Rep. Chaffetz, Chairman of the Full House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform, and Rep. Goodlatte, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, officially recommended Hillary Clinton be indicted for Perjury charges to the FBI yesterday
Rep. Chaffetz, Chairman of the Full House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform, and Rep. Goodlatte...
Shit want happen. She has too much of the corrupt, globalist relying on her to let he fall on something like perjury charges.
IMHO, there will be NO legal or even political scandal that will be big enough to take her down in this election cycle. Prove me wrong.
Congress has been neutered. The office of the President has too much power.
Is there really no way to berate our politicians into doing something about her blatant corruption?
absolute madman
I have a huge boner for Chaffet and Gowdy but this shouldn't go anywhere, Hillary would just say "I thought it was the truth at the time." I hope I'm wrong though.
they can't because you are correct. people gotta stop getting hype over this shit, its only the 20th time I've seen this kinda thread.
Why would Congress go after her?
he's going to end up in the bottom of the river because this case actually can fuck hillary
It's called diverting and diluting her resources. It's a form of RL shilling.
I hope he's extra careful when he goes to the gym now
he's pretty fucking based
When she testified to congress during the Benghazi hearings, her statements were not consistent with the FBI's findings. So she either did not tell the truth to congress, or she did not tell the truth to the FBI. Both are a felony.
Yes, and? Most Congressmen are criminals themselves.
Based Chaffetz
who else watched the oversight committee rape Comey live?
But it looks like she didn't tell the truth to Congress. But they have to prove that she "willfully" lied. FBI will probably come out and say she did not willfully lie, or if Hillary has to give a testimonial, she's say she didn't knowingly give false information. One thing she knows how to do is lie.
Watched it and loved it. Him and Gowdy get rowdy as fuck.
You're a massive faggot, please an hero.
Needs hard proof.
Suicide when?
Liberal here, Chaffetz is a blowhard but I agree with him 100% on this.
It was wonderful.
>tfw Gowdy and Chaffetz will never become Swedish citizens and become mayor political players in my country
>tfw I joined a political party in hopes to be able to do what Gowdy does one day
I would sell my left nut to have lunch with Gowdy, that man is a fucking American hero. Shaun White doesn't even shred that hard.
>officially recommended Hillary Clinton be indicted for Perjury charges to the FBI yesterday
>FBI: it was a crime but we can't charge her because of reasons
Case closed, nothing to see here folks.
He should have ran for president, there was quite a few republicans in that hearing that were intelligent and well spoken, yet their primaries were filled with Jeb, Rubio, Cruz and Kasich.
I like Chaffetz. Please be OK and watch out for suicides
I think the issue therein is that he has no interest in being president, he's right where he should be and he knows it.
Reminds me of Gladiator, when Maximus turns down the role of Ceasar even though he'd do well at it; just wasn't for him.
Better than this illiterate nog
Its funny seeing Trumpfags make the same thread over and over. Its fun seeing their hopes go up until they realize nothing will ever happen. When they realize Trump is losing this election badly. Their whole world is crumbling around them.
I'm here with my popcorn watching all these TRUMP LOSING ELECTION threads. Praise fucking kek. God knows these Trumpfags deserve everything they have coming to them. They are the scum of society.
Im not too well versed on American politics, can Gowdy ever run for president? would he?
All they have to do is allow flash cameras into the session. Literally make flash cameras the only cameras allowed.
And then it will be done.
>mfw seeing he CC'd Cummings, Loretta and Comey the absolute madman
Yeah, he can run.
If anything he'd want to be attorney general, and fuck that would be a sight to see.
Rolling trips to put this on MSM tomorrow
How many of you knew Elijah Cummings and John Lewis were two different people?
Unlikely. Only one sitting member of the House of Representatives has ever been elected president.
There's no way Hillary will make that statement herself. If evidence then surfaced that she did knowingly perjur herself, she would be another layer deep.
He could, he probably wouldn't. We need men like Gowdy in Congress. That being said, i'd give my left nut to vote for him.
Special prosecutor is last resort.
because they dont want to have to deal with her shit for 8 years
because if you're responsible for putting hillary in prison you're guaranteed to be re-elected however many times you want + pretty much guaranteed to win the presidency if you ever run
and maybe they just care about the law being equally enforced
>because they dont want to have to deal with her shit for 8 years
But they do. If it's not her, it's Trump.
>because if you're responsible for putting hillary in prison you're guaranteed to be re-elected however many times you want + pretty much guaranteed to win the presidency if you ever run
No, you're pretty much guaranteed that your decades-employed maid is going to kill your family and then herself.
God forbid our government actually upholds the fucking constitution
Nice trips
REMINDER....this bitch needs to go to jail for the murder of Seth Rich.
>But they do. If it's not her, it's Trump.
