Is pic related any good?
Is pic related any good?
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No. Sup Forums loves it because of "comfy feels" or some such faggy bullshit.
No, but give it a try and you might like it. You have a better chance of liking it if you like The Flash show, but I like that show and fucking hate the Supergirl one. I also have a friend that likes Supergirl comics and she, too, hates the Supergirl show. Also the actress isn't attractive. But give it a shot
I'm just wondering if season 2 get's good ratings could a superman show be possible?
Most of the acting is truly awful. It's like they went to the bottom of the barrel in their casting
The gag reel for the show offers more entertainment and better acting than the real thing.
Possibly. The character is toxic now, so it doesn't matter if he appears in a tv show.
Watched first episode with high hopes.... Utter shit, sjw crap. Makes you want to vomit
There are things to like about it, but not many. You watch it and think at some points, It has potential I hope they keep this up, but it rarely lasts. Red Kryptonite was pretty entertaining, Martain Manhunter centered episodes are pretty good. But other than that at best you get meh. and at worst you get annoyingly laughable.
I wonder what direction CW will take the show.
There's a gag reel for this? Where at?
It starts slow picks up when they introduce live wire
I'm honestly worried that it being on CW will ruin it
Superman needs to lift
Laterally perfect.
Depends. Are you easily triggered by anything that might be considered SJW? Does the notion that there might be pro feminist or even just basic "girl power" elements in a fucking Supergirl show elicit a deep seeted resentment in you?
If so don't watch it
I personally think its alright. Nothing absolute 10/10 must see, but entertaining enough. I know Sup Forums likes to pretend that anything short of 10/10 is instantly 0/10 but its not that bad. Not THAT good mind, but not that bad
That is a fucking awful picture of the bloke playing supes. He doesn't look great anyway, but that's a particularly bad photo
>Implying Superman hasn't had fuck tons of TV shows over the years
DC aren't as jealous with their toys as Marvel. We've got a Flash show and a Movie Flash. The films exist but so does Gotham
literally perfect
Watching Supergirl would be like watching a women's basketball game
I personally didn't notice much SJW stuff aside from the occasional Cat Grant line - which makes sense for her character.
Shut the fuck up mate, this is Sup Forums. You've got to over react to even the slightest whiff of the SJW menace.
Either its wall to wall unwatchable feminist SJW bullshit or none of it is.
so..."at least its not an infomercial"-tier?
Is that you, Sup Forums?
Is this me?
>The character is toxic now
Please kill yourself.
It's cute and a good time. It picks up around the Livewire episode.
It also does the Superfeel way better than Man of Steel
Yeah, it's pretty good. It does have a few problems like the feminist shit in the first few episodes, and their reliance on giving Supergirl Superman stuff, like Bizarro, Livewire, For the Man Who Has Everything, etc. But it is a pretty decent show. Probably the closest we'll get to a Superman show in the Arrowverse since Warner Bros. was being bitchy about Superman and Batman appearing. I'm looking forward to season 2.
Yes that is a good picture.
Considering what DCfags are defending these days I'm sure they will say it's good on some sort of level. The denial is worse than Phantom Menace denial.
Starts bad, but gets better over time til it's good to great depending on the episode
It's a good show. Give it a try. I liked it from the first and it has been getting better. Plus their super-verse is about to be expanding with Mon-El, Ms Martian and possibly even Superboy as Cadmus comes into play for Season 2.
she thinks she can be a Superhero, right? Even tough she's a GIRL and she won't let the villains tell her what to do?
No. I am watching it right now - half to enjoy it in a so bad it's good way, and half because I want to be up to date for when she gets dumped into the CWverse. Right now I'm on episode 1
>"She's not strong enough to win"
>"Why? Because she's a girl?"
NO! Because she's getting the shit kicked out of her obviously. They could've put some actual effort into this, but it's so lazily written that it's laughable.
You guys realize you can google "Melissa Benoist" and jack off to her being fucked, right?
Is that dyke cop planned for season 2 cute?
Kinda. They didn't have the balls to cast an actual butch woman like in the DCAU.
She's alright, who will she fuck though?
Kara's sister