Homogenous people are unpriviledged

>be me
>be Japanese
>attend to uni and meet many gaijin exchange student
>their background is so fucking diverse, some of them can speak 3 language...
>I have no diversity in background. my parents and all my ancestors are not gaijin. I grow up in fucking country side small village
>I got typical fucking shit Japanese education, so I only can speak Japanese.

Person like me is unluckey. I wish I had some unique character. but I don't.

I am typical Japanese(that's why I hate myself. I am nothing special.)

holy fuck I envy people living in heterogenous society... They can be unique element of society....

Other urls found in this thread:


Be happy you don't have idiots with towels on their heads screaming "ALLAHU AKBAR" while shooting people in the name of a terrorist group full of fucktards with towels on their heads that sit their spouting "ALLAHU AKABAR" and occasionally firing some shots, dropping some bombs, or slicing some people up in Japan. Also, be happy that your country isn't a multi-lingual shitshow like Belgium, Switzerland, and the soon to be United States of Amexica.

There is nothing wrong with that, you are basically living /pols dream

But you speak English and talk to fellow degenerates on a Mongolian Cave Painting board

>thirsty for shitskin enrichment
I'm not buying it, OP. My guess is, you are a faggot.

hey hows it going havent seen you in a while

I can write broken english. but I can't speak english at all.

My english sounds like stupid ;_;

Wrong idea.

Those kids who know 3 launguages and have the money to study abroad live in rich homogenous areas.

Everyone else has to live with nigs, sand nigs, and hippie snow nigs who import the nigs and sand nigs

Aren't you late for your ESL class, sensei?

I don't get it

This faggot posts everyday, every fucking day for months on end

You all know he's a troll

But you just keep responding with utmost seriousness

Are you all retarded?


Go full nazi and throw those longnoses out of your country.


fucking this

Some people don't browse Sup Forums everyday like a degenerate. Looking at you user

How's marking that homework going, Steven-Senpai?

>be you
>be shitposting English teacher

fuck off dickhead, all you are doing is dishonouring your family and bringing shame to your ancestors.

Be something they can be proud of.

>tfw I am thinking of being a english teacher there
>I will have to work and interact with living, breathing, walking memes like OP

Just seppuku already


Fuck off, worst Korea


OP-san, don't blame your shortcomings on your background and circumstances. Do your thing and be based like pic related

OP and Japan need to proud again

>pic related

>daily military or english teacher shitpost Sup Forums thread
kys faggot, you should be permabanned

Because you think the african niggers and muds have an interesting background ?
The first have no history since they were stucked in bronze age until europeans came, the second have forgotten everything before 600 thanks to their stupid book and inbreeding.


You must be retarded. This thread at the very beginning reeks of bait

Japan needs multiculturalism

I plan on going there to enrich Japanese wombs with my FrAnglo seed

Hello Eternal English teacher, how was your day?


Shit bait, report this proxy garbage.

>tfw you will never be nipponese

why even live

The Franglo is much more powerful than a simple Anglo. We are a dynamic hybrid able to traverse the world and shitpost in it's two greatest languages interchangeably.

user, in every village in every country people life is bad. And if You learn(ed) in Japan - it's not bad. Because no many people can learn in other counries, is right. I'm nothing special too and my English is bad too. But I'm used to and I try to enjoy what I have. All the best to you, user[spoiler]^_^[/spoiler]

Dear America, please deliver a few more bombs to japans capital cities.


I know that feel OP, pic related. It's what happens when your native language is the Lingua Franca.

Yes, the artist originally drew America, but the same applies to all Anglosphere countries.

Europeans can go a couple hundred miles and be in a totally different environment with a new culture and language.

I, meanwhile, can go over a thousand miles in any direction and never encounter anyone that's different. Why should I learn a language?

What a retarded cartoon. I'm from Louisiana: I speak English, Cajun French, and Spanish.

This bait again. It's always a nip that posts this Jewish propaganda.

>learned russian in school before end of transformations
>learned english from movies and games
>learned a bit of german, japanese and french

And my intelligence is pretty averge, if you don't know at least one non native language you are nigger tier dumb

> not learning languages of future overlords
How is your Arab lesson going?

Do you also hear grass sounds, Precious?


when petrodollar is dead and China create that fleet of 15 air carriers all of us getting Mandarined

never stop making these

fuck of, dumb autistic german proxyfag

Nice proxxy jewboy.