Nine Iraqi migrants arrested after woman 'drugged and gang raped' in Austria

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inb4 they get released in 24 hours.

why are the jews printing this now from new years?

Arrested for not picking up weekly allowance.


Sometimes i wonder if politicians are simply retarded or if they actually have some agenda. Letting so many barbarians through the gates... What are they thinking?


Did i miss something?

You realize allah is the same god christians and jews worship right? whether you like it or not thats the truth. Not sure if that girl is religous but she is retarded

The Islamic takeover of the world is absolutely inevitable. The numbers simply don't lie. They think (foolishly) that if they welcome them with open arms now, these savages will let them keep their mansions, and not brutally murder them.

Or they know...not let them in.

Retarded and totally incompetent. The big politicians have an (((agenda))) though


I dont know do you watch news? I think they are too stupid to have an agenda...

Right. Their thought process is that when there are 13 billion muslims, and a few hundred million whites left, they will rape pillage and exterminate Europe without mercy. They think that by extending an olive branch they can recieve some mercy. They will not.

she probably supported the mass immigration, so deserved it

Not much, but politicians with a few exceptions are pretty smart people. They DO have an agenda, and it all revolves around continuing to recieve lobbying money, bribes, free vactions, and mansions. Peasants be damned. This has been true since the dawn of recorded buman history.

Well that agenda ofc, i was thinking about some global larger plan, you know one that requires some planning, thinking?

they do take alot of sex slaves

they'll collectively get like 20 hours of community service

Chaos is the agenda of the EU. So they can use it as an excuse to expand government in take away more freedoms. The politicians on a local level can also be corrupt (bribery etc) but in Europe they mostly lack the means, strenght and courage to tackle the migrant menace

Well then.

>the bumbling politicians meme
Media purposely portrays them this way when convenient. If someone fucks us over, we can forgive them if it was a mistake out of stupidity. But if it was out of selfish exploitative greed, then people will clamor for your head.

You dont even need a degree to become politician it should be one of most important jobs but it requires no education, no skills whatsoever beside charisma and $$$

Yes it's fucked. Always question the media narrative though.


If 300 million Arabs lose to a couple of million Jews three fucking times, I think a billion white people have nothing to fear from 1.3 billion Muslims.

We're talking about the future here
Caucasian children per family 1.2
Hispanic children per family 2.9
Muslim children per family 8.1

Give it 2 or 3 generations. They are going to outnumber us tenfold

Fuck off AHmed MooHamMed.

They didn't know which apartment it happened and the German girl was completely wasted.
Had to take DNA to even find the guys and shit.

On one hand, I'm glad they're arrested and hope they won't be able to stay in that country for long.

On the other hand... I hate my country. It's not fair

I'm not an immigrant. All I want is to study med in a foreign country, but I keep getting reminded that I'll never be more than just an Iraqi.

Your shit-posting skills are weak when you can't even present proper statistics. Nowhere in the whole world does the TFR for anybody stand at 8.1. Overall TFR has been declining around the world for years now. If you look at first world nations the TFR has stagnated or slightly increased. Russia is prime example of a country that turned around it's record low birthrates after the post soviet collapse into the most fertile nation in Eastern Europe. Meanwhile fertility has been dropping steadily in the developing world (except for central and Sub-Sahara Africa nations, but that's nothing new). Don't post numbers unless you have at least some believable facts.

That should read

>Nine Iraqi migrants shot after woman 'drugged and gang raped' in Austria