Youll never write anything this good

>youll never write anything this good

That's what you think is too 'quality' to EVER be bestest by this great board of ours?

Oh child...

Okay so someone please describe how this post is remotely political.

Neither will Alan Moore. Old fellow rather shot his wad with that one.

i thought it was overly pretentious bullshit. what did I miss ?

Watchmen itself was highly political. Five terms for Nixon because Dr. Manhattan won Vietnam for us?

Alan mores swamp thing run is better

Are there any other stories where the bad guy ends up being the better man? I really have never seen anything like it occur other than this.

>he fell for tye ozymandias is a good guy meme
he is literally Soros

I didn't claim he was a good guy but he was a necessary evil.

Literally what? The fucker could have never existed to begin with. Necessary evil my fucking ass.

If he didn't exist then the world would have ended. Manhatten wasn't capable of saving it.

>better man
>necessary evil
Sir where are you going with those goalposts?

We also never know if his master plan worked for more than five minutes....

enjoy your little blue glowing dicks

you can be both user you can be a better man than the useless hero.

> Overly pretentious
What the fuck does that even describe...


Anyone read the before the watchman series? Is it any good?
I read maybe the first chapter and felt put off.

he is eternal
he is supreme
he is infinite

The role of perfection in the struggle is not something to achieve, but an idea to strive for, leaf. There is no greater victory than besting oneself.

If he didn't exist then the world wouldn't have been in that situation to begin with.

Did anybody other than the Doc have super powers? They seemed to be susceptible to guns but would crack bones in half with ease. What were their superpowers? The movie never really made it clear

> Says Japan

That only in the movie. There is hardly any violence (well less than the movie thats fir damn sure) and the fighting is very human. No one gets thrown around or something.

Ozymandias was peak human with supposedly superhuman speed, they said he could catch a bullet midair

capeshit will never be good

Does anyone have links to that graphical history of the CIA he did ????

Been looking for that shit ever since i saw the mindscape of Alan Moore.

It's a comic.

It's no 'Lost Girls', tbqh, famalalam

Is this like Lord of the Flies with girls?

Borderline cp with classic English lit girls


If you dont know what that means you really need to return to reddit and stay there. Clearly you havent lurked a day in your life.

cyber punk

its about 8 year old cyber punk girls


Haven't lurked Sup Forums no (this is a good thing)

thanks cuz

You haven't? It's actually pretty popular on Sup Forums. Just go there now and started a thread with something like, "I'm looking for some CP comics" and you'll get lots of cyberpunk stuff.

just watch me now

you misspelled mediocre.

Sup Forums is a fucking cancer.

The only good things I've taken away from that board is Clone High and Ed Brubaker's run on Captain America and Daredevil. That's it. Everything else is flat-out faggotry disguised as "STEVEN UNIVERSE GENERAL XDDDD" and other sub-par half-assed Flash animation with no imagination and little actual content.