Fat People Hate Thread. Fat mod got butthurt and pruned the last one. Post fat people getting BTFO
Fat bitch gets beat up: m.youtube.com
Fat People Hate Thread. Fat mod got butthurt and pruned the last one. Post fat people getting BTFO
Fat bitch gets beat up: m.youtube.com
It's 4:46 AM. No one's here seriously. Pls let us have some fun mods :(
Fat people are absolutely disgusting. I'm vacationing in India and I haven't seen a single fatty degenerate. It's probably because the country doesn't have social security so the fatties are forced to work for their daily bread.
those coolies don't have enough food to get fat on
Holy fuck Op's video has me hard as a rock
What the fuck went through this guy's mind, seriously.
The handlebars of his jazzy chair.
not that being fat isn't degenerate but let's be real, the only people who "hate" them so much to intentionally collect pictures and videos of different fat specimens are high school students and actual aids-ridden faggots.
i mean i really fucking hate spiders so as a result i don't have a bunch of jpgs and webms of spiders on my hard drives. so you can understand why this seems retarded to people who aren't underage or gay.
does someone has the 'muh scooter' video where a fat fuck fall from his mobility scooter and yell at someone in a car ?
Lexi should do porn
Also I like how organized white people fights are compared to the nigger street brawls
Throwin a god /fit/ greentext in here
Damn this makes me happy.
Fat people are just as disgusting as vegans.
>Lexi should do porn
She just did.
This is probably one of the funniest videos on youtube. There's even more to it and his laugh just fucking makes it.
Notice the distinct lack of head stomping
I want to be violently abused by a short shorts wearing qt.
I would do some extremely dirty things with Lexi.
She's the new queen of Sup Forums
delete this
comfort food is all i have. you dont know what ive been through. im all alone
What was that?
You're not alone. You have us.
So stop eating your pain away. You're gonna make it brah
You should make these and tell me if they're any good.
There is a thread like this almost everyday on /fit/. Why bring it here?
>get called fat
I'm alone too but I'm not a fat piece of shit
go lift
That should be a crime.
but u still a cuck
Jesus christ
here's the full vid, fuckin hilarious. They get away with some shit there no way you could do that here lel
Frank? Are you using the designated shitting streets?
That is the fucking worst thing I have ever seen.
I genuinely find that harder to look at that than a 4k HD ISIS execution video, which I can actually watch and scrutinize with some degree of morbid interest.
Sugary bolognese however is just too fucking much.
Fat fuck.
Well to be fair, if this is brussels sprouts then I understand her not liking it (without any sauce and nothing)
Even the sound effects are top notch and I normally hate silly sound effects like that. Truly a comedic masterpiece.
Come on you see a clown with a cake moving your way you know you need to watch the fuck out.
it's 8pm in australia mate.
yfw arabs invented clowns
What the fuck is that a elevator shaft
Yes and a dumb chink falling down it. Probably autistic like most chinks.
If your BMI goes above 30, you should be arrested and kept in a cell without food until it goes down to 25.
>if your BMI goes above 30
If your BMI goes above 24 you should be executed.
Wait, do arabs even have clowns? Other than shriners
Did he die?
yeppers he kill
Nah, the poor syrian refugees that were invited to his country caught him just before he hit the ground, thus saving his life. He is now in debt towards them and will repay this debt by buying them first class plane tickets towards their promised caliphate of Germanistan. Get ready Hans, El Diabetes just sent you a package for your wife and daughter.
That's it.
I'm going to gym.
It opens at 5, so I need to start getting ready so I can finish before work.
Makes me kek every time.
>tfw my fat severely diabetic mother used to do this
the worst part was that she just used the store bought canned shit and HFCS was like the third ingredient on the list so it was already sweetened
you can tell that guy is beta even with the blur..in fact every time i see a fat acceptance whore, she is always with a beta loser.
Some people that write these stories should gtfo Sup Forums and write books
American food is full of harmful additives.
High Fructose corn syrup.
GMO corn syrup solids.
Large quantities of sugar in everything.
Titanium Dioxide. and so on.
Without question we are being experimented
on and I believe the social engineers are trying
a soft cull on the American people. Just look
and really appreciate how large people are
Beating on the Obese is a waste of time,
being a demagogue to the corporations who
are destroying the health of the citizenry would
be far more rewarding.
The only exception I make in regards to the
obese are the fat pride activists. Make your
threads target them instead.
hold on now, i love fatty hate, infact it saved my life, ( lost 90lbs last year ) but i also know cooking.. if you are making spaghetti with tomato paste then you are going to use sugar to counteract the bitterness,
now if that fatty fat fat fat , is adding that much sugar with store bought sauce that already has sugar in it , then yes, that bitch is gonna lose a toe or two.
unless my retarded still fat ass is missing something obvious here?
Tomatoes are not bitter. Tomato paste is not bitter. Where are you getting this idea from?
i cook with tomato paste. it is bitter as shit.
but then again i used the can stuff
Lol Lexi such a yank name.
Yes I am going to have to say most of the fat people I have known are shit heads.
Some have that warm jolly thing going on but constantly having 20kg of shit in your intestines is going to make you tired and irritable.
I don't want to eat that meat though
I don't think I've ever seen anyone claim that tomato paste is bitter. I mean yeah you can add some sugar but you shouldn't need more than a few teaspoons. Certainly not cups of the stuff.
start doing drugs
Here is a good recipe for tomato sauce that uses all canned stuff and you'll see that it doesn't take anywhere near the amount of sugar as in the picture.
thanks i'll take a look, havent made spaghetti since i started losing weight.
but i grew up on sugar in spaghetti ( fat mother)
so maybe tomato paste isnt supposed to taste bitter/tart, but to me it is.
That's because their food runs right throu them and end up on the streets.
better start getting some comfort lifting, all of the autism minus the being fat part.
He got an well talket about darwin award. Think it's one of the most famous ones
>become like zyzz
And die in sauna
For me bitter and tart are two different things. Tomatoes are definitely acidic. Could be that you just taste the bitterness in stuff more than most, possibly because of your fat mother putting sugar in a lot of stuff since you were young. I dunno. I'm not a doctor (or really much of a chef). Give that recipe a try, although I suppose there are healthier things you could be making than spaghetti if you're still losing weight.
Jesus christ that fucking pink silhouette of the fat bitch.
I'm stuck in some kind of spinning, levitating cringe.
Edgy mother fucker watch your mouth
We love you in all sizes, Kim, please don't nuke.
chicken breasts and steamer bag veggies have been working wonders, but it's nice to try something new every once in awhile.
Why don't we send all of our fats to the DPRK? Just 5 of them ought to be enough to end your famine. You would eat like kings for all time.
tomato sauce is the easiest thing to do from scratch and tastier
I'm really having trouble with grasping why Americans eat everything canned and have very low knowledge on food preparation
Well a dash of sugar in a tomato sauce is completly normal and needed to ounterbalance the slight sour taste of the tomatoes.
But thats just 200gr of white refined sugar.
This is a fucking crime.