Batman #5 preview

Holy shit.
Just wait


Does Batman have boobs?

People doubted King



Books really starting to pick up now

holy shit these pages are great.

>Sup Forums thought King's Batman was going to be terrible because it started slow.
Based CIA. I love King's Alfred.

Lol, Alfred

Bat-Mecha incoming for fucking sure

Page of the Year.


>Alfred on the suit , driving The Batmobile and confroting a super being

Oh, King, wherefore didst I doubt on thee?

>making fun of dead people


Is this the first time Alfred has been Batman?

I still think it has less weight if Gotham is angered by Psycho Pirate's powers and not because he genuinely is pissed off with how things turned out

I'm 99,9% sure it's not. It must have happened many times.

10/10 Alfred
Take notes, Snyder

Gotham deserved better than this.

There was the Batman selfie variant where it's Alfred instead of Bruce because Bruce has a stick up his ass and is allergic to fun

It's a mix of both, really. In the last storytime people were complaining because apparently having your parents killed and a shit ton of people dying because of your failure shouldn't be enough to send a normal guy over the edge.

Well shit I was originally planning on trade waiting for this, but I think I'm throwing it on my pull list now.

Based King.


how many chances of Batman solving the problem being heroic instead of another dumb fight in some bat-themed toy?

Batman Rebirth has been pretty great
but this is

Dick Robin was Batman, Bruce's dead Dad was Batman from another dimension, Gordon was Batman. Fuck, even The Motherfucking Joker was Batman.

I don't get it, what's good about this?

King writes such a great Alfred, especially compared to Snyder.

It has to be something like that. This guy has no Kryptonite as his weakness, and that last pannel is setting up a grand over the top entrance for Batman.

Well this arc got Irredeemable fast.

Yeah but Batman is implying that it's more Psycho-Pirate's fault, really.

>Alfred is being a bitch AGAIN in ASB
What is Snyders problem with a supporting cast?


My problem with it is it happened too sudden even though everyone saw it coming from a mile away. Currently there's 0 dimensionality to either Gotham kids so I don't care that he turned. But that's not how King intended, it's supposed to come off as tragic and that's where he fails.

In canon yes.

How does it feel to be wrong?
nah you're entitled to that opinion, but I think most of us, myself included are enjoying it

Wasn't it too predictable that Gotham ended up being bad?

If he botches the ending, is this where the turn begins?

I've never doubted him.

I'm distracting you, ya big turn blossom.

I dunno, I kind of like that he hit fast-forward on this plot because the twist that "he cracks and goes crazy" is so fucking obvious. The brief backstory is good enough to sell the fact that they're not bad kids to start with, but Batman expects the worst, and the audience does too because of that perspective and our knowledge of how Strange and Psycho Pirate plays into the scheme.

But if ultimately you don't feel anything for them whats the point?

I feel like I remember an episode of batman 66 when Alfred dresses up as the bat but honestly most batman 66 episodes feel like fever dream so who knows

Because this isn't a sap story about how Gotham corrupts people.

Snyder writes Alfred like a guy that actually cares about Bruce and wish for him to have a normal life instead of constantly enabling his suicidal madness

I honestly don't understand the basis of your complaint.

It's not that I don't feel anything, but it's the nature of Gotham's namesake that it was inevitable that everything would go pear-shaped.

Gotham deserves better, but he's not going to get it, because this is Gotham.

No, I meant Irredeemable as in the comic about a Superman that goes crazy. Hence the capitalization.

These pages belong in a "get people to want to read a series" thread.

Ah, ok.

>The character is named Gotham
>Story takes place in Gotham

Yeah that won't get fucking annoying or anything, King....


That's kind of the whole point though. Gotham the hero's downfall is a miniature play of the corruption of the city itself. He thought he was embodying the city's best qualities when in reality he's just a reflection of why it needs Batman.

But does the character also want to fuck Tim Drake?

I remember when this first started we speculated that Gotham was Alan Scott.

I would still love to see him show up though.

That's a good question.

That 3rd panel is amazing.

i hate King is making me like a Finch book

>alfred actually using the old/pre-rebirth costume

nice detail.

at least there's still ASB to look out for as a Batman fan

Hm. Honestly BatAlfred isn't bad. The little mustache adds character too. It's like a call back to Zorro.

>le man of murdur maymay

Huh, for some reason I'd been under the impression that the Gotham Kids' arc ended last issue, G fucked off somewhere to come back later on down the line as a big bad, and GG was going to be a supporting character to Bruce and Duke.

