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he ain't shit compared to tyler

still dont understand why this shit is so addictive

my first time watching and this dude is pretty likable

I haven't had fastfood in months, i usually have it 1-2 times a year, fuck i want couple cheeseburgers with some fries and a ice cold coke.

he has hundreds and hundreds of reviews and ive been bringing up random ones to play on tv while i eat

helps to fight the loneliness a bit i suppose

TFR is my man, just wish he would upload more. I think he's depressed.

got taco bell today so i watched a couple of those reviews earlier while eating


He's depressed because he's homeless now, living in the back of his car after being kicked out by his parents. Surviving on a measly $368 per month from Patreon

You can even see his bed in the background :(


just realized im fighting my own loneliness

well i have this now

i like his accent

You have truly failed in life if you enjoy watching these videos unironically.

You have truly failed in life if you use the the adverb form of ironic unironically too

>just wish he would upload more
you and me both

"I am living out of the car at the moment, I haven't been kicked out and family relations are great. I don't want to share too many details at this moment, just know that things are OK." if he wasn't kicked out why is he on the move and sleeping in his car, very strange even for review brah

On other hand we spend hours of our *free* time posting here, reading here. Looking are weird news, getting excited about happening, investigating things other people won't care, spreading our hate towards what we considered wrong, even hoping a frog can be a new deity.

Failed at life? Not really most of us have jobs, wives and kids.

People find me funny the first few hours then I get bored pretty easy. Politics and magic mushrooms are my hobby. Most people talk about stupid topics and when they aren't stupid they are problems. Even sex is boring after a while.

i wonder if he'll ever post yesterday's review

he said it was a "tough day"

Brings me back to the glory days of /ck/

>he adjusted the camera angle to not show the bed
gotta keep on moving
gotta keep on moving


Fuck I haven't watched in a few years, does he actually live in his car?

dunno man maybe he'll share some more info soon

I ate 4 burgers this weekend

No surprise, you live in Burgerland afterall, hope they were tasty.

someone make a punished reviewbrah pic.

I unironically like his channel content and his personality.

how long until he realizes all this food is trash and goes full vegan/lean gainz

Is he autistic?

Let me guess,
This guy is somehow involved in the KKK

he posted on /ck/ that he tried to fuck his sister (she's hot)

I guess the 4chin wincest memes got to him

his last review from home was on july 26th

he thinks he's being gangstalked, so he might be "on the run"

What kind of car does he drive? That sloped back looks like a Prius.


Some people just have an urge to make it with as little as possible. I had that same urge out of nowhere 2 years ago when I was 28. I straight up lived in my car and survived on around $100 a month. Trying to live comfortably and having it being a challenge actually felt great, and honestly, I never felt more free in my entire life. No schedule, I did things when I wanted. I did that for 6 months before I "got it out of my system".

Maybe reviewbrah is just doing the same.


is review brahs life goal to be a professional food taster?

we should help him fulfill his dreams

>fuck his sister (she's hot)


He fucking does the episodes in his car now? what the fuck

Whatever happened with that guy just walking into his house?

yeah I read that, seems like people think he's having some mental troubles

why wont he get a job instead of making shit videos for a pocket change of a few people? Its like those twich kids who have 10 viewers and beg them to pay their bills

Imagine this fucking kid in highschool,
sitting silently in class wearing a suit, normie kids joking all around him, having a goodtime.
>he thinks to himself "all these kids are fucking idiots"
>teacher hands him back his marked exam, he got 54% on it.
>still considers himself smarter than everyone

How old is reviewbrah? I swear he hasnt aged a day in 5 years

Did Trudeau up Canada's own National Shitposting Agency budget as 'job stimulus'.

about what time does he say that?

Most people who think they're being gangstalked become extremely hostile schizophrenics. Hope he turns out okay.

somebody got that around blacks never relax gif of this young fellow?

haha yeah, who would ever be that kid ;_;


posted it on his reddit sub page a couple days ago

More sauce?

Why is he always wearing suits too large for his body?
This triggers me.

Well, I mean, eating all of this fast food is not good for the brain.

Trying to emulate the 20s-50s style?

He likes old school suits, who had more room unlike today's fit/slim trend.

jesus she looks just like him

He actually was getting stalked though.


I bet he's a David Byrne fan.


Need more

Christ it looks just like him
Are we sure that this isn't just Reviewbrah with his hair grown out?

Saw the memes and wondered who this dude is so I can listen to the shit he must be saying about black people. Find out he only reviews fast food.

That's not very tolerant of you, Al-Canadalus.
Stop bullying.

Seems like a good guy. Hope he gets things going better for himself.

>He's depressed because he's homeless now, living in the back of his car after being kicked out by his parents. Surviving on a measly $368 per month from Patreon


Holy crap! She's beautiful! More?!


Kek. Bless him.

He's being stalked by a Sup Forumsack who broke into his house and uploaded pictures of his family, you idiots. That's why he's running


Why is this fellah so popular on here. His videos never have a political vibe except maybe social commentary about seppos and how much they love shit food.

Looks like reviewbrah in drag, stop being this desperate and set your standards higher.

woah. Is there any truth to that?

Because he's not a dick and living his dream. The hero we need.

reviewbrah is that you?

Yes, there was a thread on /r9k/ yesterday or maybe the day before that documented it all. Check the archive.

i thought it was just a troll since reviewbrah never mentioned it but he's been living in his car since around that time

that's a fucked up dick.

>people unironically defend circumcision

Anyone here see his "idle mind" videos?

Probably hasn't gone to a tailor and everything fits him weird do to his size and proportions.

I know that feel.

God bless him, I love his dry humor.

He just isn't degenerate

which review was this?

All these normies can't see the charm behind Reviewbrah's videos.

checked the archive for r9k someone posted the thread archive from pol took me a minute to find

yeah that's the one. nice find

Has anyone told this kid he looks like a male Lorde?

See, I had read that those photos were from a family trip that RB himself had posted a while ago...?

This is so bizarre. Maybe the homeless thing really IS just a scam so he can get more money on his Patreon.

I'm searching the archives but no luck

what the fuck is going on. Is he really being stalked by someone here? That's really fucked up if true, I can't imagine anyone would want to do that but if so, fuck that guy, creeping someone out on purpose what the fuck.

If it's all a ploy by reviewbrah to drive sympathy for his patreon account, well, I just have to say what a masterful ruse green van following him everywhere, 2 spooky

> I wanted my head to appear smaller and the easiest way to do that was to make my body bigger

it's either real or he's fucking snapping

reviewbrah wouldn't forsake us

Because, as you've obviously failed to realise, Sup Forums is nothing but Sup Forums, /fa/, /mlp/, /r9k/ and /fit/ with a more racist twist.

This place is as full of pedos, furries and faggots as everywhere else on Sup Forums, they just roleplay being edgy nazis 60% of the time.

Does no one remember the user in here that was posting about him calling him by his name and talking about how he was suicidal. Guy seemed legit obsessed with him.


the op failed to post a pic of the green van in the archive
which leads me to believe they were leaked from review brah himself but not sure, but he said so himself someone was stalking him