly, all of hans famous quotes will be originally said by her

she will die at the end sacrificing her life

Dude looks like slimmer DSP

You are probably right about all of that.

Nobody "needs" any film, and that goes for original films as well.

Do we need more star wars about Luke?
>Luke's trilogy
>prequels about Luke father
>sequels about old Luke
>movie about Luke's friend
Please Disney, just do an old republic movie. Something not tied to the OT. Siths and Jedis fighting and alien main characters

I can't wait to see Bib Fortuna: A Star Wars story.

We didn't even need a fucking Episode 7.

Just watch RLM list of horrible ideas for the movie. youtube.com/watch?v=kjEd3DpH_e0

After watching RLM video i really want to see the movie doing all that. Of course without paying Disney hacks.

>name is Reich

They wouldn't do that because it wouldn't appeal to the mass public if it doesn't involve literal stormtroopers and x-wings. Dumb plebs don't understand the concept of "1000 years before Episode 1" or so, and if they do they don't care anyway.

It's not Reich, it's Ehrenreich which means "Third Reich Is Bad" in German.

you fucking faggots need to shut up about the old republic. It's fine the way it is and it doesn't need any of your fucking shit movies

Han Solo's old origin story in the EU ("The Han Solo Trilogy") is actually pretty good, though I can't imagine it working as a movie. But the idea of a movie about Han Solo is sound, because there's plenty of room to tell a story about him. He's one of those characters that had a lot of adventures before he met Luke. I just don't have faith that Disney will go in the right direction for it.

should have been this cunt

pic related

He doesn't even look like Harrison Fnord.

No, "At least they didn't touch Han Solo" was the thing you kept hearing as a positive take away of the prequels.
Now Disney gets star wars and a Han Solo prequel is one of the first things they green light.

I've seen every Star Wars movie that has came out during my lifetime in the theater. I won't see this movie, I have zero interest. Maybe I'll watch it when it's out on DVD.

It will do 1.2 Billion at the box office.

It is going to be a Guardians of the Galaxy-esque film no doubt.
Quips and equality.

we really didn't need any Star Wars movie but Empire Strikes Back


Disney acquiring marvel was for the best but Star Wars should be done.

Pretty much disney is treating their Star Wars fans like morons the reason why disney though it was a good idea to make a Han Solo film that nobody ask because disney know their gonna go see it same with force awakes and rogue one the reason why they made them cuz their fans will see them because Disney knows and it's gonna make a lot of money say what you want about george lucas but Disney just milking the Star Wars franchise Disney doesn't care about the fans as mark hamill Says it's all about the money

You managed to capture my feelings exactly
Thanks user

I'm looking forward to this disaster. Next will be shitty Boba Fett and Obiwan spinoffs with a kid Luke Skywalker cameo.

That's not what that means. Reich in this context means rich.

Do not need or want. I just want to see some fresh new stories being adapted instead of nostalgia cash grabs.

We get something interesting like Rogue One which I actually enjoyed but then the next Star Wars story is about a young Han Solo with a guy who can't act?
Fuck this movie.

>fine the way it is
>franchise has more bad movies than good
Neck yourself, faggot. The old republic is vastly more interesting than "rebels vs empire: redux" over and over again.

I was already fed up of hearing about Star Wars about TFA came out, never mind R1, TLJ and now this. I'm even more fed up of it than capeshit.

You don't need anything except food, water, sleep and a beautiful woman sitting on your face.

this guy is so uninterestingly handsome
has a face you can forget instantly

>with a guy who can't act?
reminder the leading actress is Emilia Clarke.

>Didn't they cast the wrong guy for this role?
Nah. Spielberg met the actor at a bat mitzvah and (((recommended))) that he get the role. What could be more fair? How could such a selection method fail to yield the most well suited actor for the role?

>Rogue One

no no we dont

Last three digits of your post will be how much money the movie makes in millions of $$$

no but you fucking knew that. so i dont know why you would ask. no one wanted this, its weird and doesnt fit at all. disney is going to milk the cash cow that is star wars until we are all so sick of the taste we hate even what made it good in the first place. say what you will about the OT but they were good, genuine movies.

