Why do I make excuses for Hillary?

>Hi everyone I hope you are doing well.

I make videos about race, crime, Islam and redpills in general.

An angry ape accused me of doxxing.

What does pol think about Atheist Roo?

link your vid

He's pretty red pilled on Islam and Blacks and I enjoy having his anti-The Young Turk videos in the background. He's against 2a and is a Hillary supporter so fuck him.

Most entertaining channel on YouTube.

I'd rather watch one of his hour long videos than listening to Sargon for 2 minutes.

Who are we talking about, Jamal?

He's not even on the same league as Sargon or Armored Skeptic.

He's definitely more redpilled.

Following E-drama is for faggots and women

Everyone involved in it is also a faggot.

He needs to stop Doxxing like a faggot, Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general should declare a user war on this cunt.

I think his ideas are on the right track but I canĀ“t stand his videos because he spends more time insulting than countering points.

Chubby chasing gaming is good too

Name a single person he has doxxed

Kraut and tea, Ape, and a many many others there are plenty of videos, or do they censor it out for your little tanned Brazilian tranny ass?


He didn't doxx Kraut you kebab rapebaby.

Someone revealed Kraut's name (which isn't doxxing btw). Roo was blamed for no reason.

A affiliate of Devon, devon, want more info, google is your tool.

Now run along, little spic tranny mutt breed

Name is a gate way to doxxing, Tracy's own family was swatted as a result.

He should know this and stop acting like a manchild about it.

Devon had no involvement you inbred gypsy.

Keep making excuses you mutt breed homosexual

Devon is promoting the idea to his fans, and he does not condemn the activity of name dropping/doxxing , in fact he promotes it, and tells his fans to do it.

Brazilians really do have shit for brains.

Devon is a lefty who has some points but is still wrong. He supports Shilary for fucks sake.

I like the agnostic emu better.

Hes a subhuman doxxer anti gun. He is worse than niggers.

Fuck him, doxer piece of shit.

>atheist roo
>agnostic emu
What's next? Pious Platypus?

Waiting for the Theist Koala

>Most entertaining channel on YouTube.


He may be against the second amendment, a Hillary supporter, a "doxxer".. I don't care, the man makes some good videos.

Either you show proof Devon was behind Kraut's name leak or stream yourself comitting suicide.

AiU is a channel of peace.

both the roo and the emu doxxing people is not only a shitty thing to do, but is outright illegal.

If you cannot prove your point in a debate with logical arguments and reasoning, then you are just as pitiful as the sjw's who do the same thing with their shitty argument.

doxxing puts you at the same level as these sjw's.

A piece of your personal information here, a piece of your personal information there.

Total faggot and mentally insane attention whore who can't take criticism. I hope AIU commits suicide on google hangout.

his videos are good but lack any real substance other than ad hominim attacks, he also whines like a bitch and releases names of people when they disagree with him (not technically doxxing but still cunty)

Also for someone who has claimed the Kangaroo for his online persona his level of banter is far from Australian-tier

if you look at sargons earlier vids he was like the Roo, had well thought out ideas and shit

i guess making a vid every 2-3 days doesnt allow the mind time to digest/regurgitate a entertaining response
unless you're Alex Jones

Kraut had his picture tossed up on some message boards, he could actually get arrested for his videos on islam