What evidence proves Hillary uses hitmen to murder people?

What evidence proves Hillary uses hitmen to murder people?

This is such a big thing and nobody ever brings forward proof.

Because there is no proof

If there were some evidence for it, she would have actually gone to the court. but there aren't.

It's just another silly conspiracy of the delusional trump supporters.

Dead men tell no tales.

There is no "proof", just like there is no proof that Tower 7 didnt burn down from papers that blew through open windows causing it to freefall collapse inside its own footprint.

Youre a crazy tinfoiler if you dont believe thats what happened, and youre a crazy tinfoiler if you think Hillary has these people killed when they are a moment away from testifying, or when they are about to go on a book tour etc.







Pretty sure theres a suicide by gunshot to the back of the head in that pic, and Ive been told theres a list with double that, and sources.

You could say the same for a lot of mob bosses in the past.


It's like with Putin, there's no real evidence he's killing all of the journalists that criticize him, but we all know he's doing it because it's simply implausible that so many of them would go missing.

Where's your proof that Jesus actually existed? They never even found his body.

You don't need proof in order to believe something.

Most historians agree that Jesus was a person, but whether he was the son of God or a street performer is up for debate.

5 shekels have been deposited in your account.

Who cares? Where's their proof?

Vince fosters death was ruled a suicide 4 times. Thing is, there were only a few drops of blood at the scene, but over half the blood volume was gone from his body. There were also carpet fibers all over his suit, and the gun he allegedly used to shoot himself was a ancient revolver with no serial number, and it was found in the palm of his hand. He was a associate of Clinton who knew too much about whitewater. If you look up the forensic evidence, its obvious the Clintons have had people killed.

anecdotal evidence (not just the bible) that catalogs Jesus' life, written just years after his death / disappearance / whatever


Shit, even with all the e-mail shit they still don't have crap. It's all smoke and mirrors and the Bush fags delted 3,000,000 e-mails from a non-government server and everybody was cool with it.

They just keep throwing shit at the wall and nobody cares anymore.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf syndrome in full effect.

Money makes the world move, OP

No such thing. People need to come to terms with the fact that God was never a thing. It's all made up to control people.

The old, "If you can't prove God doesn't exist then therefore he does" argument.

Discarded. I hate Christ fags.

Muh Feels, I feelz it so hard! If it's suspicious at all I feelz it must be true. Trump makes be feelz good, Shillary feelz bad.