>t. disney exec

Okay, both the guy and lead actress can't act.

Star Wars should have been done after Jedi

If Lucas was good for anything, it was making sure there would be no more films after Sith

Now we're going to have a Star Wars film every year until the mere mention of Star Wars makes us want to puke


technically the first six films are all about Anakin, not Luke.

It's a really weird feeling. Before Disney purchased Star Wars I was the biggest fan in the world and now I have absolutely zero interest whatsoever in seeing a Star Wars movie, something that would have been unthinkable 5 years ago.

The character was already well established in the OT. This is just Disney milking a cash-cow for guaranteed money.

Then fuck off, nobody's forcing you to go into threads about it.

The "Legends" bullshit left a bad taste in the mouths of a lot of dedicated fans. They spent so much time developing this universe only for Disney to go, "Too much work, NON CANON." And then to add insult to injury Kylo Ren is pretty much Jacen Solo anyway. So they clearly didn't have to throw it out.


HE LOOKS NOTHING! FUCKING NOTHING like ford, and that was legitimately part of solos charm

now he looks like a fucking faggot

My mom, who is 65 years old, hated TFA because Kylo's real name wasn't Jacen. That his how autistic some of the OG fans are.

>If Lucas was good for anything, it was making sure there would be no more films after Sith
That was his intention. Unfortunately, Disney blackmailed him into selling Star Wars.

Looks like a serial killer and has an acting depth of a kiddie pool.

We certainly didn't need the one produced by Kathleen Kennedy.It will be dogshit coated with nostalgia. They're even bringing back Vader because Vader sells tickets even if he shows up 30 seconds. I bet there will be a CGI'ed old Obi-wan

Wait they're saying this kid LOOKS like Ford/Han?

Did they watch the originals or use fucking Google?

I want more Star Wars movies, but we definitely did not need an anthology of Han Solo movies. Han Solo backstory I'd rather read in comic book/novel form.

Hopefully they take more chances with new characters/new stories.

Disney paid 4 billions for Star Wars. Taking chances with new stuff is the last thing they want

To be quite frank, the Han Solo origin trilogy books with the wookie and Stars' End and all that shit would have worked well, with or without the "Legends" ban.

I know we like to shit on Harrison on his going through the motions but id rather see a grumpy old Han and Chewy having adventures and smuggling spice after losing Ben then this shit

>Before Disney purchased Star Wars I was the biggest fan in the world and now I have absolutely zero interest whatsoever in seeing a Star Wars movie
>The "Legends" bullshit left a bad taste in the mouths of a lot of dedicated fans.
>My mom, who is 65 years old, hated TFA because Kylo's real name wasn't Jacen. That his how autistic some of the OG fans are.
Autistic EU fans are what kept the Star Wars franchise alive during the inter-trilogy periods. Despite this, Disney has nothing but contempt for you. They mock you with the overweight unpleasant fanboy caricature of Unkar Plutt, erase your expanded universe, and proceed to churn out studio approved movies and games carefully engineered by market researchers to appeal to new broad, casual demographics. If their products fail in the market, you will be blamed for not being sufficiently accepting of Diversity™ and Progress™ in the franchise and fanbase.

this will be the star wars film that kills the franchise

there is no possible way to make a good han solo origin story without george lucas.

he wont rescue chewbacca, chewbacca will rescue him

he wont win the falcon from lando, he will steal it

instead of just crossing paths with boba fett, boba fett will be cartoon villain tier bad guy whose life mission is to hunt han solo because ???

han's first love interest will be black and/or alien and/or transgender (probably a black transgender alien)

most of the movie will be about how evil the empire full of cis white men is

How do you know?

They also played up the "we're workign with Lucas to realize his vision for the next trilogy" card, then told him to fuck off when he actually presented his ideas for the next movies.

