Other urls found in this thread:
He had a pretty solid apolitcal stand up career before he replaced craiggers on the daily show.
>He had a pretty solid apolitcal stand up career
No he didn't, his career was infamous before he struck gold with TDS
the man whos done more to ruin this country then any other individual in the past 50 years? huzzah
Yeah im sure he will avoid the political talk and go back to his roots. Give his fans what they really want.
Thank God! I need him.
I'm back baby
Who gives a fuck about this fucking narrative pushing kike except for faggots, women, and brown people that hate white people
Can you really call it "stand up" if you're 5'6
>not liking based John
He made good shit during the bush era, can't blame him for getting a literal nigga and then a living meme that's on you America.
Do you realize how fucking stupid you sound?
But I like him BECAUSE of the Bush era, he was terrible in Death To Smoochie
I loved the daily show before 9/11. then he because he unrelenting prick under the guise of "hurr hurr its just a comedy show" thus doing his part to brainwash todays shitty 20 somethings
>if i reply to every post in the thread surely ill get a you or 2
Sup Forums pls go
Ahh, the self-hating jew is back.
or maybe because you were an impressionable young mind that wanted to think the best of the world before seeing the reality of it all? Thats what all liberals are. Welcome.
Where is the argument? I can't find it. Should I look again?
He was never a great stand-up though, he was good but he was much better at the current events evening news bits. I think the critical abortion and ratings nightmare of the Trevor Noah era has really proven how good Stewart was at doing that.
He was groomed for a talk show the first night he got noticed by an agent. They had bits about him replacing Larry on the Larry Sanders show way back in 1994. If I were him I'd do a podcast, it would immediately be one of the biggest podcasts in the world.
>stand up
oh I'm sure this will go well
7/10 made me chuckle
no, Sup Forums pls stay.
>listen to me , white people you don't own this country
1.Republicans can't lose the house at this point because of gerrymendering
2.literally can't without amending the constitution for which they need 75% of the states. Meanwhile there are 14 states where Trump won over Hillary by over 25% margins, which makes it impossible to amend it on the Democratic side
3. only funny jewish is degenerate Charlie Chaplin
fuck off , john
you ain't funny
>its an angry jew yells at straight white christian men episode
What did this Jewish parasite mean when he said this?
That sucks.
Jesus Christ, Sup Forums
i know now why you cry, but it's something i could never do
why did you filter me, I make high quality posts
back 2 tumblr/reddit, man
>so Donald Trump...
He's right, you know.
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
Seriously, what're your filters? I want to use them too.
hitler was right
But he's right.
Shill your false flags elsewhere schlomo
We are onto you
>Colbert walks onstage, smugger than usual
>The racially diversified audience are on the physical edge of their seats in anticipation
>"So, I noticed that it's two thousand and seventeen in the year of our lord and savior and uhh..."
>The women are all wetter than Niagara Falls after seeing the smirk on Colberts face
>"and... uhh... people still support the Republican Party and Zrumpf"
>Public warning systems across the country sound, alerting all citizens of a DEFCON 1 alert
>All white men in the audience ejaculate stronger than they ever have before while all the nonwhite men in the audience are given permanent 18 inch erections
>All homosexuals in the audience open their mouths to holster these erections
>"And... Zrumpf is”...
>All world leaders convene an emergency meetings
>"I mean, really?"
>At once - a cacophony of shrieks and laughter of immeasurable magnitude erupts from the crowd
>"I mean c'mon people - I'm looking at you, white males!"
>All the women in the audience immediately begin twerking on the nearest black guy until the vibrations begin super-heating his body to neutron star level temperatures
>The camera zooms in on Colbert's face
>"Seriously, do you not realize what year it is?"
>The tidal forces resulting from the combination of applause, laughter, and tribal dancing starts to alter the very fabric of time itself
>Colbert's face begins to bend and contort until it loses any resemblance to its original figure
>The universe as we know it rips and vanishes into sheer darkness, leaving only one cardboard sign from the audience floating indefinitely within the endless abyss
>"It was her turn!"
Well first off it's him going back to stand up.
Secondly, Trump literally hands ammunition to comedians/MSM because he's such a narcissist asshole that even if it's bad he want's his name out there because it give him some sense of power in his mind. Even if he's pissing off his allies. By this point he's literally fucking retarded and anyone defending him can't do it normally.
They just spew Trump's daily talking points and won't even have the nuts to post with their real flag on Sup Forums. Seriously. Try to go there and argue in a thread. They'll all be nazi flags and anything BUT an actual flag. Further proof Sup Forums was inundated by spammers.
Reddit is that way, safe space faggot
John attacks everyone. Because he knows everyone is full of shit and he goes after them. It's funny because Colbert's Republican parody eclipsed John back in the day, but whenever John emerges from seclusion to talk about stuff on his show, it's some of the funniest and most insightful stuff anyone is saying.
>John attacks everyone
>it's some of the funniest and most insightful stuff anyone is saying.
You must be 18+ to post here.
holy shit is this b8 man
bitter brainwashed faggots
True, he's always been pretty viscous on brown people and women
Reminder that Trump is literally Jewish
>John attacks everyone
Jonathan Leibowitz: ‘Republicans are stupid.’
(Audience claps and roars with laughter)
Jonathan Leibowitz: ‘Evil white men. (Makes funny face) Am I right?’
(Audience gives standing ovation.)
Then the kike media should love him, no?
what do you guys think colbert/jon stew think about smug loli reaction images
says the guy who watches a jewish communist subversive
Why did you vote for (((him)))?
I'm so glad Trump won
I hope he mercilessly rips Trump. Not just denounce him, but a true call for the resistance to band together and fight back against the orange monstrosity that cheated his way to the presidency.
It's a bad, bad idea to do heavy Trump material in a standup special. They're much less ephemeral than a late-night show, people might watch standup specials a decade after release.
This is what redditcucks actually believe
Did he mean this?
Trump named Jonathan Leibowitz aka “Stewart” a decade ago and Leibowitz has never gotten over it. Names are magical to jews. It's how they control golem. That's why jews always change their names. Because they are afraid of the goyim gaining power over them. They invented political correctness to rob us of power.
I'm not an anti-semitist myself, but I feel like I usually see people blaming Jews for general subversion, rather than personal failure.
>call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I've been found out"
It's 2017, this is not OK
>2 hours of non stop trump bashing
The main difference between the current left and right is, if someone from the right criticizes a political figure on the left, the left acknowledges the critique and will address. If someone from the left criticizes a political figure on the right, the right will take it personally and respond with a personal attack rather than address the critique.
>I will take this thoughtful criticism under consideration and get back to you
>proving his point
Stop lying. What the fuck is that shit? Opposite day? Democrats call Trump "literally Hitler" just for running against Hillary Clinton.
Did you see what the media said about Mitt Romney? He was a nice guy. And they said that he was half Hitler.
They also laughed at him for insinuating Russia was less than friendly. Remember that?
The best way to piss off the right is to just call them virgins.
uh no.
You couldn't criticize a SINGLE DAMN THING Obama did without being called a racist.
Most trump supporters are even afraid to stand up against the opposition against him for fear of being lynched by a bunch of fucking retards.
What did Carl Azuz ever do to you?
I'm not sure you know what 'infamous' means.
This. The left are completely above attacking the person.
If this were true, Pelosi wouldn't be minority leader. And people like DWS would be blacklosted from the party.
Ever made two stand up specials?