It's Kubrick's birthday. Let's thank him for his cinematic accomplishments and write a letter to his deceased soul one word at a time.
Stanley Kubrick bday thread
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Fuck off with your shit OP.
Post your favorite Kubrick film instead.
>no war movie will ever capture that raw emotion at the end again
2001 is my favorite, The Shining and Eyes Wide Shut are runner-ups.
3 AM phone calls
good picks my man
Clockwork Orange
Full Metal Jacket
in that order
they're all good picks asshat because he only made masterpieces
Thanks for namefagging mate
gave his own life to warn us. RIP
My list
never seen Killers Kiss or Fear and Desire
why the fuck did I forget about Barry
Barry Lyndon takes the second spot
my list - You're all faggots edition
So I just watched Stanley Kubrick's "The Killing" (1956), and can anyone explain this scene to me?
How does the bartender know which particular brand of beer to serve him? Do they only offer one specific brand at that establishment?
Thank you Mr Kubrick for my favorite movie
a nigger?
1. 2001
2. Paths of Glory
3. The Shining
4. Dr. Strangelove
5. Full Metal Jacket
6. Eyes Wide Shut
7. Barry Lyndon
8. The Killing
9. Clockwork Orange
10. Lolita
11. Killer's Kiss
12. Spartacus
I don't know how many brands of beer were back then, but where I live, about 5-6 years ago, if you asked for a beer in a bar, they usually didn't ask which one, even though there were around 5-6 types, because 90% drank the same brand (the others were piss). Might be something like that.
Why is Spartacus so low on the list? It is literally the best version of Game of Thrones, The Borgias, Tudors, and any other type of show that has political schemeing muxed with Swords and armor
Accurate spelling, patrician confirmed
because it's wasn't his to begin with and it's not as good as Ben-Hur. Other than a handful of Kubrickian shots it could have been directed by anyone.
I could honestly cry thinking about how brilliant Kubrick was and the heights he took cinema to as an art form, and what its become today without the presence of geniuses like himself to hold it up
Stanley Kubrick is so influential that they named a cute anime girl after him.
eyy i think it rivals Ben Hur. Now laurance of Arabia, that might be better.
But still, it is the BEST of those and they are really popular right now. Its definitely is better than The Killing and Lolita
I dunno why, but I never could sit through 2001, even though it sounds like everything I would like, and I don't mind long films.
a nigger cook.
Ok, how exactly, in your own words, did he "elevate" cinema as an art form?
not my favorite Kubrick film, but that scene might be the best thing he ever did. I get chills everytime
So I just watched Stanley Kubrick's "Eyes Wide Shut" (1999), and can anyone explain this scene to me?
How does the bartender know which particular brand of beer to serve him? Do they only offer one specific brand at that establishment?
thanks for being gay.
why don't you list your top ten kubrick movies?
it's not like he only made 13 movies in his life
Eyes Wide Shut
I AM, in a WORLD, of SHIT