Reminder that this is who Millennials heed political outlooks from as a direct result of lazy public schooling.
Reminder that this is who Millennials heed political outlooks from as a direct result of lazy public schooling
I'm with him. Denying climate change is just like denying the benefits of vaccines. It endangers our population and in the long run can lead to large scale suffering. Any doctor who does not use vaccines properly gets in trouble. Just like doctors that don't handle abortion proceedings properly are. It should follow that scientists who do not handle climate change properly should face the consequences as well.
Suck China's dick some more, user. We're not losing nearly hard enough yet.
he's not even a real scientist.
>bill nye the bachelor degree guy
t. Drumpf
Reminder that solar activity changes earth temperature every year. Global warming may not in fact be man made. If this guy was legit he would know this
What if you don't believe in climate change but want to keep the earth clean? It seems like the media plays the one way or the other game with that kind of shit.
>want to keep the earth clean
What do you mean?
I swear that most young people think that Bill Nye and Neil Tyson are like Americas top Scientists or something like that. They really believe these guys are at the top of their game.
The average person isn't smart enough to comprehend climate change. It would be unethical to jail people just because they have an exceedingly average IQ. Just show them more simplistic educational videos featuring cartoon characters and don't listen to them when they talk about things that go over their heads.
Climate changes all the time and is warming was pushed....weird how they had to drop the term global warming and use a term which is axiomatic....we are coming out of an ice age...and until the ice caps melt it will continue to change....
>The average person isn't smart enough to comprehend climate change.
Believing in man made climate change. it's 2016 for fuck sake.
It's like you haven't even read a single piece of new information on the matter in a decade.
Why would he need to. They're still peddling the same Bullshit.
>hurr dur 97 percent of scientists agree so it's undeniable despite climate change deniers never receiving any funding for research from liberal universities
Chicken Little had some great stories too.
>jailing people for thought crimes
As far as im aware that is the common opinion among the science community.
Good thing he isn't a lawyer or judge
Thank God STEM-fags stay out of Law
1 9 8 4
Fucking climategate. The data was rigged for political agenda you dumb fucks. Cap n trade. They don't even quit polluting they just pay a tax and keep going. Hahah low IQ, fuckwad. How did the Vikings farm Greenland? Warming period after ice age was responsible for population boom in Briton. Eco warrior fuck off, go back to the lefty shit hole you grew in.
Shill Nye is the fucking mouth piece of the (((science community)))
Bill Nye the Terminal Bachelors Degree in Engineering Guy
Regardless of what you think or what is causing it, the climate is changing rapidly.
When I was a kid in the 90s summers in Canada (just north of Torontistan) were like 25C and about 1 - 2 days of 30C, now they hit 30C every other day and nearly 40C on bad days.
Aside from anecdotes, we have hit record high temperatures in almost all categories every single year. This year we never had snow and the grass stayed green through the winter.
Well this doesn't sound familiar
Not at all
Climate Science is the new Religion.
>there have been periods of much higher temperatures in history
>there have been periods of much lower temperatures
>there have been periods where all of the ice caps have melted
>but this period, right now, is a dangerous change
Galileo was arrested because of rumors his character "Simplicio" was the Pope, not because of heliocentrism.
Copernicus' heliocentric works were highly praised by the Church, because Copernicus wasn't a dick like Galileo.
>Rajendra Pachamemi caught red handed faking his results about glaciers
>clearly shown that the IPCC was overly alarmist
>"nevermind lads let's never change our position about it"
"the science guy"
is a mechanical engineer.
half of them just design heating/air conditioning their whole life.
NOT a scientist.
jesus christ
why don't you just finish your post with a nice "I love the new world order"
Nostalgiafags are getting out of hand.
What a complete faggot this guy turned out to be, huh?
The motherfucker is a fraud.
And there should be a law putting climate change scammers into jail... starting with Bill Nye the "science" guy.
Bill Nye the Mechanical Engineering Guy
The earth has cooling and heating periods, denying that is unscientific and we haven't deviated from that
Ever heard of sub species, really dumb to imply we're all the same
Always was
Care about environmental issues
>The average person isn't smart enough to comprehend climate change.