>“They wanted to do a retro movie. I don’t like that,” Lucas adds. “Every movie, I work very hard to make them completely different, with different planets, with different spaceships, make it new.”
>“They looked at [my] stories, and they said, ‘We want to make something for the fans,’” Lucas said. “They decided they didn’t want to use those stories, they decided they were going to do their own thing. … They weren’t that keen to have me involved anyway — but if I get in there, I’m just going to cause trouble, because they’re not going to do what I want them to do. And I don’t have the control to do that anymore, and all I would do is muck everything up,” he said. “And so I said, ‘OK, I will go my way, and I’ll let them go their way.’”

Somebody should shop Mike's face on this.

>>“They looked at [my] stories, and they said, ‘We want to make something for the FAGS,’” Lucas said

Jesus, what a sad person.
I hope you see the way soon, user.

>How do you know?
See>They also played up the "we're working with Lucas to realize his vision for the next trilogy" card, then told him to fuck off when he actually presented his ideas for the next movies.

The context surrounding the sale screamed Bad Deal and reluctance on Lucas's part.

He promptly donated the poceeds of the sale, which means he didn't need the money.

He tried to stay involved with the production and creative direction side of things but Disney was able to cut him out completely. Lucas isn't naive enough to overlook something as fundamental as retaining creative control of future projects, he's an experienced businessman. So that means he willingly ceaded those rights during negotiations.

So if he didn't need the money, and wanted to stay involved, why did he sell in the first place and forfeit all influence? because Disney had some way of forcing his hand and keeping him quiet. ie: blackmail

>like Rogue One

this is EXACTLY what happened, and anything else is revisionist history. Lucas told Bob Iger that part of the deal was that he wanted them to use his story treatments for VII, VIII and IX, and when they read through them they probably just said fuck that.

I think the guy was being facetious. With Disney milking this thing for money, any new Star Wars film based in the Old Republic will ruin it, too. At the moment, the Old Republic hasn't been ruined yet and I think some people want it to remain that way.

even if its true its all just speculation. So, what dirt do people think Disney had on George?

Can we just forget about the prequel era? And by that I mean anything before ANH chronologically. Every movie set in that time period failed miserably and this doesn't look like it's gonna break the curse.

They didn't have to read them, to me it's obvious they wanted to do a sheboot from the beginning. It's a Hollywood gimmick. Apparently they've do some polling and figured out that it's the easiest way to maximize their short term profits. That's why they immediately dismissed him and hired JJ Abrams. I remember a journalist asking George how the movie was going, he said JJ Abrams didn't even call him. This is disgraceful.

Recasting one if the most iconic roles in sci-fi, if not film in general is a fucking mistake. But this is how Disney will treat star wars, new stories and characters are too risky. But it doesn't matter because any star wars movie will bring in at least 750 mil.

>tfw most of these probably become true

Hey, user, take this: ",".
It is called a comma. Use it.

>even if its true its all just speculation. So, what dirt do people think Disney had on George?
He probably got honeypoted.
Disney set him up with some Grade A, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, jailbait, recorded it all on 70mm filstock and in 22.2 surround sound, then sent him the cumpilation highlights reel boxed up with a Goofy Movie collectible pen the bill-of-sale for Lucasfilm.

(((Star Wars)))

Have you ever wanted to bite or stick needles into Bib Fortuna's head sausage. How do you think it would feel?

how do you think his tentacles would smell haha

There was no blackmail. That's not to say Disney didn't act in an underhanded way though. Here's what I think happened:
>Lucas wants to make more Star Wars movies
>after the critical and financial failures that were the prequels no studio will touch him
>Disney comes to Lucas and offers him a deal: Disney will buy Star Wars and produce the movies itself
>they tell Lucas "our hands are tied by our investors and because of the prequels we couldn't put you in control even if we wanted to. But don't worry! We'll make you a "special advisor" (wink wink) and we'll put you in de facto charge of the movies"
>Lucas isn't 100% sold on the whole "special advisor" thing but he knows this is probably the only chance of him being able to give the fans his stories
>after the deal, Lucas shows up expecting to be in charge, Disney pretty much tells him "yeah, we lied. Fuck off" and because he technically signed away all control there's nothing he can do about it

He just wanted the money.

