What does Sup Forums think of Helen Mirren?
What does Sup Forums think of Helen Mirren?
Charles Flores
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Josiah Harris
I understand granny porn now
Jack Foster
i've got a stallion for her
in my pants
Xavier Sanchez
I would still lovingly suck her nipples as she gives me directions.
Anthony Taylor
She was born Helen Mironov. Disgusting that you would think this commie is in any way sexually attractive.
Jeremiah Bell
More like Hella Mirin' amirite
Joshua King
i wonder if she ever gets tired of playing put upon wives of famous historical figures
Owen Smith
Easton Roberts
I get tired of stocking shelves at the supermarket. But they pay me 11.25 a hour. I imagine they give her a little money when they tell her to act regal or gilfy.
Landon Perez
>this commie
1930 call, what you back