Would you date a tranny that supported Trump?
Why or why not?
Would you date a tranny that supported Trump?
Why or why not?
no, because I don't date men
im not a trump supporter but chicks look good in those maga hats
I am a tranny that supports trump.
I am also pretty gay.
So yes, I'd date her. I'd fuck her hard too.
I only date trannys that support Trump
That means that the person could feasibly be mistaken for a woman, right? Is it anti-SJW to be a tranny who doesn't look like a disgusting monster?
dated a tranny for 4 years, she was perfect in nearly every way. face, body, wit, sense of humor, feminine benis
but she was a hardcore immigration supporting "refugees welcome" tier liberal, and i was embarassed for her. she'd complain that i think im so much better than everyone else when i'd try to redpill her, she was beyond saving. i had to cut her loose
kik/skype pls
I'm [spoiler]nonbinary[/spoiler] and I support Trump
no because I'm not gay.
Thanks for correcting the record.
Why have a tranny when I could just have a dude?
baka desu senpai
So do sjw trannies now consider the passing-trannies to be oppressive and privileged or some shit?
Is it like that thing with black people with Dark Skin vs Light Skin?
Anyway I have no problem whatsoever with Trump-supporting trannies. Wish you the best of luck in life and in "passing".
>would you date a man?
I'm gonna go with no.
This is what nu pol has become...
No because I'm not a degenerate faggot.
When will you Ameriscums learn that trump is just a step in the right direction?
>would you date a tranny
No, no exceptions.
here, have this pr0n
Good god what have you done to Zidane?!
How can I be shill if I support Daddy Trump?
Nah, I'm good.
That said Trump promised to protect gay Americans unlike Clinton.
>this triggers trannies too lazy to put in work
We need more redpilled trannies.
She's cuter now, don't you think?
In all honesty I would be fuck buddies with a redpilled trap, but I would not be in a relationship with one for obvious reasons. Also I would not be getting pegged. ...although I might fiddle around with her balls.
>no iron sights
>weird barrel/handguard ratio
>looks like there is no muzzle device on it
>that post
>thinks he's any better than swedekeks
Who called you a shill? I just thanked you for correcting the record.
hardly anything. he pretty much looked like a girl anyway.
>feminine benis
U're gay bro.
Yes, that's Passing Privilege you shitlord.
Do I get any monies?
There's no such thing as red pilled trannies.
American posters are such fucking cancer.
>American posters are such fucking cancer.
>it's always a brit who posts "boipussi" and other degenerate things
Yes, it's called passing privilege and it's honestly one of the stupidest things ever.
idk, could prolly get dimes per post if you are tranny enough.
read the posts itt pedro
Because that would be fucking gay...???
Except Blaire White has stated that shes aware she suffers from gender dysphoria unlike most trannies who view their condition as natural. I thought the rule for gays and trannies is to realize you're fucked up in the head in order to be redpilled.
No, because i am not a faggot, and you shouldnt be one either user.
Well, that's because 1:57 - 4:57 AM are prime American posting times.
Also, Nigel, I am literally more Aryan than you, I don't have a drop of Asian, Mexican, or Negro blood in me, unlike Nigel "historical cuckmaster" Wetnoodlepenis (e.g. you) who has an entire history of being cucked by foreign powers on a tiny, inbred island filled with sheep and Welshmen.
Blaire is so perfect. She really knows how to piss off BLM and bluepilled trannies.
Unless they're actively fighting their disorder, then they're not redpilled.
All of them know they're messed up whether they want to admit it or not (just look at the suicide rates) , Blair white isn't red pilled he's just a liberal who's against swjism.
>implying I care about being Aryan
>implying Germans aren't the cause of all modern day problems
>implying there's any nation in the world that has never been invaded
>implying the only reasons the normans (who were Danish) beat us was because we just finished fighting the Danes
>implying Britain doesn't have more Germanic blood than Germany
>implying there's anything wrong with being an Anglo-Celt
>implying america would exist if it wasn't for Britain and her people
>implying you shouldn't go back to were you came from you ungrateful bastard
She seems alright and honest about herself, and she doesn't condone people fucking up their kids or themselves with estrogen just because salon or buzzfeed tells them its okay to.
She's not really that Sup Forums but she's not an enemy. She's strong ammunition against the progressives and media narrative though. I'd be glad to see her come along and become more redpilled on globalism and race, she's smart and she's already been on infowars and other anti-(((globalist))) things.
The > was meant for (You)
Plebbit is waiting
Why date a fake Trumpette when you can find a real one?
Dumb redditfrog poster
If she was a feminist cunt or looked like a guy in drag I'd make it a point to call her a HE, but she's a passable tranny and shits on sjw's, BLM, and islam so I have no issues calling her a her.
Good goy, keep associating Sup Forums with mentally ill people.
Go back
I really like vagina. Like a lot.
You'd do the exact same thing in this guy's position, Sup Forums.
I'd date a man who did, though.
no homo
I'm still not going to support the damn weirdos, OP. Quite to the contrary, I'm still consistently going to call for their illness NOT to be promoted as normal and healthy.
I'm just not going to push for a society where we throw them off buildings and stone them to death, and I guess they kinda appreciate that. Like we both win when we resolve to settle the score between us in safety once the borders are secure.
Only if she has a big dick
Go back to your peasant activities you culturally vague discount slav.
Anal doesn't interest me. Really don't want shit on my dick.
Crank a stiff one into while giving it a slap?
congrats Sup Forums you sold out your ideals for a meme
fuck trump for bring faggots and trannies here
faggots and trannies need to fucking leave
Nope. Gays and trannies are degenerates, sinners and abominations, and if you support them, you are a degenerate as well.
hi its me koji
yes i would lol!
Why would i date a guy who slightly resembles a female when he has a male body and male reproductive organs?
Do you not like wet pussy on it either? A little chick shit on your dick never hurt anyone.
Id rather date a qt trap than a disgusting racemixer like her.
Burgers need to be exterminated.
No, I would not.
Red-pilled or not, I don't sleep with trannies.
Even aside from the whole "male" thing, they still have an enduring mental illness that has no treatment. That's a whole lot of baggage.
Both are disgusting faggot
No because I'm not a faggot
Name of the doujin?
If you don't like traps you're probably in denial or literally gay.
Would anyone here not do the same as that character did?
VFG's are illegal in some states. What's most appalling to me, however, is that it is unloaded.
No because trumpfags are delusional
keep posting more
not gay btw
>if you dislike gays you must be gay lol
Kill yourself you liberal scum.
that's the end of it tbqh
Sup Forums tier shit
That is honestly not a real thing.
>not wanting to fuck a man makes you gay
If she's hot, sure. Wouldn't be the first nor the last tranny I've ever dated.
You used to be cool, Norway. How did you get so pussified?