Since ANH, Lucas produced every of his movies. He's a billionaire who didn't need the help of Hollywood to produce the sequels. It would have made billions anyway. He explained it ine the Charlie Rose interview, the sequels would take 10 years of his life and he didn't want to be doing SW for the rest of his life so instead of sitting on the copyrights selfishly, he let a studio make the movies with a script to work with and him as creative advisor. They said okay, and backstabbed him once he signed the deal.

This is completely 100% wrong though. (Not the blackmail user)

>after the critical and financial failures that were the prequels no studio will touch him
The prequels were not financial failures. Go look at Boxoffice Mojo and look at how much money they made relative to their budget. 20th Century Fox was happy to produce the prequels with Lucas because they know Star Wars always brings home the bacon. Lucas and 20th CF had a good working relationship, and if Lucas wanted to make the sequel trilogy, they happily would have financed it.

>Lucas is getting old
>Thinking about retirement soon
>Starts thinking about what studio/company could best shoulder the burden of the enormous legacy of Star Wars for future generations to come
>George is also fucking bonkers and probably going senile
>He decides that Disney would be the best suited for this
>Calls up Bob Iger and arranges a meeting with him
>They work out the 4B deal, which he donates to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation
>George is told that his story treatments will be looked at and used, and he'll be a creative adviser
>His story treatments were not used
>He was not a creative adviser
>They completely shut him out of the production of TFA
>George gets super buttblasted and goes on 60 minutes to expose the White Slavers

All of this comes from official sources and interviews around 2012 when the deal happened. Even Bob Iger was quoted as saying "Yeah man, holy shit I just got a call from George saying he wanted to give us Star Wars". Disney had NO part in approaching Lucas about it. Lucas DECIDED to give it to Disney because he's a senile old fuck and changes his mind every 6 months about what he wants.

You can do the research yourself, Star Wars literally fell into Disney's lap

>He just wanted the money.
Apparently not, since he donated the Disney Dollars to charity.

>he didn't want to be doing SW for the rest of his life so instead of sitting on the copyrights selfishly, he let a studio make the movies with a script to work with and him as creative advisor.
Except he could have allowed more Star Wars movies to be made and let someone else direct them. He could have even hired JJ and KK but kept the creative veto power. Why did he sell completely and give up any control whatsoever if he didn't want the money and still wanted to stay involved?

>Except he could have allowed more Star Wars movies to be made and let someone else direct them. He could have even hired JJ and KK but kept the creative veto power. Why did he sell completely and give up any control whatsoever if he didn't want the money and still wanted to stay involved?
He explained it in the Charlie Rose iterview. He did that with ESB and ROTJ but said he was far more involved in the movie process than he expected. I think George Lucas didn't want the pressure anymore and just let someone else do it. He provided the story, the film might not turn out as he would expect but at least there would the core of the story. Disney did something unforgiveable, they didn't even try. They killed the franchise immediately so they can cannibalize the body before it rots.

Why didn't Lucas just put it in the public domain?

>All of this comes from official sources and interviews around 2012 when the deal happened. Even Bob Iger was quoted as saying "Yeah man, holy shit I just got a call from George saying he wanted to give us Star Wars". Disney had NO part in approaching Lucas about it. Lucas DECIDED to give it to Disney because he's a senile old fuck and changes his mind every 6 months about what he wants.

Bob Iger said he initiated the deal. Also George was collaborating with him before on a Star Wars theme park. That's when that scumbag took the time to gauge George and thake away his babies from him and make them work in his plantation. Even George's son said he was going back and forth saying he won't sell.

Hey, I stumbled upon an interview of his daughter. It's sad because she's really the stereotype of a disgusting feminist cunt. What went wrong?

George Lucas was stupid enough to trust (((them)))

It's actually a composite of German for 'Honor' + 'rich'