Prove to me without a reasonable doubt that climate change is happening and man made
I"m not a scientist by any standard, last time I studied biology I was 16. But I do watch Forensic Files. (I know how laughable this sounds but bear with me) Anyway on a number of episodes scientists have made statements like "Looking at this skull or these bones or this DNA sample we can tell that this person was white/black/etc." There was actually an episode where some guy faked his own death and put a corpse he dug out of a random grave in Mexico in his car and set it on fire. Investigators looked at the bones and knew right away that they came from somebody who was either Latino, Native American or Asian and could not have belonged to a white man.
Also, a few years ago they came out with a pharmaceutical drug called BiDill which only works on black people.
So I can't really see how that is true.
The oceans are getting fucked up right now (temperature, pH difference, etc). I've seen the change over the last decade, and THAT shit isn't suppose to happen. Once the oceans go, life on land is royally fucked. Watch Racing Extinction for a summary
Thanks for this
Weather is colder and more consistent here in Melbourne
yet people on Sup Forums do?
dude worked at boeing, he developed the system that makes them 747 ride softer
also, attacking ones credentials is a good sign that the person doing the attacking is stupid
Even if you guys end up being right it won't matter because 80% of the planet dont give a fucking shit so you might as well assume that youre wrong and hope we're right
me? im doing everything i can to pollute. i even throw trash on the street. i know its a nigger behavior but im willing to take that critism if it means upsetting a couple of lefties in the process. The mere idea of an hypothetic leftist that could pass by 30 minutes later and sigh at the sight of the trash i thrown fill my heart with joy.
Bill Nye is a fraud, unscientific moron.
Climate change is a Chinese conspiracy, Trump even said so himself.
You guys are being a tad strawman on this one. What the lefties are referring to is prosecuting lobbyists who promote misinformation about climate change. It's like what they did with the tobacco industry in the eighties. Now argue.
>When I was a kid in the 90s summers in Canada (just north of Torontistan) were like 25C and about 1 - 2 days of 30C, now they hit 30C every other day
I lived in the GTA back in the early 90s and temperatures in the high 30s were common every summer, at least in Mississauga. Did you live by the lake?
I used to watch you on TV in school Bill, I used to sing your song, you used to brighten my shitty day.
Fuck you you fucking libcuck.
>dude worked at boeing, he developed the system that makes them 747 ride softer
ok? including non sequitur credentials is a good sign that the accredit-or is stupid
>lobbyists who promote misinformation about climate change.
Just like Ernst Zundel in Canada was charged for "spreading false news" about the Holocaust? It's always shady when people start to get prosecuted for their opinions; at the very least it causes others to suspect that those being prosecuted are being silenced for telling the truth.
Wow, a far-left loon is also an advocate for totalitarian measures against dissent opinions. Who would have forseen that.
>"I know better than a scientist"
Please, elaborate on how climate change isn't real... I shall wait for your response.
Niggers and gooks are the same specie, no the same race.
You know it's a jew-made hoax when people go to jail for denying it.
Yeah, but you have to weigh this with public health concerns. I guess what it really comes down to is how much you buy into the climate change meme. If you do totally, which is easy, then of course you'd prosecute.
so are we pretending "global warming" never happened?
Why do people feel the need to ban discourse? If it's 100% true the facts will speak for themselves. It's almost as if they want you to believe (((their))) narrative.
I am waiting for you, the non scientist, to explain to me why climate change isn't real.
Weather is always changing every thousands of years you dumb nigger. Did you think Ice Ages were a movie franchise?
You can still censor facts, you should know; you live in a nation where the government and media do it on a daily basis.
>tripfaggot is a retard
Not surprised.
>Someone should go to prison if they disagree!
That's retarded, I don't believe we should jail flat earthers just because its a fact that the Earth is round. It doesn't need to be a law, because its provable, nothing should be off limits in terms of science, the whole point of science is asking questions and researching to find an answer for said questions while evaluating all variables and doing an experiment to ensure it all adds up and then you find your findings and come to a consensus. It is not 'HURR DURR U CAN'T DO THIS XD', nor has it ever been, this is the scientific method.