The congress is majority Republicans right now and will likely stay that way until 2018. Republicans see Hillary as literally the devil. They would much rather deal with Trump than another Clinton.
He said his "probation officer" (his wife) wouldn't be happy if he ran which means "ill think about it"
Also....BASED Chaffetz.
lol Chaffetz used to live in the house behind me in Alpine Utah.
Fuck him, this creepy fuck used to look over the fence into my moms room, not even memeing he's a peeping tom
>le trump is as bad as hillary
The Republican party is opposed to Donald Trump. Republican voters see Hillary as literally the devil. Republicans do not. Proles are not party members.
Trump is a class traitor.
hey isnt he that weasel that got Blown The Fuck Out by planned parenthood when he tried to pass off a graph as anything other than some fake garbage?
Has anyone followed up on that and proved that it was from either a) Planned Parenthood's corporate reports or b) that anti-abortion group?
I'd like to know where it's actually from if someone could provide us with the primary source of the graph.
Elphelt is a shit waifu
Fuck off marxist.
Thank you for correcting the record.
>she's stuttering, fluttering eyes (nervousness), and verbose (diverting)
>stutters that she's never seen the graph, and how rambles on about how she's shown him all their graphs and she's never seen this one before and omg this is unfair so bs lol
>he informs her the numbers are pulled right from PP's books
>her handler comes in to save the day by telling her to say "this company did it", as if it mattered which company did it when the numbers are from their books
Don't let her libtard circular bullshit get the better of you.
She's too corrupt, and all those questionable deaths surrounding her most likely point she'll do anything to seize power if she has to.
Yea, I can picture it now, Chaffetz and Preet, the media will say something like it was a love triangle suicide, found in the bottom of a lake, necks broken, typical Clinton style.
Him being a class traitor is good, moron.
Ok but does that match Planned Parenthood's corporate reports?
Your understanding of the state of our country seems extremely fragmented, and it sounds like you're overestimating the scope of your knowledge.
Much of the Republican establishment is behind Trump. There are exceptions, numerous ones, but by far, the majority is now pushing for him. Republicans do not want Clinton. They don't want her so badly that they will fall in line for Trump. To say otherwise is not to have an equally informed but differing opinion; it's just flat-out incorrect.
>There are exceptions, numerous ones
Most of the Republicans jumping ship for Hillary were likely bribed to do so to fuel the Democrat propaganda machine. The ones that weren't were simply looking for an out and Hillary seemed the most convenient, since the Republicans will welcome them back if they apologize in the event Trump wins, but lumping themselves in with the Democrats means that they can continue to work a cushy job in politics.
alpha af
post pics of ur mom fgt
i dont think thats it
i think the republicans who don't support trump take that position because they think the GOP will dissolve if Trump is elected and a new party will form so they want to protect their jobs
im not so cynical to think that republicans in congress would support hillary, but they definitely toe party lines
stay strong swedbro, please save your country
>Every time it was a black democrats time to speak
Thank you my western brother.
Does that guy have the lower edge of his goatee half way down his neck? wtf?
R.I.P. based Chaffetz.
Chaffetz fucked your mom.
He'll be dead before the election.
Hope he doesn't go to the gym, fly in a helicopter, shoot himself in the back of the head twice and then walk into a park and die somewhere near a bush while 2 guys in suits walk away, etc
Every time a (d) would speak it was time to mute, always a nigger or a woman or both, never even addressing the matter at hand
How long before his unfortunate weight lifting accident?
Chaffetz is the man. He's been making these FBI fucksticks look like the scum they are for months now. Ty based Mormons.
Sadly, I bet you're right.
I can't even differentiate between those guys when I saw both of them at the DNC.
Came here to post this.
Its shit like this that congressional hears became famous for.
Anyone have a best hits for congressional hearings?
How can one man be so based? How hasn't he dropped a barbell on his neck while shooting himself twice behind the left ear yet?
Thing is, that would be another lie. Hillary told Congress there were NO classified documents on the server. The FBI found that not only was that not true, there were several documents that were MARKED classified, meaning that Hillary did know they were classified.
But I do agree with you this won't go anywhere. It's just gonna fly over everyone's heads, the media, the politicians, and the American people.
Chaffetz Gowdy 2020
Gowdy Chaffetz 2020
Doesnt matter witch
I don't know how she could use that defense because she was told multiple times during her usage of the servers and her camp responded "matters wont be discussed further". So she obviously knew about it.
Let me ask you this, if she unknowingly lied then how did she willingly tell the actual truth to the FBI?
Was Rand Paul call for indictment of HRC shut down ?
My mind can't wrap my head around the double mysticism going on in this post.
and I was just watching this too, Bill Whittle predicted exactly this.
rare gowdy there friendo, mind if i save it?
Wow, you're right.