No NatSoc thread Sup Forums? When and why did you become a National Socialist?
No NatSoc thread Sup Forums? When and why did you become a National Socialist?
Hitler did nothing wrong
Except cucking out, and losing
and ruining NatSoc, now we are stuck with the cucks in power!
The hero we need
not sold on the socialism part of it, but hitler literally did nothing wrong
Fuck off commies. :^)
When I was 16 years old.
I started to doubt things around me so I decided to inform myself more and more. But it didn't take long since I noticed how almost everything that the system taught and told me, was a lie.
Also, I don't agree 100% with all the ideas of nationalsocialism. Basically cause we live in the 21st century.
I was into Illuminati conspiracy stuff, and one day I remember the six pointed star that you can spell out MASON on the back of the dollar bill was also a Jew star, or the Star of David, and then one night I just typed into the YouTube search engine "Jews control the world" and from there I started my journey of becoming more and more red pilled.
Because it's a retarded and failed ideology that puts cults of personality on a pedestal.
I have, within in the past week become a lot more interested in this topic and am slowly becoming a lot more open to the idea. I am currently reading the Turner Diaries, and a few other books. If anyone has reading suggestions, viewing material or any other suggestions I would appreciate it.
Hello gang, my windows went to shit and I lost my natsoc folder, anyone wanna dump his folder ?
Natsoc girls and natsoc youth pics are my favorites
Here's a clip with some Hitler speeches
I've watched it before but I love this video. George Lincoln Rockwell's speech is also rather inspiring.
You can read this if you want, not directly related to National Socialism, but a nice read. Also entertains me that it's in a single image file.
>inb4 muh forgery
Have you wear it in public ?
Identifying as National Socialists will get us no where. What should the new term be?
Like this ?
Idk, what do you propose ?
It was a long process for me. I used to be pretty far left leaning years ago back in High School. It wasn't really until I got my first job outside of High School and going to college that my views began to change.
I started coming on Sup Forums around that point and would actually argue all the time, calling people "racists" etc but I just kept coming back time after time.
I then began to see that some of the content here was actually pretty good, obviously most of its shitposting and funny but there's some good stuff once in awhile.
I just will never forget the day I was sitting in my CULTURAL DIVERSITY class (not making this up, it was mandatory at my school) and reading this book written by a Jew about white privilege.
I remember my professor, a Jew, telling us all about it and I was surrounded in a class filled with blacks and mexicans and they were all agreeing. I was one of about 3 whites in that class.
That was a real eye opening part of my life. I wouldn't say I'm a National Socialist but I certainly evoke a lot of their ideals into my own life and enjoy the philosophy and esoterics with it.
I will say National Socialism opened a lot of doors for me.
That is the thing though. National Socialism was very specific and designed in a very unique way. There can really be no replicating it because to do that would be to destroy the entire foundational principle: leadership.
I've watched every NSDAP propaganda movie from Hans Westmar to SA Mann Brand and every single lesson those movies taught were to not be afraid of what lurks in the darkness but to stand up and LEAD, going forwards with a smile on your face and your head held high.
One of my favorite scenes is the SA marching in Hans Westmar with the jeering Jews and Communists all around them. It's funny to me because people would look at that and go, "Yep, as you can see the Nazi's were scapegoating." but then I look around at the people making these claims and the people booing and jeering today and it's the Jews and the Leftists...
My favorite piece of artwork.
sure or this
Okay, I'll dump what I have...
thx friend
When? About a year ago.
Why? Started off by learning that Germany wasn't a demon-controlled state, then the muh holocaust and finally accepted my beliefs after reading Nazi-Sozi and The Triumph of Reason.
Wasn't easy though, I became increasingle bitter and lost some friends. And sometimes all I can think of is Ecclesiastes 1:18.
I was probably 16, and it just seems to be what is best for humanity to progress.
Remember: For something to become great it must be nurtured and cared for. There will be dark days and tough days but one of my favorite lines in Hitler's speech is (and I will paraphrase because I cannot remember exactly):
"In those days [early days of the SA] we could not promise a new man anything but the threat of death and ridicule. Nobody will hire you, nobody will be your friend..."
Something to that extent I wish I could remember the speech.
I think I will get the book off Amazon. If anyone in the NSA is watching my purchases I am sure they have an eyebrow raised. Being in the military makes it even more interesting.
very warm and loving look from uncle adolf
It all started when my teacher assigned a project on your grandfathers. I ask my dad and I find out my grandpa was a tank commander in ww2, do some information seeking and I end up getting redpilled on the jews at the fucking age of 14. I had always noticed race and all that from a young age though. That was 6 years ago.
I think about this video all the time..........
Why is joseph smith in the picture
Found the speech! Start it at like 1:19, the whole thing is good though.
It was not easy at all for them in the beginning. They sacrificed a lot to get to where they ended up.
A month ago.
