It's about a ultra conservative Pope who wants to bring the church back to its medieval glory...

It's about a ultra conservative Pope who wants to bring the church back to its medieval glory. And the guy is literally a saint and can make miracles.

A fucking masterpiece.

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Don't blame Sup Forums just because you're a pleb user, that's the path of failure and weakness.


I just started watching a couple days ago, and am about to start episode seven. This shit's fucking good.

Maybe watch the full season before letting your retardation get the better of you, user.

Imagine being this much of a pleb faggot

dont be baited by this, it doesnt partake in modern culture wars

ITT. Times where Sup Forums recommended some shit show

fuck this pretentious boring ass show fucking Sup Forums.

>Now look at whoever is next to you. Look at them with eyes of joy. And remember what St. Augustine said: if you want to see God, you have the means to do it. God is love.

>I, on the other hand, won’t speak to you about God until there is peace, because God is peace, and peace is God. Give me peace—and I’ll give you God. You know how wonderful peace—you have no idea how disconcerting peace can be. But I know. Because I saw it when I was eight years old, on the banks of a river in Colorado. Peace.

So fucking beautiful, man.