Why did television seem to decline in quality around 2007?

Why did television seem to decline in quality around 2007?

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Too thaowsand ate mair kat kallopse

It must be because I'm old but both of those sides look no different.

Not just tv. Everything. Video Games. Movies.

because 2007 is the meme year picked by Sup Forumseddit before which groveling nostalgia is expected

Yerah I noticed that decline in varous media too

Try to speak without buzzwords fucktard

Technically the market collapse began in December 2007, but nobody knew it had been happening until October 2008

The only thing this image shows is that they are shitty shows nowadays. Shitty shows existed in 2007 as well though, and so this image is fucking retarded.

Instant access to all of tv and music ruined it. You don't have to pay for a show and then actually watch it. Nobody's invested in anything. Too many choices.

They cancelled Veronica Mars in 2007. It's obvious.

It's because your nostalgia ends in that year. Also you recently became an adult

>only picking shitty shows for the right side


>born in wrong generashun

2007 was when the last remnants of the "early 2000s" era died off.


iCarly is a horrible show. Thank god we got Victorious which was pretty good for a while.

this was the time when internet/browsers/computers/websites became mainstream easy too use.

Basically I blame Apple for making products retards can use, this flooded the internet.

we shifted into a mandela universe where soros and hillary almost destroyed the white race using brainwashing in the media, but pepe and donald trump fixed the world's course into the right timeline. this all happened in 2007 because the people inside the hollow earth alligned with the nessesary vibrations. reptilians want to control both inside and outside the earth but Sup Forums's kekistani army handled it pretty well imo. whenever you fell in doubt you can ask the collective consciousness aka meme magic via reddit and /r/The_Donald to help you out

It was hearalded as the end of racism but everything got worse after, more rasism, sexism, 24 different genders bullshit.


t. born in 1998

.. Do you not remember the Writer's Guild strike? In 2007-2008?

There's your answer.

Those were some of the goat Conan episodes

There are literally no differences between the two sides of this photo

1999 thank you very much

That frog in the bottom left looks like Pepe. Another case of meme magic?

Someone born in, say, 1994 would be more likely to think 2007 was when everything went to shit, because they became a teenager at the time.

Someone born in 1998 would be more likely to remember 2007 fondly, because it was still their childhood at the time, and instead mark 2011 as the year where things went to shit.

yes but shills will say no

shadilay my brother!

>think Nu-history channel is good at all.

We passed below the 90 point average IQ treshold.

>Why did television seem to decline in quality around 1998?
Fixed that for you.


That kid and his armor reminds me of Juni in Spy kids 3

>tfw history channel used to be wall to wall world and civil wars docs


What about the Flynn effect?

Why are you putting children's shows in there? Go back to Buzzfeed you nostalgic manchild.



but chowder premiered in 2007

It hasn't been disproven, it's just stabilized in some countries.

it started to decline with the advent of reality television: survivor and american idol. survivor's first couple seasons were actually okay. american idol was always gay. then hollywood piled on and dry humped the genre and created all sorts of cancerous permutations.

It breaks my heart to look at what the history channel has become. Now it's just reruns of Pawn Stars and other "reality" show bullshit.

Anyone else feel like they can pinpoint the change to the exact month?

December 2007.

I remember being extremely depressed December 2007-January 2008. Something went terribly wrong somehow and I was like a zombie for 3 months. Something about the world had changed that made pre-2007 seem like paradise in comparison.

>the world revolves around me

The problem is with the writer's strike. They just started churning out garbage reality shows because no guild writers and they cost nothing to produce. Plebs ate it up so they just doubled down.

>solipsism ftw
Stay salty, figment.

I felt the same.
As if the collapse of the world somehow became inevitable at that point.

That's when I begun getting obsessed with apocalyptic TV shows and media.

Isn't December 2007 the official start date of the Great Recession?

stupid young fags. In December 2007 things were still peachy. October of 2008 was when shit got real

Because you are no longer a child. You are still a faggot though so youve got that going for you

>t. spook

TV actually peaked around 2010 or 2011 so you're full of shit OP.

the dubs choose wisely

2010s is height of television. No matter how much you hate GoT, television is becoming the new film.

Basically pic related, but also what these guys said.

ask king "diversity" nigger obongo

and his black cock sucking hollywood friend

>Sup Forums is just a messageboard of solipsists arguing over which one of them is really there

Thoughts on how the sopranos ended though?

You're wrong though

Unconventional but good



thisI think we struck a divergent time line around then

You just grew up

It didn't in any significant way you're just cherry picking is all.

This happened to me too but it was the day halo 2 released, everything felt bleak and horrible like I had slipped into a shitty alternate reality where I failed at everything.