Milo names the Jew
Milo names the Jew
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i think soros is on his 5th heart transplant at this point...
although if I had billions of dollars I would try to be immortal too
I laughed hard when all of a sudden studious people started twatting at my automated computer program work account with meme cushions, and then when it descended on the general conciousness what the coincidence curves really meant they immediately disappeared.
Fad fags btfo.
That faggot did name the jew
if Milo goes openly anti jew, I will accept his existence
Dude fuck off. Milo is a shill.
so basically we have found the source of the Jewish conspiracy theories and its GEORGE SOROS.
Like we didn't know all along. The guy just sows chaos for his gain. A total piece of shit antichrist.
I know the Redpilled Sup Forumssters have known but now its starting to enter mainstream social media.
What I mean is we need a face to put to the jew conspiracy and Soros is it!
>profile picture
how long until he arrives?
Soros is the patsy
he's been getting memed in to relevance lately to draw attention away from the Rothchilds
no, thats Mr Rockafeller
>banned from Twitter so he has to troll Facebook
He's a Jew and a master divisionist. He basically labelled everyone who's not a neo Con and right wing as the alt right. A term that normies equate to Neo nazis.
>He gets banned from there as well
>In fact new algorythm just bans you for words like "Trump", "right", "cuck", "shillary", "fag" and "nigger" regardless of context.
What a brave, new world to live in.
Jose Cristobal Martinez Jr got bants
>In fact new algorythm just bans you for words like "Trump", "right", "cuck", "shillary", "fag" and "nigger" regardless of context.
It does?
It will soon enough. I know I'm using slippery slope fallacy, but I honestly can't come up with anything else. After you swallow one blue pill it's bigger brother comes shortly after, all this talk about banning hate speech will just scare people to disagree with each other, it's MGS2 all over again, everyone in their little pools of convenient half-truths, even us, silencing everyone with wrong opinions.
But check this out its news to me..Rockefellers Build xxonMobil into oil giant....they then change tune and sa Climate change is real....Exxon reufuse to go along with it ....Exxon Tankers hit a reef creating worlds largest oil spill cost $5b in damages... Suspicous!
Exxon accused of Climate change coverup from the 1980's
But wait up Rockefellers can't get exxon on side with climate change??
Slippery slope isn't a fallacy. It's clear cut inductive reasoning based on oodles of history.
Remember when, under Jewish Bolshevik rule, you could be sent into the GULAG system for thinking the wrong thing? That was codified in law. If you thought the wrong thing, you were insane according to the state. Article 50-someodd.
Fuck outta here with this niggerfucking jew faggot
>MLP profile Picture
Terrible taste.
I remember being homosexual a literal mental disease that must be cured at all costs with shock therapy and lobotomy. Not a requirement or an option, straight in the van and to mad house with you. Hell, there were even laws for indecent behavior such as sleeping with women outside of marriage even if you're not married.
>straight in the van
You mean the black maria or is this still going on under Hitler Putin?
>Milo is the Jew.
He's not even the source...he's just a large tributary flowing from the toxic Lake deRothschild which branches into myriad deltas before dumping into the Sea of Western Civilization.
The worst part is that even the lake is fed by and underground aquifer.
One russian writer was describing her youth in a conservatory in USSR, she had to lie to NKVD that she slept with a guy, because he was under investigation for an anonymous report of being gay. It almost backfired even, when too much girls claimed they slept with him, as that was indecent behavior that would nail you jail time.
You can get jail time in Russia for:
Propagading homosexual lifestyle.
Hurting feelings of people of faith, which only means muslims and christians.
Re/posting anti-Putin or nazi stuff on the internet.
Trying to gather more then 3 people for any reason, including spontaneous stuff like street performances, cases of street musicians getting jail time and their instruments being confiscated already exist.
If your daughter draws a cat and it has a tail - you are a pedophile and it's jail time for you, because tails on cats represents the dick daddy gives to his girl.
Just from the top of my head.
>MLP profile pic
Gas yourself pls
He's Jewish and about three months late to the 'subversive parentheses' meme, because he's not particularly plugged into may-may culture despite it being his entire brand
Milo is old and boring, which I think is the worst thing you can say to an attention-seeking queen.
>Is fucking late to the party, amirite!?
Oh and there's a fucking beautiful law that was recently accepted. It's called "Yarovaya package", basically it means that any kind of provider, telephone, internet or god knows what, from the year 2017 will have a new responsibility, which is to record absolutely every piece of information you dare to share or utter, you pathetic piece of shit snow nigger, from SMS to videos on youtube, from google searches to phone calls. Everything from the past six months of your presence on internet must be recorded by your provider and stored on THEIR PRIVATE SERVICE THEY DON'T FUCKING NEED BUT WILL NEED TO BUY WITH THEIR OWN MONEY SO THAT FEDERAL SECURITY BUREAU CAN HAVE ACCESS TO THAT DRAWN STRAIGHT SHOTA I FAP WHICH IS ACTUALLY ILLEGALL IN RUSSIA AS WELL AS ALL DRAWN CHILD PORN JUST NUKE US PLEASE.
