Today is #KubrickDay

Today is #KubrickDay

Holy fuck!

What is your best Kubrick's?

i can't rank the films but Paths Of Glory is his most under-rated. if you don't get choked up at the final scene you haven't understood the film. incredible.

that really is a fantastic film.
i think id rank barry lyndon as my favorite though. ive seen it many times, and each time i find something new to like in it.

also not appreciated enough. it's amazing how many perfect films he's made but i suppose it speaks to his uncompromising vision and sheer skill

Shining was his worst

it couldn't possibly be his worst. either you haven't seen all his films or you are trolling

no way it is worse than eyes wide shut.

Full Metal Jacket > Eyes Wide Shut > A Clockwork Orange > The Shining

Now I want to see this commiekino called Spartacus.

ok, even if you hated that movie you haven't seen his worst movies. he has made a few absolutely terrible ones.

also the shining is one of his best movies. you are a little kid if you think it's Eyes Wide Shut level

The Shining is a piece of trash.

not at all
look at all of his early work that he never talked about. even his first big hit, the killing, is a generic 50s hollywood caper-noir done under the hays code. the ending is so shitty and forced because of the code especially.

in what world?


the killing isn't even his worst he made two or three that were runaway the worst


>no oscar for best picture
>no oscar for best director
he's only praised by film 101 students who's favorite films include drive and there will be blood.

now it's a troll thread. this is why we can't have nice things

I haven't seen Paths of Glory or Barry Lyndon.
But pretty much everything else
Eyes Wide Shut was my favorite. Then Full Metal Jacket Then The Shining Then 2001

>this is why we can't have nice things
nice redditarian retort

got to be bait. no way anybody could seriously think things like the oscars are a indicator of actual talent.

hope you arnt calling me a little kid as i do like the shinning. jack Nicholson being creepy and crazy then trying to axe murder his family? that is fucking great.

right i almost forgot you have to say exactly the right code words at all times to make a great Sup Forums response so that there's never any original content just recycled memes.

also i've never been on reddit.

Screenplay by Trumbo.

i know that when you're borderline retarded it's difficult to differentiate between a person and their work but normal adults do this and have no trouble. it's a life skill that you should at least emulate if you cannot learn it.

what is this user saying is commiekino about Spartacus?

He also won razzies oh my gooooood

>the second half of FMJ is bad

2001 is my favorite, but mainly because thats the type of movie I like, Barry Lyndon I would say is his most under rated, his worst is that early war movie he tried to do before the killing.

this user seems to imply that everything Dalton Trumbo ever wrote is communist which is pretty fucking stupid.

2nd half FMJ is pleb filter


If he decided to direct AI: Artificial Intelligence instead of Eyes Wide Shut, do you think (((they))) would have still killed him?

i can honestly see how some might say that as it is such a big shift in tone and subject matter.

the first half is about normal everyday guys taken from normal life put into bootcamp. and their struggle as they are put through a process to make them obedient rank and file soldiers.

the second part covers the war in vietnam and has social criticism of that war built in.

i think both parts fit together well and tell a complete story, but some dont seem to get that.

His best.

>i think both parts fit together well and tell a complete story,
this is the entire function of the film. it's in two parts. the way it's done is nothing short of a brilliant work of art as the viewer is forced through a complex emotional journey through desensitization and its practical effect. that's the core of the story.

neck yourself



Lmao nah. Kubrick is like that one image of the guy standing on bookstacks plebs like him and then you dont like him and you think youre so above the plebs when in reality you are the plebbiest of them all. I guess what im saying is read a fucking book


fuck off pseuds

everything he made was a masterpiece, obviously besides his first two films

Barry Lyndon> Full Metal Jacket>Strange Love>Spartacus>Paths of Glory>2001>Eyes Wide Shut>Clockwork>Shining>Killing>lolita

Haven't seen his first two movies

The moon landing.


>Spartacus that high
what are you smoking?

>massive battle full of real soldiers as extras
wtf are you smoking denying Spartacus as kino? I've been watching that movie since I was 10 so it's a personal favorite.

I don't give a shit about a dumb loli book or the dumb loli story.

you're actually the one who's dumb here

Best Kubricks that I've seen:
>Eyes Wide Shut, 2001, The Shining, Full Metal Jacket

I should add that I've only seen Eyes Wide Shut, 2001, The Shining, Full Metal Jacket.
What should I watch next? I was thinking Clockwork Orange.

>favorite films can't include Drive
Wrong board, friend. /trash/ is that way

>"Plato, Aristotle & Socrates are revered. Therefore they're plebian."

>implying Cannes is shit
>implying Kubrick is bad
>implying using imdb is bad
rest of the image might be correct, as I don't know what anything else there is

clockwork is good. barry lyndon is his best. but it is long. dr stranglelove is good if you pay attention and get the cold war based dark humor

Spartacus is good but it isn't even a Kubrick movie in my eyes. it so rarely feels like him. Paths of Glory, The Shining, 2001, Barry Lyndon and Clockwork Orange are all masterpieces

>a torrent site
>a bit torrent client

Okay, I'll watch Clockwork next and then Dr. Strangelove. I get the feeling Barry Lyndon is his best work so I will save the best for last!

Clockwork Orange is a good choice based on the ones you liked. After that watch Dr. Strangelove, Eyes Wide Shut and Paths of Glory

user above reminded me of paths of glory. probably the best ww1 film ever.

who cares you pseud

Its a sign you are a pretensions hipster who doesn't have a physical collection.

>pretentions hipster

You dawg, what is you? Sum kind of pretensions hipster?

don't you have a tarkhacksy film to fall asleep to

IIRC Kubrick was kind of a hired gun on Spartacus, Kirk Douglas brought him in after the original director was fired, because Douglas liked working with Kubrick on Paths of Glory.

lot of effort for a hired gun...

or perhaps he's wondering why someone would stab a man before tying him to a cross?