Jews did 9/11
Jews did 9/11
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are you aware user that 9/11 is a very important day in the islamic calendar, where they sieged vienna over 2 days.. starting 9/11 of 1683.. for al qaeda to use that date.. it's game on again.. civilizational jihad without a caliph but jihad by the womb 4 wives on purpose.. islamic law is instructed to have up to 4 wives to outbreed the host population who then call for sharia..
Look up the siege of vienna.. september 11th and 12th where the muslims lost.. most people don't even know this is the case "muslims the eternal victim" that tried to eradicate your seed for 1400 years "oh that's just frigging outrageous" yes.. but it's true.
i'll give you a little nugget now that we're all just suddently in here.. revelation 9:11 they had a king over him which is in hebrew abaddon, or in greek apollyon means destroyer.. arabic name 99 names of allah = al-mumit the destroyer/bringer of death.
Don't be afraid, since muhammat II took constantinople by force they became the heir of the roman empire.. the continuation..
You came here thinking it was a western thing, it's a very inspired event of al ikhwan.. it took help to make those towers fall.. well don't give up now.. the fun is just beginning :)
now that the vox populi realizes it was actually an islamic event to coax the US to destabilize middle east for order out of chaos mahdi level that only comes in a massive muslim civil war.. which can only occur.. in a massive destabilized middle east with a muslim civil war.. out of chaos order... some might look closer into things they did not do before..
>Being this autistic
or so they would like to think.
this is now a Denmark thread
You people are everywhere. You're killing the board
ok hotshot friendfætter prove me wrong :D
Obama muslim brotherhood
Huma abedin muslim brotherhood
Bush skull and bones 322 bones make the corner the skull is the head of the corner hazrat mahdi.
Go lurk /x/ and learn how to properly shitpost.
>you're killing the board
must be proxys
already trying to woo trump pretending he has no connections haha.. just search out malik obama endorses trump..
She's aid to hillary clinton with the emails.. muruna dispensation of sharia.. 37 pages linking her no bullshit just for lack of attention span.
She should be in jail by now but nobody cares.
Let's stirr the pool even more :D
knock yourselves out..
Also don't say i'm fucking killing the board ever again, are you on drugs..
I don't shitpost just get the fuck out of my way and shut your mouth.
Can you be a bit more edgy?
shut your fucking mouth you subhuman monkey.. think before you say something to me again.
He's just collecting (you)'s and attempting to get others to bump the thread. Just ignore it.
hold nu kæft fætter.. han er en idiot hvis du nu lige ser på linksene så er huma som er hillary aid (confidante) hendes mor er del af al ikhwan.
eller lader du som om jeg bare poster et eller andet 10 smarteste dyr i verden?
Yes yes.. monkey see monkey dodo..
kill yourself nigger
Siger ikke at du er forkert på den, siger bare du opforer dig som den storste autist i verden
kiss kiss :D haha why you so mad bruh.. does it hurt you in some personal level?
when will this "jews did 9/11" meme will die ?
Den storste autist for hvad? det er sku lidt uigennemskueligt men fint.. altid et god alibi
i'm biggest autist for pointing out islam is very connected to that event.. don't you all knows it's only jews did it.. and jews are not at all into islam although they a) facilitate muslims into our nations b) have same symbols.. stay woke..
my little danebro is blissfully unaware about the star of rempha.. i mean star of david and how it's the kaaba.. and how they are not the true tribe of judah and how they try to eradicate europeans every chance they get.. He's mr. smartypants.. socalled redpill awwww :D shucks..
I agree with you m8, idk what these other faggots problem is
Er du ikke en lille krollebolle hva.. er du ikke sån en lille sod en en lilla krolla bolla.. :D
ah mens du sover kære ven..
kom og slås attentionfag
jeg skal skuda ikke slås med dig din idiot.. tag dig sammen..
>ah mens du sover kære ven..
Hvad skal det her så betyde?
jews what.. under 10 million (synagogue of satan) muslims 1.6 billion (the beast) doesn't it seem like they're helping eachother a bit too much.. in destroying europe.. lot of (((names))) to help muslims in..
appearances can be decieving..
Hmmm.. oh i got a good one..
Based euro debunking einstein relativity by him fudging the math.. on a fucking jew could fudge the math so far to create a nonexistant construct such as a black hole
It's right out of the believer scene.. the jew is a nomad.. "well what about the people in israel" based they're not the problem the jew is a nomad.. omfg.. it's so great the cafeteria scene.. just check that out after you watch this thourough einstein getting BTFO..
division by fucking zero, the relativistic model destroyed..
It's an electric universe why we have two poles and a magnetosphere and the sun is plasma and might be very stable..
Also plasma, the neutral state is scalable.. they replicated the shape of galaxies with it
se einsteins relativitets teori om sorte huller BTFO i 40 minutter, det er så let at se hvad de gjorde forkert.. en idiot så hvad en anden idiot gjorde gjorde det også forkert.. en tredje idiot sagde det var nok ok og ingen sagde noget.. så kommer en rigtig matematiker og påviser de var forkert..