So Milo is slumming it, tweeting on facebook now?
Kinda sad
>homo propaganda
>hurting feelings
only in serious matters like "kill them" "their God is shit" "Jesus should get raped"
>re/posting anti-Putin or nazi stuff
go back to sosach, there were cases which were always dropped or fined (20$, only for nazi stuff), if it were true to Putin stuff the whole sosach would get raided and jailed
>gathering people
don't remember from how many people (definitely more than 3) and it applies only if you wanna make money off of it
>daughter draws cat with tail
>'haha I bet they won't realize I'm a nigger loving jew if I use these echoes :DDD'
Milo needs to go the fuck away for good.
I won't list all the things I could get jail or prison time for.
>Propagading homosexual lifestyle.
There will always be homos. It shouldn't be blasted everywhere, especially not to children.
>Hurting feelings of people of faith, which only means muslims and christians.
Jews are the worst. You shouldn't need to hurt them anyway.
>Re/posting anti-Putin or nazi stuff on the internet.
lol. That's why advanced countries have a 1st amendment and why backward people hate it so much. Glad you can come participate on our Cambodian Peace Exchange.
>Trying to gather more then 3 people for any reason, including spontaneous stuff like street performances, cases of street musicians getting jail time and their instruments being confiscated already exist.
Hobos can get fucked. I don't care. Normal societies do this without need for government intervention.
>If your daughter draws a cat and it has a tail - you are a pedophile and it's jail time for you, because tails on cats represents the dick daddy gives to his girl.
2D is a God-given right, but lewd is lewd. I wonder what you monsters are up to to need such a law.
>If your daughter draws a cat and it has a tail - you are a pedophile and it's jail time for you, because tails on cats represents the dick daddy gives to his girl.
What the fuck?
Been in the countryside for the past month, where did (((this))) come from?
I guess ghosts are real. Spooky that we all sighted one in this thread!
Street musicians are illegal. People fired from our railroad gov. company getting billions as "golden parachutes" but STREET MUSICIANS, HOMO PROPAGANDA, NAZIS AND HURTING FEELINGS OF BELIEVERS are the true blight of Russian existence. Got you senpai.
Well we can only take care of most of the human element...Jesus will see to the rest.
>not even trying to understand the importance of this "package"
muh private stuff, conversations....
then a terrorist attack happens and literally the same people bitch about the state not being able to protect them
Thats Probably not a bad idea. In fact I like those laws.
>street musicians
An actual thing that happened. A "child psychologist" analyzed drawing of a little girl and, for some reason, the fact that the cat had a tail made her think her dad fucks her. I'm not making this shit up.
They aren't doing it because they want to build some right wing utopia. They just keeping their slaves in check, that is all. Context matters brother.
>straight shota
But why tho
Again I think Putin has some excellent Laws.
Alpha Draconian Lizardmen ?
Internet providers will have to buy servers with their own money. Internet for 100$ a month is a soon to be reality, you retard.
I like the sound of that. I will be pushing for those types of laws here in Australia! (Im not joking By the way!)
It appeals to me because my mother abandoned me when exactly? Second grade but I was late to school due to throat problem, so 9 years old. Still craving that motherly affection, etc.
Fuck. Are you retarded?
I fucking love these laws, especially the first one
Nah, I just monitor trends as part of my job.
Literally the only correct post in this thread
What's the aguifer
Delete this
You got some actual links from Soros to the Rothschilds...we'll meme them too!
nobody is going to use them if they get so expensive
they wont get so expensive because this equipment isnt as expensive as the media claims it to be
even if it gets this much, wont be longer than a year before it sinks again
then again, we have one of the cheapest internet in the world, both mobile and broadband
I think propaganda of any minority should be limited to special groups, being homo isn illegal nor are homo (night)clubs forbidden but they need to be 18+, which I find good
What's life like in Fort Meade?
I've been to lake Meade, but not the fort.
If you don't know this, Titter has a special legal clause. You personally can download all tweets ever, but you can't share them except by special license. So, in other words, if you have to pay for you bandwidth, then you really can't have everybody's tweets. But if you're in the super-special-in-club, then you can download them all for free at ridiculously high speeds.
That's how the Jew does it. Private-public partnerships.
I always love how people in Russia pretend like we're the only country with problems
crime, violence, thievery just doesn't exist in other parts of the world, especially in western countries
then again our state is so old (25 years!!!) that it has the experience to deal with this
then again there are no other problems in Russia to fix (no terrorists, no foreign ngo's sponsoring idiot movements, no global informational war and and and)
Where did I imply that? It's just silly to say "Well, OTHER countries has flaws too!" when you have one of highest suicide rates in the whole world.
Why does Milo look like the guy from 311?
Could you point me in the direction of that clause?
