Obama or Hilary?
Who deserves to be on Mt Rushmore?
How big are those mountains? Is there a reason besides Indians we can't put ALL the presidents up there?
C. None of the above
Correcting the record bretty good my fran, might get a dime outta this one.
Probably FDR or Grant.
Neither. Both are lower class human beings, nigger and woman. Case solved.
5000 shekels have been deducted from your account
Jefferson, TR
Adams, FDR
Why would you remove Teddy?
Do you really need to ask?
I didn't know my Rushmore was in Leavenworth. Both of them deserve to be there.
Kek wills it.
None tear it down.
memes becoming reality
A syrian "refugee" or illegal "immigrant" as them to embody the desires of the globalist to do away with borders and national sovereignty.
Taft, the most American of presidents.