BREAKING: Austrian police say man attacks passengers on a train with knife, wounding 2

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We peace now?

Singles confirm religion of peas!

Why didn't you listen?


all aboard the happening train!

It was an Austrian who did it
Sup Forumsbtfo

>wounding 2

I'm taking the train from marseille to paris this week
I'm gonna get snackbar'd aren't I, seems trains are their favorite targets now

also, any news on the swiss white guy attacker?
what did he mean by this? trying to fit in with the muslims, somem retarded convert?

carry a longer knife

How To Survive Any Terrorist Attack In One Easy Step:

>stay in bed


LMAO @ Planck units.

Why are Europeans so stabby and violent?

>only 2 wounded
this shit is a regular day in german-speaking countries

Summer's heat gets to our heads

>0.0000000 SECONDS SINCE...

you won't even be able to get on the train


that doesn't matter.
people are getting scared as fuck, that matters.


How's tugging them femz, twink?

>Marseille to Paris
>Marseille has 40% muslims
> 3 - 10 hours depending on route taken
Yeah nah. RIP.

I bet my liver it was tanned Austrian

It's early.

The Swiss guy wounded six and one died

It was a fucking German. Like really this time.

a 60 year old mentally ill guy, indigenous German. Media memed this into existence by calling the last muslim attacks exactly this

It was a 60 year old german.
At least get your facts straight faggot.

wtf I hate ISIS now

pic related, the one sitting on the floor

Like wtf Germans? You fuck up your country, fuck up Europe in general and then you send your "mentally ill" who lost it because of all the refugee madness over to us and they stab decent Austrians. Explain yourselves

now if the stabbed ones were tanned its all over. Merkel will take 80 million refugees to apologize

Seems to me those Georgia Stonecubes were right after all

wtf idiots
full beard + looks like a turkshit

Jesus what is it with the fucking train attacks?

Are "refugees" always on trains or something?

on the other hand, when I actually take a look he seems rather brown. Too brown. If this is another media lie we are gonna have a field trip today

>Are "refugees" always on trains
pretty much sadly.

Lmao fucking Germans

amazing how fast the Jews can get the news and photo out when it's a White guy, no?

Who has the most to gain from the rise in anti immigration and pro conservative ideas?

Russia, USA , Banks?

Let's wait for the name and a clear face shot, how about that?

Doing what? Just loitering around?

Looks like a roach to me.


>Who has the most to gain

don't know. i guess. always in groups. obviously never talking german, but usually loud. they piss me off so much

According to /fa/ everyone but him are wearing 'autist shoes'.


Yes, every train has refugees in it. Every single one, during the day (work hours) around 50-90% of passengers will be brown.
What comes with it is the joy of listening to traditional afghan music via mobile phones speakers. A true blessing for every commuter. Speaking of commuters, there are of course less and less of those and more people using their cars because they understandably don't want to go to work every day next to third worlders.

>Take a train in Europe

>Get carved

Raj was wrong

fucking THIS. it's like you need to have some money to at least have your own car, and not live in the areas where they live.

Not the kikes. 3th world immigration will lower the average wages because the work (haha) for like 4 eur/h.... However Israel may profit from this right wing sentiment in Europe to allow them to continue fucking up the middle east

(every anti immigrant person who also supports Israel is not truly redpilled)

>inb4 shill
Never implied that every non white should stay in Europe

Same here, it's only browns and students now.

Both of which are equally terrible.

>3th world immigration will lower the average wages
exactly. do you think the kikes in Euro have working class jobs or are banks and hedge fund managers?

>(every anti immigrant person who also supports Israel is not truly redpilled)

Do you support the genocide of the jewish people in their entirety?

I know this pic is supposed to be funny, but I can't help finding it terrifying
Just show how out of touch with reality the western world is, and how dephased with the bulk of humanity we are
Fuck progressism

Don't refugees get free tickets

I thought that said Australia
I was severely worried

>every anti immigrant person who also supports Israel is not truly redpilled

Can you also be neutral? I think jews should have a homeland tbqh, but I dissaprove of the fuck ups Israel is doing in the ME. But then again, I also realise that they fuck up the ME because otherwise the muzzies would gang up against them

Reminder that Soros funds anti-Israel groups.

It's not that black&white lad.

Merkel must really hate Germans to do this

>genocide of the jewish people
The Madagascar plan. Put them there, give the basics to support a society but not allowed to travel or communicate with the rest of the world and island patrolled 24/7 by an intl navy.

Basically what the jews do to gaza. Muslims are savages but jews are demons.

Why should the Madagascar people suffer from them like the Palestinians do now?

Whatever reasoning you're going to use to answer this question, why can't it be applied for Palestinians?


phew though something bad happened for a second there


>Nine Iraqi refugees have been arrested in Austria on suspicion of gang-raping a 28-year-old German woman

>gang-raping a 28-year-old German woman

Oh thank god, for a second I was scared they might've harmed an actual human being.

You are german, too. Accept it.


nice try piefke

The only relations we have with your interracial breeding ground of a country is Bavaria and we'll annex that one soon enough so that you can lie in the bed you've made, Piefkes.

>oh no those savages we let in are raping people! It's so terrible! We wont be reelected!

are politicians the lowest form of life in all of history?

>don't know. i guess. always in groups. obviously never talking german, but usually loud. they piss me off so much

Sounds pretty creepy tbqh. I bet they all stare at you as well.

>are politicians the lowest form of life in all of history?

Yes, and liberal democrats are the lowest form of politician.

>Let women get raped on NYE
>Rush to protect precious trannys
I love it. Women have lost top priority, watch ws they all start going far right and pretend they werent the same liberal cancer who caused this.

me too

Looks arab skincolor

>Train stabbing
>2 wounded

This is bullshit, can we have a bigger happening? Can one of your countries blow up or something? I'm fucking bored

Every few days there's a stabbing or an axing but literally nothing comes of it.

This is like posting happening threads because a nigger was killed in a Chicago hood.

This has happened at least 6 times now

Pics of the perp.. its a white guy.
This is nothing, except to point out the obvious that a white guy gets a photo printed, but the sandniggers get protected.

By everyone.


It was a german

Sorry we cant compete with a samurai carehome worker with a knife folded 10,000 times.

Police have released a photo of the suspect

And yet I still dont know about the Swiss attacker.

you can't compete with any kind of knife

I was in that train it happened yesterday. I saw the dude that did it 100%. Old creepy dude and batshit crazy. Gave me serial killer vibes. Oh my god i even told my girlfriend hes gonna kill someone wtf.

>still waiting for

Is it happening?

Nc Flüchtlinge. Zu dumm nicht mit Fremden einfach mitzugehen.


see, see...this is why I don't take the fucking train anymore.

vorteilscard costs too much a years anyway. I take the bus now.

>tfw no trains woman to rail

>And yet I still dont know about the Swiss attacker.

Ans you never will, cuz it's a convert or an Albanian scum.

Reporters have to really dig to get anything on sandniggers, we all know this.

>phone speakers
Jesus Christ this.
Have mudshits not heard of headphones? Are they haram?
Every time you take public transport there's some paki with his phone blaring some shit like

Schwarzfahrer detected

you're a liar and a cunt

> You're more likely to die in your bed than anywhere else on the planet

nah, you literally can't do that in these trains and not in the buses that go for a long distance either. they will find you. it only works sometimes if you take the tram and some local busses in the city.