I've got a coworker who was complaining to me that the Twitter API doesn't allow you to download enough tweets some time ago
>suicide rates
yes, and it is a big problem, but if you analyze, it's been steadily going down
there have to be causes for this
>drugs and alcohol
for the most part these
then look at which regions have the highest rates, southern parts (kazachstan) due to heroin/krokodil. why? because thank you america for letting them sandniggers produce herion in afghanistan
then show me a country where it get -40/-60 C regularly or during the day 20/25 C and by night -5/-10 C, thats also a climate our shitty roads must survive in. its impossible. in the north house have to be built 1 meter above ground because of permafrost, please enlighten me and show me another country with those problems
so of course we are evolving at a slower rate, but we're getting there, slowly, no need to rush
>I think propaganda of any minority should be limited to special groups, being homo isn illegal nor are homo (night)clubs forbidden but they need to be 18+, which I find good
Yes I agree, I believe homosexuality is a deviant cultural conditioning that needs to minimized in society.
How street musicians are stopping this progress? Or reposts? Or homos? Or my drawn porn? I won't be productive if you ban it, you know.
Sorry, no. Some chink worked it out for us and I don't have time to bother with it. All I had to do was file a paper to get us infinite free I2 bandwidth, and then name drop to get the permissions changed on the cluster so I could take down personal copies.
I don't really care about clauses anyway. If you work in the financial industry, then your "innovation" is to stay enough steps ahead of the clause-writers so that you can just invite the compliance officers to the Christmas party or whatever to eat noice food and fuck tight whores so that the legal department can keep making payroll tying it all up in court until it doesn't matter anymore.
I agree that there are also idiots in lawmakers
>street musicians
begging is illegal, as is working without paying taxes, change the laws
as I wrote before, only propaganda is banned
as I wrote before, most cases are dropped and I've yet to see someone being charged for posting anti-Putin stuff
>draw porn
wew, 1 case, which was dropped anyway
last month, there was a woman in Moscow that claimed to be raped by a pokemon
there are just cases/news to attract views (like clickbait) and don't hold 1 second in court, but again no one cares if it actually goes through
Dude, just come to America and start
a new life. You could start your own band. Name it "Fuck You Yankee Blue Jeans" or some shit like that.
Hes already named Soros like 4 times. This is nothing new.
daily reminder that we don't need organs anymore
Cheney was without a pulse for a year and a half
He still hasn't arrived?
> putin fucks me in the ass but i like it
Legit autism. Like "not an able human fucking being", with papers and all.
And we going to evolve so nicely with those idiots. Call me up in 2027, if we aren't stuck in uranium mines by then.
>being butthurt for not having the strongest leader on earth
if you hate it so much, change it or go to some other country but just don't cry
if you're so smart then go in there and make order
are you going to the elections this september?
This. Like if Soros died tomorrow, everything that's being done would stop.
yes, kek. because you were stronger under ussr, and ussr was still weaker than america
im pretty sure he's doing it ironically
>you were stronger under USSR
>USSR was still weaker than america
keep dreaming
Ehat the cunt
I want stars
yes, kek. because you were stronger under ussr, and ussr was still weaker than america
yes, kek. because you were stronger under ussr, and ussr was still weaker than america
Putin is awesome, but Aleskandr Dugin is the genius behind him.
YES, YES! Destroy it, but not only these! Please destroy all the universitites, schools, hospitals, houses, stadiums, factories that were never there before!
Don't be a pussy! a revolutionary goes till the end! destroy everything soviet! from first to last piece!
He provides the model (the Fourth Political Teheory) for the new world. The Eurasian Economic Union is the future.
only idiots don't see it, the us and the west won't have the resources and power in 20 years to support their dominance
this will be the end of a unipolar us-dominated world
Yeah, I support Russia and Eurasian Economic Union. I believe Russia will also benefit Iran a lot. Well, you guys did technically give us our language and culture (i.e., the Proto-Indo Europeans of Southern Russia). I think Slavic myths are the closest to Proto-Indo-European religion.
Russian culture is very rich. I would like to improve my Persian and go to Iran and translate Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Gogol, and Chekhov. I bet they're already translated though...
If I save a lot of money, I want to collect Russian lacquer art. I actually like them more than Persian miniatures because of how ethereal they are. I saw one that I fell in love with before, but I forgot the artist's name :(
Do you have any recommendations on good English translations of Russian fairy tales, btw?
very nice to hear people from other countries interested in Russian culture
I'm sorry, I never read Russian works in another language therefore can't give you a qualifying answer on that, I'm sure you'll find some in big libraries or the internet
>If your daughter draws a cat and it has a tail - you are a pedophile and it's jail time for you, because tails on cats represents the dick daddy gives to his girl
>because tails on cats represents the dick
I think he finally had a heart attack from his Cheeto and Hotpocket based diet.
I think the world will be a better place if Russia becomes the new global power. It can pave the way to a new renaissance, especially considering the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and BRICS countries support the Eurasian Economic Union.
I like the fact Iran is becoming closer to Russia, and I want to leave this country to go there and help Iran secularize and become closer to Russia. One way to do this is by encouraging intercultural exchange, such as translating your poets like Pushkin. I think a lot of Slavs actually visit Damavand Mountain and enjoy skiing on it.
If Iran's regime can secularize a bit more, I think it would benefit Russia's economy greatly, and it will make the Anglos think twice about messing with either one of us again.
i hope this gives him a final heart attack