What is the message of this movie?
Other urls found in this thread:
capitalism is evil
hahhaha show him this
I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass.
>Duke Nukem is old as fuck
>This movie is even older
all men are gay
duke nukem?
what does that queer have to do with the hot rod Rowdy Roddy Piper?
nice dubdubtrips
Thanks,pretty kitty! I have been working out so it was just a matter of time.
>what is the message of this movie?
Fuck off commie scum
I watched this when I was a kid and enjoyed the fuck out of it as merely a dude being woken up to an evil alien race attempting to brainwash society at large. Real world politics never entered into it and I enjoyed the fuck out of it.
Whether Carpenter likes it or not, They Live is a flawless depiction of what it's like when you first become truly aware of (((them))).
His protests against this interpretation are like those of Piper's friend who he fights in the alley. He knows deep down that it's true, but he can't accept it.
Fuck yeah bro! Turn your fucking brain off! I fucking love it! Fuck!
Same. It is amazing how experience changes your outlook on life.
Has nothing to do with turning your brain off, you idiot. It's just an enjoyable schlocky movie on its face. Nothing you say is going to change my mind. Insult me for it. I give no fucks. Go live your life.
Yeah this whole scene really is a testament of the sad state the world is in. People who sees reality for what it is against people who want nothing more than to stay sleeping sheep.
They Live is about Jewish control of the world.
There was a thread recently where OP(fag) posted a fight from some childish movie claiming it was the the best fight scene ever.(probably a henry porter movie)
I think this movie has the best fight ever.EVAR!
I never saw a pokemon suplex a gay anime fella while shouting "Just put on the glasses!"
Put on the glasses
You dirty mother fucker