North Korea

Is this the single most based country in the world?

>well respected leadership
>nobody questions authority
>strong traditional values
>not afraid to go to war against any outside threats, unlike modern western pussy nations
>claims an entire country as its own
>no reliance on other nations-- almost completely self sustaining
>one of the largest and most powerful militaries in the world

>Self sustaining
Yes the current famine and economy being frozen really shows how self sustaining the country is.

The famine is intentional to kill off any weaklings.

The weak should fear the strong.

How could I forget

>no Jewish influence
>no Rothschild banks

>self sustaining

Best Korea regularly begs countries like America for food relief after taking the few western people that visit hostage for political leverage

Here is good idea turn starved weaklings into food so important people don't go hungry

And you know this cause your Jewish media told you?

No I came up with that idea myself, fawken weetard.

>using political leverage to get your way
I see no problem

Good idea.

Why don't you move there?

not jewed out. not taken over by chinks. not influenced by shitty japanese culture or degenerate jews. not having its people diluted by chink and jungle gook immigrants

as a gook, I have nice feels about nk tbqh

I will one day once they reclaim Korea and start opening up immigration processes.

>well respected leadership
nobody cares about that fat little bitch

>nobody questions authority
you sound like a cuckold

>strong traditional values
enslavement =/= traditional. moron.

>not afraid to go to war against any outside threats, unlike modern western pussy nations
they haven't done shit except bother south korea a little bit

>claims an entire country as its own
imagination land: political style

>no reliance on other nations-- almost completely self sustaining
it's a small little indoctrinated shit stain that can be purged in a matter of hours if one of the big boys ever feel like it

>one of the largest and most powerful militaries in the world
yet they have accomplished nothing in the way of military success

fuck off dumb ass

>nobody questions authority

Good goy

Reminds me of the joke.
>a north korean and a south korean meet. The south korean asks: so hows life in nk?
>nk replies that he cant complain

>north Korea

PRK is the only true non-kiked country in the world. Not an argument.

It's based if you're near the top as a high ranking officer. Lefties who think they are smart think communism is the best thing for a nation but they would never do the dirty work it requires. No they would be a general or a party spokesperson or somebody that actually benefits from such a system.

Worth noting that any country with a top 20 GDP would kill North Korea in a fight

>Australia would beat PRK in a 1v1 fight


You're still an easily manipulated tool if you never question authority.

>more elite military
>better equipment and vehicles
>no chance of nuclear attack

Git gud

Respected? More like feared madman. Traditional values like he's a living god. Self sustaining with massive famines. Military malnutritioned and populations growth stunted.
The famine was due to central planning sucks balls. No banks, as all money belongs to dear fat leader.
They have a supreme leader and a few lackeys that can do whatever they like to the populace, way worse than even stereotypical conspiracy kike theories.

Nobody questioning authority is different in the PRK. In the PRK, there are no Jews. Therefore the authority is most likely running in it's peoples best interests.

>not afraid to go to war

They always threaten to go to war but they never do. Empty threats

They are empty threats because the Western coalitions back off every time they threaten war.

>>well respected leadership
>>nobody questions authority
Even a fascist nation needs SOME feedback or it goes to shit.
>>strong traditional values
I can get that in Poland with less garbage autocratic BS and better chances to not get killed over random nonsense.
>>not afraid to go to war against any outside threats, unlike modern western pussy nations
They won't.
>>claims an entire country as its own
>>no reliance on other nations-- almost completely self sustaining
>>one of the largest and most powerful militaries in the world
...powerful how?

What is your response to the Jewery? It is in fact one of the few non Jew'd countries in the world

>What is your response to the Jewery?

I can assume you to be a Sup Forums regular, which brings me to one question; why are you defending a country that has criminalized internet and freedom of speech?

Because without those two things, the PRK would lose its strong national identity and succumb to Jewish and western influence.

>>no reliance on other nations-- almost completely self sustaining

then why do they import almost all their meat from china (which in turn buys it mostly from the U.S.)?

Alright, so what if it was a Jew restricting internet and freedom of speech(even more so than they already do, I mean)? Freedom of speech is most people have in order to combat systems they disagree with.

PRK and the Mao single handedly fought off the Jew in the Liberation War of the 1950s. There is no Jewish influence, outside or in.

There are some Germans mostly east German communists living in NK. As long as you can bs your way around the Propaganda you can have a pretty comfortable life.

A lack of Judiasm doesn't mean anything other than a lack of problems specific to Judiasm. Fighting off Jewish problems doesn't mean anything if you force Communist problems and oppression on everyone instead.

last time china sent a train full of relief supplies, Kim took the whole actual train too, kek

china is not pleased with that little turd

well, nobody is gonna want to feed 40 million starving zombies, better nuke the place before the SJWs wants us to adopt NK too

I know someone who lived there for many years. It's not as bad as media is trying to tell us. The person I know not even once saw starving people. And she was free to move anywhere. The economic is stable and there is no crime rate at all. Of course lots of propaganda but people are happy over there (as long as you follow the rules).

I wonder how long until America feels the urge to "free" and democratize North Korea.

They are doing pretty well in Olympics.

Is this their first time?

What exactly is your definition of "based"?

Make sure not to shed a tear in front of authorities when you go back, Seung.

Zionist meme country just like you. Just like all Sup Forums OPs

PRK actually has a pretty good history in the Olympics. They're usually pretty good at weightlifting especially.

>>no reliance on other nations-- almost completely self sustaining

>The famine was due to central planning sucks balls.

Yeah, I'm sure that the fact that other nations refused to trade with them had nothing to do with it. The fact that enemy nations are waiting to attack at every border forcing North Korea to spend 50% of its budget on defense has absolutely nothing to do with it.

It was totally because of central planning.

This. The current state of the PRK is mainly due to Western eagerness to wipe them off the earth. Why don't we try leaving them alone for 5 years and see their prosperity then.

>we got rid of that mild head cold everybody
>so here have some terminal cancer instead

So you're emigrating when, motherfucker?

North Korea best Korea

>strong state sanctioned socialism is worse than an Israeli run west


>total lack of freedom


That's where you're wrong

Shit bait

>Well respected leadership
Well they have to respect leadership
>Nobody questions authority
They will get shot or disappear if they don't.
>Strong traditional values
Agree with you there although some of their "traditional values" imply worshiping a human as a god.
>Not afraid to go to war
If this was the case then they already would have bombed south korea
>Claims an entire country as its own
Very true. Very little countries could do this
>no reliance on other nations-almost completely self sustaining
That is far from the truth as they heavily rely on supplies and funding from china
>one of the largest and most powerful military in the world
This is true from a number and discipline standpoint. However, if any countries such as the united states(which already has twice the military power as north korea) were to team up with lets say south korea and japan then it is not even close.

Lets not forget from a technological, overall strength, and logistics point of view North Korea isnt even close.

At best they continue to bait people and desensitize them but not actually do anything offensively. Japan, south korea, and the united states all know this and that is why there is no offensive necessity on their part. They have contained themselves.

This. All the supposed horror stories that come out of North Korea is propaganda.

>Well respected leadership

Yeah having the pillsbury dough boy who can't even count to 10 properly is truly a respectable leader.

Is it amplified? Yes. However you have to realize from their point of view they also amplify how "good" everything is as well.

Tbh the truth is somewhere far removed from either side.

top cuck