has trump finally been stumped? an advanced political model that has correctly predicted the last 30 elections has just forecasted a landslide clinton victory
Has trump finally been stumped...
that's Nate silver retard he's the same guy who said Cruz would win the nomination
Oh wow that advanced model factors in the electronic polling fraud? Technology sure has made strides....
Tell me, did it predict who the Republican nominee would be?
I wouldn't be surprised. The way Trump has tanked I don't think I'm even going to bother with voting. There's no point, he's gonna lose and Shillary will win and that's that. He just needs to learn to shut the hell up sometime, but obviously it's far too late for that.
Election's over. This is just like everyone memeing back in 2012 about Romney winning and "BTFOing Obamafags." People had hope til the bitter end but we all know how that went.
Wow consider my record corrected!
>$0.05 has been deposited into your account
Political polls are just used to influence votes. The media should be ashamed for pushing them so much.
>inb4 300 replies again
>an advanced political model
WTF now I hate math.
Well I guess now #Istandwithhildog
>implying anyone on Sup Forums liked Romney
Jeez, CTR, if you're going to shill at least do it right.
I wish cunts, is there any way I can get in on shilling?
.mil doesn't pay me enough
Nate Silver? Isn't that the retard who used an advanced political model to forecast Trump had a 1% chance to win the primaries? LOL yeah, lets listen to that nutjob!
>Bunch of random Romney words on a Sup Forums background color
Oh shit CTR you BTFO of /pol now
Thanks for correcting our record
We are on suicide watch
How will we ever recover
Guess we #lovedamemequeen now
You seem upset.
stay mad
>$0.05 has been deposited into your account
Can we hug it out at least?
kek does not will it
that image has been floating around here on Sup Forums for years now gtfo
>he wasn't here in 2012
Get out newfags, always knew the Trump meme was coming from /r/the_donald and stormfront
This shit again