Because I realized National Socialism/Fascism is the only manner to which the state may free its people from the grasp and influence of the "ruthless international cliqué." States, people, and government can be broken, but the banksters remained unharmed through it all. Only by a forceful revolt (sacking the Juden) or clever initiation into power (Hitler's way of undermining the Weimar coalition) can the state free itself. National Socialism as an ideology then maintains the state from subversion, and from being retaken by the "international cliqué." In addition, National Socialism is a doctrine in which mankind's potential can be grown and tendered in fitting excess, who knows what bounds and leaps would today man could've overcame and overpowered if not for certain interested parties, certain noisome leagues of usurpers, who only wish to bend the neck of man under the heel of profit, profit, profit! Who only wish that we trade excellence for paper! Morality for indulgences! Certain leagues that distort every virtue of mankind for their vices, that is, their love of money, power, dominance, in all areas of life and on every continent!
Kek is that you?
Not there yet. I consider myself a white nationalist but the programz aspect of natsoc turns me off entirely
I'd prefer an unregulated domestic market
Social Nationalists.
Great pic, thanks.
One thing you have to keep in mind is the economic environment as well as the background of the NSDAP. These guys were all vets of WW1 so the whole notion of patriotic camaraderie was something innately found in them all.
Imagine if all the pissed off and mistreated vets of Vietnam formed a political party around the most generic, stereotypical man (think of the most stereotypical Vietnam vet) yet a man who possessed leadership capabilities and charisma and stormed into American politics in the 70's.
That's SORT OF what happened in the 20's in Germany.
You're welcome.
give me sum dat aryan pussy
"For us it is not simply enough to say, 'I believe!' but to say, 'I fight!'"
This one is better.
Supposedly its traditionalist. Thanks to the traditionalist workers party.
That doesn't address my concern with natsoc economic policy
Last one for tonight, stay strong brothers, Hail Victory!
>fat, smelly, teenage LARPers on Sup Forums think they're going to start the National Socialist revolution
wew lad
all you faggots should kill yourselves. Nobody would ever follow you, or any movement you're involved in.
yeah I'm sure worshipping Hitler will distract you from the fact that that girl you like from your home period is with a black guy
fucking cuck loser.
Don't worry little guy, life gets a little easier in high school.
Makes me want to cry
Reminder that if you follow NatSoc but don't listen to the music of the white Germanic greats you're a fucking degenerate.
If you even slightly it find it "boring", you're the type of person the Fuhrer didn't want .
He's puke at the sight of people who couldn't appreciate Mozart, let alone Wagner.
>yeah I'm sure worshipping Hitler will distract you from the fact that that girl you like from your home period is with a black guy
Why do JIDF always go for the cuck insult?
Is it because they are actual cucks?
They certainly are. It's another reason they create porn, they are drawn to objectification and humiliation.
Just stopping by to mention that National Socialism is fucking shit. Have fun sieg-heiling yourself in the mirror shirtless or whatever you guys do.
>He's puke at the sight of people who couldn't appreciate Mozart, let alone Wagner.
Wagner is actually much more entry-level classical music than Mozart, famiam. I like Wagner a lot and even I know that. It's all very emotional and theatrical in sound, while Mozart is all about subtle. More normies listen to Mozart because of name recognition though.
I became natsoc over a year ago, because enough time has passed for me to see that only natsocs have the preservation of the white race as a priority. Outside of nationalists like Farage, we don't have many friends. I became natsoc when I realized that our media had become a full-blown globalist propaganda arm, and I have no regrets about it. I want us to live.
my point was
>wagner was a rampant anti semite, and he made amazing music.
His music was used in the Reich.
2015. Became a non-conformist historian. Began reading primary source documents. Realized that the mainstream history of Europe from about 1916 to present day is filled with lies. National archives in Philadelphia is filled with German documents. Mainstream Third Reich history is complete 'muh holocaust' bullshit. The world around me suddenly made sense. Hitler was right (note I have never read Mein Kampf because it has been edited and is not Hitler's own work-if I could find an original, I'd read it).
Trust me, I'd like it if a National Socialist movement had a chance, but it doesn't.
Nobody's gonna follow a bunch of smelly losers who've never accomplished a thing in their life. If you actually wanted to further the movemeent, you'd go do something, but you won't, because you're just depressed teens who think it's hip and edgy to heil hitler.
Fucking faggots.
Hitler's War by David Irving.
>t. shill
youre all gay and old. The only national socialism that has anything going for it is national socialist justice. Hail victory to identity based minority empowerment, but only how I see fit from my supreme authority in these matters.
can you name some findings you made reading primary sources
>>wagner was a rampant anti semite, and he made amazing music.
>His music was used in the Reich.
Eh, that's fine. I don't have a problem with enjoying media made by people who disagree with me.
I'm a liberal here to pick fights and I like the art of noted Christian fundamentalist Doug Tennapel. I read Lovecraft stories and he compares half-black people to fish-men.
I don't give a fuck bro.
When? At age of 16
Why? Just used it as edgy meme before that but started
looking into it and shit happened.