ITT: post the most IM ACTING screenshot, winner gets a prize
ITT: post the most IM ACTING screenshot, winner gets a prize
I'll do you one better, here's a gif.
I really don't know why this scene was so popular when it's clearly overacting
same could be said of the entire show, barring a few good actors
This just makes me angry.
is she playing a disabled person?
holy shit I am NOT looking forward to the Han Solo movie with this talentless browbitch in it
Definitely a byproduct of her theater background. Suprised no one has told her nicely that you don't need to over exaggerate on film.
I love her eyebrows
have you ever actually been to a play?
Exaggerating your performance on stage doesn't mean making spastic facial movements. It would be over the top for pantomime.
Close the thread, doesn't get any more I'm acting than this
Is this the way British people view American film and television?
nah dude
Are you telling me this is real and not some cgi trickery?
Ya, how dare should actors have any emotion whatsoever.
No one actually yells when they're angry.
Also, let's make sure we all post the actors we have unwarranted hate for! Especially those feminist women!
What's even worse is that the OP is trying to mislead people with that screenshot. She's actually lip syncing to a song in that scene.
someone kill them please, especially cara
>people think this is bad acting
you clearly have never been in the same room as a late 20s SSRI-ridden soccer mom at a baby shower. I don't think that Emilia is consciously portraying this type of woman but this is actually how they behave. The SSRIs fucked their capacity to exhibit natural emotions so they instinctually 'overact' when they're in situations that require a display of surprise (for example) as seen in the gif.
You have to go back
Based graham norton