What type of actors can you completely not stand to watch?
Other urls found in this thread:
Idris Elba
idris elba
Donald trump
robert downey junior
Nicolas Cage
Women. Understandably so.
Why did OP post of picture of typing an 'n'? What literally does this even mean?
niggers, jews, women, fags, all non-whites, cucks, race-traitors etc
Anone who is not a white, white nationalist, patriarcical, straight man
Most of them
Movies are shiite anyway
Gotta look past individuals to even consider wasting that kind of time
Bad ones
Benedict Cumbitch
Nicholas Cage and Jeremy Renner.
You shut your mouth
That's the controls for a map or radar. VRM means visual range marker.
How odd.
Tell me, do you have women because they can't stand the sight of you?
Tom Hanks sucks