I will continue where Napoleon and Hitler have failed

>I will continue where Napoleon and Hitler have failed
>Russia is a threat to world peace and needs to be subdued


Junckers made some good ass planes back in WWII

Third time is the charm.

give me a quick rundown

>Mad dictator in the east opressing Russian peoples.
>Is warmongering with neighbours and in fucking Middle East.
>Is financing nationalist parties in Europe trying to break up the EU
>Is probably behind the migrant crisis
>Maintains a smug face while doing all of this.

Russian people must be liberated from Putin AKA Hitler reincarnated.

EVROPA cannot be stopped


I know about Putin, tell me about the grandpa from the OP pic.

*blocks your path*

Oh, well then.
>Be me
>Prime minister of Luxembourg
>Have drinking problem
>Wake up
>Unelected leader of the most powerful political structure on Earth and in history
>Wat do?
>Poke Russia because why not


Can't imagine much Russians knowing who that guy is.

Lesser than 0.001% i think.

nigga got elected by eurocrats to run the eurocircus
get's drunk and slaps prime ministers on tv
preaches against nationalism and banters with Nigel on the regular
he's getting replaced this year and I feel like they (heads of state, aka council of europe) try to put some dull boring asshole in his place


Hurry up with the 4th Reich
European Federation now


The man is a cancerous wimp.
The EU needs to be demolished and this stupid cunt must be executed

join Fritzl

Honestly, it's easier nowadays to just completely cut off all ties with said country on a macro scale and publicly shame them whenever possible. We're kinda doing that with the ruskis, but we need to be doing it with a lot more force than "u-uh guys, y-you're not allowed to participate in the olympics this years... b-but only your country, not your players!"

Works like a charm.

I thought Juncker was pro Russian

he is pro anything alcohol related