This arc ends in issue 6, then it's the crossover, then Janin

Finch's stuff is A LOT better with a good inker/colorist...

At least it used to be.

>This guy has no Kryptonite
The obvious solution would be GG working with Batman to beat him, but I'm reasonably confident King won't do that.


Fuck I love this book so much. After 5 years on that hellish island, the Batbooks have finally returned to quality.

>Batbooks have finally returned to quality.

>literally a store called Rogues Gallery

King loves his little background jokes/references.

Yeah his implants look extra flashy on this cover

It's a comic shop in Windsor Ontario where Finch is from

I'm not saying it doesn't work, obviously the story so far has been more about the themes than the plot and characters and same continues here. Gotham is just a tool for King to push his theme rather than being a fleshed out and well written interesting character. The thrope of someone trying to do genuinely good but world saying fuck you is overdone in comics, so I would expect it to be done really well. So far the execution has been serviceable.

I actually do realize that I am being bit too critical of King but then again there's a reason for it, he's King.

Nah. He put on the cowl in Bruce Wayne: Fugitive too.

Wouldn't be the first time Alfred had to cover for somebody.

He did more than most writers would do, he gave them a motive, a background, and fleshed out their personalities in a few issues.

>dat pasta
Are we sure Bendis isn't writing this on the DL?

Considering storytiming I Am Gotham from the start tomorrow night
On one hand, I want to go into this final issue blind, as King said every page is a spoiler.

On the other hand, I reread the issues leading up to this yesterday and enjoyed it more, while seeing recurring phrases/seeds laid.

You should do it. Not like it could do anything but help educate all these Snyderfags on what a real Batman run looks like.

All of that serves more the plot and very little the characters. And I don't judge King by the standards of other writers.

how does it not serve the characters to give them depth, motive, background and personalities, you stupid fuck?

The Poser "artist" from the ReBirth issue (also Grayson and Justice League Dark).

Because these titles are double shipped they need to rotate artists with each arc.

What do you want? Decompression? No thank you. I dont need 3 issues of them just establishing who these 2 heroes are. He did a fine job, we know they are both good people that grew up in Gotham and wanted to help. That Gotham is the older brother and Gotham girl idolized him. That they actually wanted to make a difference. Any more detail in their background would take away from them as characters/when if they are fleshed out later and considering Gotham Girl is in the solicits she is going to be a regular and a member of the Batfamily. Also what do you even mean by that? Omega Men, Vision, Grayson, they all started slow.

Nothing's wrong with using refs for art, as long as you don't get lazy. Janin pushes the envelope with his paneling and fight choreography

>being this triggered
You're one of those tryhard faggots who unironically tells people that BvS was "3Deep5U," aren't you?

please do

>Janin pushes the envelope with his paneling
Nigger, please.

That was a freaking awesome.

Oh man, I forget that Janin will back next arc. I can't stand his art.

Kek I'm sorry I gave you valid points for why your stupid ass hipster statement is wrong and all you can come up with is ad hominen arguments.

Jesus Christ are you 12 years old?

>samefaggot triggering intensifies

>"What is that?"
Am I to assume that he's asking about Alfred's mustache here?

>continues to have no rebuttal

Oh I see. You were just trolling or had no fucking clue what you were talking about and wanted to sound pretentious. Carry on handicapped lad.

Because it's an artificial depth that was given to serve the fucking plot you dumb shit. That's not how writing human characters work. Genuine depth to character would be that didn't serve plot. Like imagine Gotham is having an ice cream with Batman or going shopping with his sister. That's fleshing out the character to serve the character, this artificial depth is there to serve the plot.
Jesus capeshitters are dumb.

Never been too big a fan of Sale, but that art is pretty gross.

So you're not really disagreeing with my statement in anyway. Basically gist of what you said is let it serve the plot, everything else is fluff. So you agree that Gotham is just a tool/plot device to serve the purpose of narrative and not an actual character, right?

Are fucking retarded or just not reading the issues? You mean the multiple conversations with Batman and each other showing their personality wasn't enough for you? You want them to stop and eat ice cream and talk about their feeling for a whole page? This is Batman not Gotham academy or some D list robot. There are already idiots bitching the plot progresses too slow and you want to slow it down more for Bendis exposition?

I actually am very sorry. This was kind of a boring read for me at first, but this preview... holy...

>Oh, thank god

Yes I am disagreeing with you. They gave Gotham background, motivation and a personality. General Lane was just to serve the plot. Gotham is a fleshed out character who wanted to help Gotham that I feel bad for.