Both Amy Pascal and Kathleen kennedy started as a secretary


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There is no justice in the world where these two incompetent hags are earning millions ruining films while I earn minimum wage on my dead end job.

(((They))) only need usable faces who do everything they say, so they took the stupidest they can find for the roles.

In Hollywood you fail upwards. This is common knowledge.

Bio-pic when?

Geoff Johns started out as Richard Donner's assistant and now he's DC's CCO.

The force is female, shitlords.
Deal with it.

This guy is cancer. Fucking manchild with his retcons.

>In Hollywood you fail upwards

same applied for big corporations

oh boy does it ever

there's a term for that but i forget it. someone help me out

shit floats to the top

You know, a friend of mine has a saying: in every institution the dumbest people are the secretaries. I guess nothing changes with a promotion.

How do you go from simple secretary to producer, to head of a studio unless you sucked a bunch of dicks in your way up?

The cunt is clearly unstable, just watch her ticks and twitches. Like a million bugs filled up a skinsuit.

That's still better than John Peters who started out as a hairdresser

probably jew father or some shit like that

I've seen her emails, she writes like an autistic child. How did she get there?? It's disturbing. She has a terrible track record of Hollywood bombs behind her. She even says "I'm finished" in her mails after the Steve Jobs biopic fiasco. It was before the Ghostbusters disaster, yet she's still there polluting Hollywood.

How do you go from failed artist to political prisoner, to fuhrer of an ethnostate unless you sucked a bunch of dicks in your way up?

He saved the Flash and GL books from cancellation and turned them into household hits.

He also penned the best JSA run of all time.

Fuck you.


>Peters was banned from the Man of Steel set by producer Christopher Nolan
What did Nolan mean by this

There's a difference. I don't know how a hairdresser got to participate in a Hollywood movie. Amy Pascal and Kathleen Kennedy were secretaries to producers. Kathleen Kennedy married one and became co-producer on his company. It has nothing to do with climbing the ladder through hard work and merit. These women are whores who took the couch shortcut.

Didn't Carly Fiorina also start out as a secretary?

How deep does this rabbit hole go?

Don't act like it's their fault a minimum wage job is all you can get at this point in your life.

>Kathleen Kennedy married one and became co-producer on his company. It has nothing to do with climbing the ladder through hard work and merit.
Reminds me of someone

Why are these cunts still allowed to be at the helms of their respective companies despite ruining them?


All my hobbies, gone in the wind.

What do you do now?

? Kathleen Kennedy is making her company Billions and Billions of dollars.

Good, now you can stop being a manchild.

She isn't making anything, it's the IP that is worth billions. Even a donkey would have made this work financially.

Shitpost and go /out/

Holy fucking shit this is what is exactly happening with blizzard, the main core founders have fucked off and just recently created Bonfire Studios, bug the signs were there all along

Probably tired about getting told to put in giant spiders everywhere.

But a donkey isn't the one actually making the money. It doesn't matter that it's easy, somebody has to be the guy doing it, and that's Kathleen Kennedy.

>the force is female, sithlords

Most people get jobs at entry-level positions and work their way up. You're not going to get your dream job right out of HS/Uni.

Yes. We all know the industry is ripe with nepotism.
She is married to director/producer Frank Marshall who has also produced a ton of Spielberg movies among other shit.
Christopher Nolan, Neill Blomkamp, Peter Jackson are married to their producers. Even James Cameron was married to Gale Anne Hurd. This isn't new.

>Christopher Nolan, Neill Blomkamp, Peter Jackson are married to their producers. Even James Cameron was married to Gale Anne Hurd.
Fucking sluts

> there is no light or dark
> the force is a spectrum

Watch it, femtards

>From secretary to executive charirman of the board

I wonder how.......

At any rate both need to be ditched because they're turned Sony pictures into a money-pit as their leftist social agendas have over-ridden basic business sense.

These guys aren't technicians who became director overnight after dating a female producers, and their talent is real except for Peter Jackson, which is a big hack to me. That's waht would be the equivalent of going from secretary to producer literally overnight.

It's not Kathleen kennedy either that is making the money. If she had made anything on her own in her life we could measure what she's worth but she's been riding on the bakc of Mrshall, Spielberg and Lucas all her life.
You want to know the difference between KK and Lucas? She's disposable at any time, Lucas wasn't. Replace this cunt with any Hollywood producer and you think Star Wars will stop making billions?

Star Wars was pretty dead before Disney and Kennedy took over

Didn't Amy green light the fucking Emoji movie?

I feel like read at least one leaked email of her discussing it and not in negative terms either which is enough to prove she is a complete idiot.

Yeah, it was so dead, they paid $4 billions just to use the brand name

They paid $4 billion for everything, idiot/


Disney fucked up. They assumed it was salvageable but its just not as good or important (anymore at least) as the autistic super fans make out. That original trilogy is still pretty charming but its not something you can replicate.

Star Wars is a great example of something that only really works once.

What do you mean by that?
>Disney paid $4 billions for a dead franchise, OMG they're retarded. Yet the movies already made $2 billions, that must be Kathleen Kennedy's magic , WOW

>only works one
>dead franchise
>successful television series
I knew this board was filled with delusional and contrarian idiots but this is a whole new level of stupid.

I'm pretty sure he means Lucasfilm.

So Star Wars was dead, but the rest of Lucasfilm wasn't???? This isbelow retardation. Is he talking about Indiana Jones???

Kicked upstairs?

That's really how you get anywhere in any industry.

What the fuck are you even trying to say at this point, you question mark spamming faggot?

Can a jedi be forcefluid?

You see this is why you can't give Feminist Jew bitches jobs. You give them a hand out, and they grab you by the balls

succ and fuqq game strong

Peter Principle?