>Bill Nye
>A scientist
i want to know what happened to "global warming" first
He later went on about the evidence of common sense backing up his claim. The guy is a fruitcake.
appeal to authority
and we aren't saying it's not real, we're saying humans aren't the cause
Anyone should be able to believe whatever they want to its not his place to decide that. But if he's talking about scientists who deny climate change why should he be afraid of them if the evidence is so compelling to every scientist.
>absolutely no facts in his argument
>you have to weigh this with public health concerns
Which are what, exactly? How do we know that global warming alarmism isn't just another in the long line of mankind's apocalyptic doomsday scenarios? (And you can't even say "because science", since a lot of the findings are based on dubious computer modelling and shaped by intense peer pressure; the experience of the Soviet Union and other Communist countries proved that even scientists can be corrupted on a wide scale).
>major spikes in all data across the board just after the industrial revolution
okay buddy :) just our of curiosity, what is in it for you to disagree with man made climate change?
>muh scientist xD
Tyson and Nye have 'honorary' degrees, they are not real scientists. They are literally TV and media stars that have been put on a pedestal because they talked about science. This is the equivalent of giving actors on E.R. a medical degree, or electing an actor because he played a politician in a movie, this is retarded.
>muh no argument
Really makes you think, then again you've successfully had me take the bait three times now. Great going, really rused me, really makes you think.
you posted a lot of text without saying much
this guy was a janitor working on the set of some studio.
some producer guy basically told him you look like a great faggot dork, lets do a science show. and the rest is history.
the is an actual video of bill nye's history which explains this somewhere. but its obviously not on youtube and very hard to find.
What pisses me off is that by the time we all find out that climate change was a hoax these assholes are going to be dead already. None of the people pushing global warming are going to be held responsible for their lies.
If anyone should be arrested it's people who push this shit down our throats even thought it has been completely debunked for years.
>† Lord Josh Reynolds † !LRPOisE/mE
>You can still censor facts, you should know;
Private media outlets routinely suppress information, but strictly speaking this isn't "censorship", since it's not as if someone is being prevented from speaking out. Nobody is entitled to be heard on somebody else's platform.
>you live in a nation
Anything that can be said about US media is also true of the Australian media.
you don't even know how to filter
Yes, our government is terrible on climate change.
What is your point? a Canadian scientist has already said that our politicians should be thrown in jail for the lack of effort on climate change in this country.
what's in it for you to agree with it?
and correlation =/= causation, this castle here was built by the romans in england back when they controlled it, and back then it used to be a coastal fortification built to house a fleet.
it now sits a mile inland, are you saying that humans caused the little ice age?
>what is in it for you to disagree with man made climate change?
He's bought and paid for by Big Oil, just like everyone else who disagrees with you. That's why the government should have the power to ruin his life forever while you watch and cheer from the sidelines.
most people are stupid
who the fuck cares
waste of a thread
fuck me
>All humans are the same species therefore there's no genetic or demonstrable difference between different humans
Yeah no.
I just hope that you're trolling for replies because otherwise I genuinely feel sorry for people that are as stupid as you.
It's really scary because a lot of people in power don't agree with climate change as well, and they happen to be in the business of fossil fuels. You have to ask yourself, what is in it for scientists to lie about climate change. You know how much of a pittance scientists earn compared to the people in the business sector?
>Attacking someone based on past work
I guess George W. Bush should never have even set foot near the office considering his Coke Habits, and Bill Gates should have just sat around and done nothing because he dropped out.
What a fucking stupid way to attack him.
great argument there bud
First reply, worst reply.
I think one of the only reasons why millennial (boomers probably don't know who he is) put so much stock into him is because they used his videos to break the monotony of public schools.
>Climate change scientist support the idea that their field exists
Hurry, burn the fucking constitution.
>a Canadian scientist has already said that our politicians should be thrown in jail for the lack of effort on climate change
David Suzuki is another eco-totalitarian. No real scientist would ever suggest jailing someone with a different opinion on a scientific matter, but our society is heading into a new age of political fanaticism and repression in general -- look what happened to James Watson after he casually mentioned Africa, for example.
this is embarrassing
Please explain how that being said by trump would give it any more credibility than if it wasnt said by him ?