Exposing the objective and visible weak points of capitalism in today's world is cringy, work out better arguments

>Exposing the objective and visible weak points of capitalism in today's world is cringy, work out better arguments

it's not that capitalism is so good, it's just that there aren't any real better alternatives to capitalism. fuck off if you say socialism.


>capitalism is da best if ya dont agree ya a commie

not an argument

irony posting isn't an argument

No one in this thread has made an argument yet, including OP.

>with gommunism we'll all be equal !!!!1111

>rich pypo are rich cus dey work hard
>wtf you want a 100% inheritence tax? fuck off commie my kids should get free monei!!

>durr bill gates doesn't work 400000 times harder than the average american so he shouldn't be earning 12 billion a year
If your arguments are like that then yes they need some more work.

>bill gates needs that money guys stop attacking him!
state of canada

What he does with that money isn't your problem, parasite.

he donated most of it.

Explain why reward should not be proportionate to effort or skill, please.

ceo does not have 10,000X the skill, that's unproportional reward

>What he does with that money isn't your problem, parasite.
Take off the proxy, mutt. I know you're a mutt because you're using the same insult in another thread.

He's agreeing with you.

>what is regulated capitalism.

Also not every industry does best under a capitalist system, such as healthcare.

Because hard work can be unproductive and results are all that matters. Bill Gates brings more value to the world than a coal miner hence his generous income.

Capitalism with a strong social net and welfare system is the superior system that assures both individual success and happiness will preventing destitution and stagnation.

If this is not the case may moot erase my post.

>bourgeois stockholders are greedy penny-pinchers
>bourgeois stockholders vote to lower salaries and lay off hardworking workers for an extra penny in profits
>CEOs are unproductive leeches hired by greedy bourgeois stockholders and paid astronomical salaries which eat into the profits of said greedy bourgeois stockholders
I don't get it.

You don't have to be bourgeois to own stocks.

>using the word bourgeois
>not cringy

moot doesn't exist

You're entirely right. Except America has no strong social safety net nor decent welfare system which is what is being criticized because the GOP always takes two stances, one is that "THE POOR ARE LAZY AND DONT DESERVE ANYTHING" and the other is "THE EBIL GUBMINT IS TAKING OUR MONEY". They then proceed to cut everything from education to social security to social programs while rolling back regulations that protect and help people.

>having a good vocabulary is cringey

back the trailer park with you.

>You don't have to be bourgeois to own stocks.

>you a parasite!
>dose who life of da labour of odders are cap'n of industree!

>it's a /leftypol/ American episode

So I'm a bourgeoisie because I have a job and bought some stocks?


>ur leftypol!
Not an argument.
You have neither because you're a pathetic LARPing virgin that pretends to be "le sucsessful bizness man" all the time when you spam your threads, but yes, it does.

>I have no argument so i'll call him a lefty!
>that'll show him!

I'm not larping anything though. What proof do you need?

Argument for what? I'm not debating your lard ass, I'm just pointing that you are a cringy /leftypol/ shitposters that's been in every fucking thread. Bourgeois is as cringy as Sup Forumsterms like shareblue shill or shit like that.

Or maybe you're just an absolute retard and multiple people have picked up on this.

Not a LARP. But you'll say it's fake and call me a virgin (somehow that's an argument but you are the master of calling out nonarguments afterall)

Yeah man, bourgeoisie is definitely a "leftypol" term on par with shareblue and other pol terms. No one outside of hurrr leftypol says it.

>$23k is successful

I didn't say I was successful or rich, I said you don't have to be bourgeois to own some stocks. What the hell is your point you fucking idiot? This board truly is dead.

>irony posting isn't an argument

It's more a problem with regulation than anything, really. You can still have a public economy with government oversight, despite what conservatives will tell you.

>capitalism works

I think most reasonable people(non-trump supporters) understand and want this

>You can still have a public economy with government oversight

Right. I mean, I still think the ones on the far left cheering for communism are morons, but at least they don't vote.

In this scenario, the government is competent.