Hvad har det med noget at gore?
Fucking jews only ones who could fudge the math about our entire universe to create a black hole where there's no such fucking thing! see freud.. haha..
It's made by jews.. in psychopathy the ones villanizing people want to get caught. They know that freud and einstein is a total fraud before what i just linked proved it with einstein.. the math doesn't even fucking add up, but division by zero it must mean the gravity is infinite.. no :D
So they had to add the part in the end, and make the guy who tells the truth about them a self hating jew..
>to pull at the very fabric of life till it's nothing but a thread
i'm a male, i have a penis and fully biological male.. am i transgender or not? *mindgrenade*
SO when they have some gender surgery they kill themselves.. because then they realize.. i'm a biological male.. without a penis and i will never be a female.. and they shoot themselves in the fucking head.. and the media is FUCKING ENABLING IT..
What's funny is with the holochaust where they were sent to showers at the transit station and at majdanek.. noone ever saw it they just imagined it.. when it was simply standard procedure to separate males from females they go through showers for infection control.. they didn't see it it's incredible.. and the fucking holohoax happened and they didn't even saw it but they imagined it.. It's not even logistically possible..
And for perpituity they are an exhalted class with special priveledges.. whilst the allies killed millions of the germans by deliberately not feeding them.. who are the putzes..
Do you have any idea why..
Let me put it this way.. if you can face a lie and see that it is a lie with everything against you to say to you it is not true.. then you have passed a test.. of the vanity of man.. and of the deciet of man.. man says one thing but it's wrong..
When you understand the levels and the primitive instruments man are able to suffer through to lie to you about what is right in their faces.. then you will realize what is really true.. Can you go only by the evidence and nothing else? then you would pass..
even if every single human being were a moron, are you able to percieve the truth through evidentiary procedures.. or will you be a little willy nilly bastard that just says ah well they all say that's the way it is..
humans are worthless..
And that's where the cherub went, unworthy.. but we are not entirely unworthy but only for a time till we a given a reason not to.. stripped naked before the seams.. we are maleable.. you say one thing to one thing, do they do it.. unless they have a structure its arbitrary.. filthy beings smashing our own cause..
And they're wrecking this thread
In job he says behold here is a man who does good.. ah but does he fear god for nothing because take this away and he will curse you for lacking it.
and satan said this and god said do this to job but do it it by YOUR hand..
till job was nothing.. the visceral experience of being brought low.. so satan by his hand takes everything away from job and job sits and his friends sit and he's in darkness. and he doesn't know what to speak.. and he speaks.. and he curses everything.. and god tells him job you don't know why i am doing it (some consolation right).. what is the flaw of the cherub.. you might not see it at first.. he got what he wanted.. but perhaps it was the way he got it.
you know death is easy.. life is the hard part..
and then god in the bible refers to star constellations and things regarding the cherub and why he led him to that flaw of the cherub.. little good that would do him.. things are not so transparent.
When you kill an animal to eat it, do you care about it.. we are fallen. to extinguish that light we make shadows of our own..
dubs = Jews
trips = Bush
singles = Aliens
classic Israeli con-job
just look at what they did to the USS Liberty
only when you know you live forever does these things make sense.. when that is taken away you are in the horror of what could have been.. in the bible it says
"That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?""All the kings of the nations lie in glory, Each in his own tomb" (the egyptians embalmed literally everything)
But you are cast out of your tomb
like a rejected branch;
you are covered with the slain,
with those pierced by the sword,
those who descend to the stones of the pit.
Like a corpse trampled underfoot,
you will not join them in burial,
for you have destroyed your land
and killed your people.
Let the offspring of the wicked
never be mentioned again.
Prepare a place to slaughter his children
for the sins of their ancestors;
they are not to rise to inherit the land
and cover the earth with their cities.
When you do not bring justice in life it is brought elsewhere. some sought to seek it out for it to be justified.. is why jesus says forgive.. Two ways to settle the mortal coil. Death is the easy part.
what would a hangman say if a hangman could hang man they could never hang man enough that man had to be hung.. Some say that hell is a bad thing, why is it? to extract from them the suffering they have caused others is an implicit thing they must suffer as they had others suffer. For it not to exist would be the utmost of herecies.. How can a god that is merciful envision such a thing as hell.. says the naive child that has done no wrong, but many have done wrong. And many must suffer. how else can truth be just..
Rev 20:14 though it might feel like an eternity But it's not permanent that is imagination "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death." Only exactment of the things that were in life that were not repaid.
And then when you are punished for what you have done.. you will remember it for where you go.. And justice is served, not human justice.. that means nothing, the true justice happens when you die.. human justice is just sorting out our everyday living :)
No home, no life, no love
No stranger singing in your name
Maybe the season
The colours change in the valley skies
Dear God I've sealed my fate
Running through hell, heaven can wait
For every piece to fall in place
Forever gone without a trace
Your horizon takes its shape
No turning back, don't turn that page
Come now, I'm leaving here tonight
Come now, let's leave it all behind
Is that the price you pay?
Running through hell, heaven can wait"
thats alotta stars