Interspecies Olympics

Interspecies Olympics

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>Those disgusting legs
2/10 would not bang




It's a fair point. In the past years, the olympics has turned gymnastics from graceful eastern european girls to niggers who jump around like monkeys.

you wouldn't expect a german shepherd to race a greyhound. Why ratings are down 20%

>trying to frame your edgy angsty shitpost into some actual criticism of the sport

now youre just being retarded

>"help, opinions trigger me!"

I feel bad for the gymnast girls. Girls who are raised to be Olympic gymnasts are always fucked up mentally from the strict parents and coaches, and fucked up physically from endless training from the age of 4 to the age of 20. Their bodies are tiny and toned, but oddly proportioned. That one nigger gymnast is like 4'9" which can't be genetic. Her arms are fucking long as shit too. I think so much hard training fucks up their bodies while theyre still growing.

Fuck off.

>if you dont agree with my edgy comment, it means you are le triggered!

youre stupid

>the best current gymnasist in the world is a negro female

I thought females were inferior?
I thought negros were inferior?

Can someone explain this?

>get BTFO
>b-better call them niggers!!!!!

>now youre just being retarded
It's a proven criticism. The americans lobbied to have it changed so less emphasis was put on grace and appearance to take points away from the Eastern Euro girls trained at Bolshoi.

It's been going on for years asshole, a very real thing. At last olympics, the italian bronze winner joked "maybe next time we'll paint our skin black so we can win!"

I wasn't even the OP. get your eyes checked dickhead.
Love all the shitbags who think they're ahead in the race, when they're so far behind they've actually been lapped.

No we must all be entirely equal and a blank slate except where blacks are better

Really makes us think

What happened to cute gymnasts?

"We now know that the ideal body type—including size, weight, height, and other factors—varies from sport to sport. And over the years it's resulted in dramatic changes seen in Olympians. The average gymnast, for example, has shrunk from 5'3" to just 4'9" over the past 30 years"

It started with Mary Lou Retton and now we are down to 4 foot 8 chimps.

Now what, that you've been exposed as useless? People like you never have a big mouth in person bc you'd end up with your fave beaten in until the surgeons couldn't even sew your lips back on.

But tough over the internet.

simone did better than everyone else she competed against and youre bitching because shes black

Why I lolled?

>except where blacks are better
Gymnastics is subjective. Do you really think the judges don't know the american team is full of niggers, NBC is paying over half the bill for our hotel rooms, food, and other free shit, we better give the american chimps the best scores?

compare the Eastern Euro female gymnasts with the niggers who are like literal chimps and tell me the nigger is "better."

If that triggers you, maybe you should go back to tumblr.

Gymnastics isn't subjective bro.

The scoring is very laid out and logical.

Each "trick" has a maximum score, the judges have to judge the form based on the ideal and they deduct points for mistakes and deviations from the norm.

>When you think back to how hot 2012 United States Olympics team was

This year was butt fucking ugly monkeys

>tell me the nigger is "better."

she is, by the fact that she won gold. you really have no argument other than "shes a nigger!"

>did better
By whose estimation? The kike who pays the piper calls the tune to the point where events are now moved around to fit into the ratings prime time for the east coast USA.

do you think the judges are objective observers, and don't realize "it's 2 niggers, a spic, and a jew, they expect the best scores?"

watcha fucking TV show, see a commercial, see what the Jews are pushing. Find a female who has done gymnastics competitively, gain her trust, and ask for her real opinions.

you'll get an earful. fuck, even search on the anonymous forums for the sport. it's not a secret.

do you think...the new harry potter play in london has a nigger hermonie "bc the nigger was the best actress," or bc of PC pressure?

i wish to lick their footpussies

>By whose estimation?

the judges

>its a conspiracy by da j00z!

lol youre losing the plot. Stay triggered stormfag

>the scoring is very laid out and logical.
you don't have a high Iq:
a. it is very much subjective, or why more than one judge? Why not computerize it?

b. you don't seem to understand, the americans literally lobbied to have th erules and qualifications changed to where it no longer favors grace and poise and is now just which girl can be the most masculine and has the highest test level?

Like everything else good in the world, the jews have wrecked it:


Judges should deduct points for ugliness.

>Stay triggered stormfag
it's our board, jewboy.


anyone have the uncensored pic?

>the judges
typical jew ignoring the point-- do you think the Jews understand that NBC is paying their bills, and that they need the US team to win to help their ratings?
Yes or no, a simple question.

>why more than one judge?
Redundancy, the average of multiple judges is going to be more reliable than a single point of failure

>Why not computerize it
Make a flawless gymnastics-judging rig that is as accurate as a touchpad on the side of a pool or a camera catching the first break of a white finish line and then you'll make tons of money and it'll be computerized. Until then, we need human judges.

Uneven bars still look like that. I don't know what your gripe is. Simone wins the vaults fair and square because of her awesome upper body strength and great sprinting speed she can launch herself higher than other gymnasts and perform more advanced tricks with more time to land them.

You just hate looking at her ugly mug and gorilla shoulders so you build this whole convoluted argument why gymnastics is somehow ruined because a nigger can succeed at it.

Square your racism with reality, it's more comfy.

Shut up, nigger.


>lose argument

>calls me a jew


youre points retarded and you write like an out of touch socially retarded autistic. Simone won and all you can do is say "nigger" as if its an actual point and not you just being triggered that a nigger is better than you

Simone's and the nappy-headed latin chick's floor routines were so fucking embarrassing to watch. Writhing and twerking in the middle of their routines. And absolute shame to this country and the sport. Aly has a phenomenal body and her routines are classy and graceful.

Her face is also a shame to the sport.

Bumping for this, did that really happen or is this just a photoshop?

Would not bang either, but how does it feel knowing that a nigger and a chink are in better shape than you are, neckbeard faggot?

pretty normal i grew up around niggers and asians.

you are cherry picking, how many nigger are on the top? how many whites are on the top? how many asians?

Don't see why he should feel bad. Black chicks have the highest percent of obesity.
I'm usually surprised when I see one in shape.

>>the best current gymnasist in the world is a negro female
No that is a man without a doubt.

>Can someone explain this?
Fast twitching muscle fibers