>mfw Africans are so dumb they couldn't create a written language
Mfw Africans are so dumb they couldn't create a written language
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Anglos couldn't create a proper written language too.
What are Anglo-Saxon runes?
Indians hadn't invented the wheel.
Because they dont have anything to write on
tasmanian abos didnt even have fire
you cannot top that. they were literally eating meat raw only a few hundred years ago
Dayum. Didn't know that.
Americans are Europeans you dumb fuck. And most cultures on Earth did not fucking invent their own fucking written languages, the formation of a writing system has happen very scarcely on this planet. Even Proto-Sinaitic is hypothesized to have some from Egyptian hieroglyphs.
>American education
It says AFRICANS (aka niggers), not americans.
Delete this stupidity
OP does not realize that Egypt is in Africa.
I blame Common Core for this.
They also only had a concept of numbers up to about 3-4 (depending on the region)
It went 1, 2, 3, ... uhhhh lots
Did Africa (bar Egypt) ever leave the stone age on its own?
They had fire, they just didn't know how to make it from scratch, families would trade smouldering sticks and attempt to always keep it burning.
they drew pretty pictures on rocks though.
i mean REALLY pretty, priceless pictures on the best rocks.
fuck, i can't even make it sound better
I think they had like two almost fully fledged rune systems in those kingdoms which also had iron working.
>for an entire continent of over 6 gorillion ethnicities
cattle herders
Just like wealth, either you're born into intelligence or you work impossibly hard to achieve it.
USA values
I'm fairly sure our indigenous people hadn't worked out that having sex leads to pregnancy after 40k years.
actually pretty shitty pictures compared to the Chauvet Cave paintings, which are stunning , and tenthousands of years old already
Are they any closer to finding the correlation between huffing neurotoxic chemicals and mental retardation?
and the ones here in SA were drawn by the bushman/khoisan and not the black, generic niggers we know.
Oh, runes from a people that never existed and were literally made up by Anglo romanticists """"historians"""". Why don't they just call them Anglo-Saxon-Jute-Norse-Franks-Celtics+all the other fuck heads who migrated, invaded, occupied or originally inhabited the British isles? In fact the majority population of the UK can trace their roots to the pre-germanic peoples living in the British isles.
Angles and Saxons were two different peoples, at no point did Anglo-Saxons exist as a unitary people and its fucking funny to suggest it. Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Franks, etc all made a portion of the people who migrated to the UK. You don't arbitrarily pick out two (Angles and Saxons) and then lump them together and pretend they were a people called Anglo-Saxons. It's like saying eastern Germans are Germano-Poles or that people living in Lombardy are Germano-Romans or some stupid shit. Not how it works, except with the Brits apparently.
Besides that, Anglo-Saxons were taken over by Normans and the language changed to such a degree you wouldn't be able to understand old English. So what exactly makes Brits "anglo-saxons"? Because they were ruled, at one point, by Anglo-Saxons? Why does the buck stop there? What about the Normans or the Dutch?
>Citation needed
Whoa dude you're pretty angry
In Africa, they call it the red anglo rage.
yeah mean while your talking shit on an image board this same niggers are being ferried to impregnate your woman cus you're too busy shit posting
Have any of us?
Whoa dude
Does Amharic count? It's the language in Ethiopia (not sure about the name of the script). I know they're semitic, but people usually lump them in with the Africans.
Egypt is in Africa.
What about "African-Americans"
Africans have lived along side of Americans for hundreds of years but they still aren't able to coexist.
>kidnap german rocket scientist
>claim black woman invented spaceships
iwonder who could be behind this
shit nigger, nobody cares
Wow racist much?Didnt you know America was built by slaves?
Fuck off Mario Fabbrici Pepperino you're speaking my language.
You're also a fucking idiot, Vladimir Vladivostok Vladichev. I don't tell you Russian history? Do I, faggot? If I did it'd be "yeah we got some snowy fuckin wasteland for 80% of our country look how BIG we are lel"
Pretty scary that these neanderthals happily live among us
they never didnt have one
Two clear and distinct peoples. No such thing as Anglo-Saxons anywhere in Europe. So how the fuck did Anglo-Saxons migrate to the British isles if there are no god damn Anglo-Saxons to begin with? They only appear in the British isles as some sort of amalgamation of the two but for some reason this amalgamation does not include all the other Germanic tribes/peoples that also migrated over to the British isles such as the Jutes or Franks.
As for the genetic make up of the UK just use google, it's pretty much a fact at this point that the migration(s) rarely displaced the original population but rather assimilated it in a process called language shift. There's only a couple of places in the UK where the so-called "germanic genes" are the majority. Iirc York is one with 60%. This is also how the Normans had such a great deal of influence on the English language DESPITE never even being close to a majority or replacement of the original population.
Thus what happened was that the various Germanic tribes controlled their territories and held the power resulting in locals having to learn the language of their superiors in order to attain positions of authority within these kingdoms among other reasons. Thus the Germanic tongues became the lingua franca of the British isles.
If you want to see more examples of a language shift look no further than Ireland. The only reason Ireland is not considered Anglo (and they should be going by the logic of everyone else being anglo) is because the language shift happened recently enough for us to document it and in an era where nationalism and romanticism started to become prominent. No one in their right mind would say "well the Irish are Anglo-Saxons too, after all they speak a tongue stemming from the Anglo-Saxon one, no?". In fact what happened to Ireland is what happened to most of the British Isles.
Neither African or American are people, they're geographic place names. Thus you are American by virtue of living (or being born) in America the same way anyone living in Europe is European but there are no unitary European or American people, that is to say these words have no particular ethnic connotations. (and no, being black is not an ethnicity and neither is being white). Case in point-Saying you're american does not determine your ethnicity the same way saying you're African does not determine your ethnicity. African could mean anything from the Berbers in the north to the Zulu's in South Africa.
I'm not Russian and it's funny hearing you say;
>"yeah we got some snowy fuckin wasteland for 80% of our country look how BIG we are lel"
When the British empire was pretty much the same (WE WUZ BIG) except the snowy part being interchanged with the appropriate geographic feature such as a desert or jungle with the occasional spear chucker being thrown in... Good job.