Europeans used to have their own gods and religions before Christianity. I agree with the messages in Christianity and think they are positive for society but at the same time can't help but resent it. We used to have our own gods and religions and our culture was slowly taken over and destroyed by a desert religion. Did we get cucked by Christianity?
Europeans used to have their own gods and religions before Christianity...
Tell me about this "great" culture user.
>wanting more religion
the last things we want is more religions.
Why does no religion have to be atheist. Agnostics believe in god but aren't religious.
Using a strawman on Sup Forums? When there's a sticky right there to educate you?
Maybe you'd listen if the sticky was 2000 years old.
>Agnostics believe in god
Only agnostic theists
>I need myths, superstition and lies to prevent cultural degeneracy
You can't fix the world by covering your ears and screaming amen.
The fact that God is dead doesn't mean we need to cling to his corpse because you can't come up with a morality that doesn't involve fairy tales.
they are still agnostics
no agnostics dont know , so they can fuck of to heaven, or they just sleep forever , they dont know
Tell me again how atheism is "the mere lack of faith" rather than having become a wide-spread cohesive leftist movement
no one knows, it is common sense
Yeah but only like half of them
Pagan Europeans were barely above niggers. Inb4 muh Romans. The empire became great under Christianity
>fact that God is dead
The point is, that even non-religious people can have morals and values and participate in societies with culture.
>I agree with the messages in Christianity
"Turn the other cheek" made us Cuckrope.
>even non-religious people can have morals
He didn't mean that cheek silly
The same way humans learn anything. You learn by watching other humans. If you do evil we usually get punished for it.
Wew good thing you had that reaction image.
Otherwise desert myths might be nothing more than primitive man's attempt to explain things he didn't have the tools to understand.
And what is evil?
They don't need to be scared with Devil and Hell to follow basic moral values?
>might be
Exactly. Might be
Learn to only talk about facts when you can know them
What are the basic moral values?
evil is whatever your local laws deem it to be. Hire a lawyer if you don't know. Seriously, I was thrown in jail for drinking next to a highway in Texas.
Does it matter? Isis whole plan is to outbreed us in our own countries and make europe muslim
Also i live near a christian school and all the girls wear skirts even the young ones wink wink
>Laws are inherently moral
So, when were you diagnosed a retard by the state you worship?
What if people around you believe it's evil to not steal and murder rich people?
How am I a retard for not wanting to get thrown in jail. Also how is it worshiping my stateif I disagree with a law?
steal from*
You're a retard if you think that just because something is a law it is a designation of good vs evil. You're also an idiot for thinking that when I say state I mean a state of the USA.
Then you can start a movement to make it legal in your state, how does this need religion involved?
Anything needs to be living in community.
A state in the USA is much like a state outside the usa so I am not an idiot. Laws are usually based on good vs. Evil and need no religious interpretation.
Christianity in particular bans all murder, regardless of the status of the victim
It's only compatible with self-defence (which may or may not result in murder)
Lel. I was being pedantic because you're an idiot.
There is no might about it. Religion is based on ignorance of reality. God, gods and supernatural forces are human imaginings that only exist as a concept to explain phenomenon that weren't understood at the time.
Moreso, creating a system of morals and law based of concepts of ignorance and falsehoods is doomed to fail, as it has with increasing acceleration around the world.
If you want to fix the degeneration of our society, you're going to have to do better than "ommipotent Sky spirit says it's wrong."
You can start with just explaining why a particular action is wrong, harmful and counterproductive to humanity on both a whole and an individual level.
Number 1: By State, I mean the government itself.
Number 2: Laws do not, inherently, designate something as good or evil. Just because it is illegal to speed does not make it immoral to speed as a concept.
>did we get cucked
you are probably, likely, a chink. certainly an atheist, definitely a liberal. there is no "we".
>anyone not SAGING in options is a cuck
>Religion is based on ignorance of reality
Reality being purely physical
As if you knew anything, insect.
Got cucked in the sense that we lost a lot of our lore and myths, but overall Christianity helped Europe.
pope ass licker
So you believe in a faery made up by a goatfucker just because jews also wrote a Desert Survival Guild for Ancient Tribes?
Each state in the USA has different laws. Such as Colorado able to grow and sell MJ for recreational purposes, even though Federal law forbids it.
A governor is much like a president, also put in check by judicial and senate. Evil is whatever is evil in your land, that is all you need to know really. Pretty simple. No need to constantly feel like invisible Jesus is watching over your shoulder every second. That is called thought crime.
Not really. Partly because it's on my flag, partly because it has a reason-justifying, morality-setting, purpose-giving Classically Theistic God, and partly because it just feels great
I'd like to know what Celtic and Germanic 'tribes' were really like
Pretty much everything we know of them comes from Romans and It's no secret they didn't like Celts or Germans
Just the fact we refer to them as tribes already gives you preconceptions about what they were like, but they weren't really like "tribes", they were their own iron-age civilisations. "Tribes" don't have the political power to muster together tens or even hundreds of thousands of armoured men to fight Rome.
think hes talking about the god emperor
some people take warhammer too seriously
Imaginations of there being something other than physical reality does not prove that there is.
I know that no human has ever known, proven or discovered an actual deity, that all religions on earth can be easily explained as primitive misunderstandings and justifications of natural phenomenon, and that the shortest book ever written is "Italian War Heroes."
>Evil is whatever is evil in your land, that is all you need to know really.
You are barely human at this point
Does selling your wife to someone for money count as evil?
Because God's first prophet Abraham did it several times.
You are the one who needs to prove only the physical world can exist
I have not mentioned religion, not even once. Evil is tied to violation of a human's inalienable rights. No one can defend the violation of life, liberty, and property that isn't evil or is delusional.
It does not change from state to state. The laws change, your rights do not. In fact, if you think that just because something is legal or illegal is a matter of good vs evil, then wouldn't that mean that if a government policy called for the mass genocide of innocent people it would be good? Laws carry the authority of the state (read, government), they hold no moral authority of good vs evil.
It doesn't mean you have to agree with the laws, in a true democracy you at least have a chance to change things.
So you really believe that jahve actually exists and he is the very same God described in the Bible, or just use his image for practical reasons?
>puts picture of Kolovrat
t. future Slav-occupied clay
I believe Jahve is one of the three persons of God. Namely God the Father
same argument i use every day and they say "BUT WE BELIEVE" and stick up down my throat.
Why should only democracies establish what's evil?
>Laws carry the authority of the state (read, government), they hold no moral authority of good vs evil.
That is what the catholic faith wants you to think. Catholics use to hold moral authority over good and evil too.
the CURRENT YEAR thing is literally a logical fallacy
Yeah, those pagan Greeks and Romans never did anything good.
Same with Shariah law as well I dare to mention
Alright, they're both wrong, what's your point? I'm not catholic.
That's actually blasphemy...
>The empire became great under Christianity
Democratic law is law established for and by the people. What else could you want?
And you think only the state should determine evil
Only if you're a jew
Not how that works. I have evidence that physical reality exists. There is no evidence that there is any other form of reality. To assert that there is something other than physical reality is nothing more than a delusion based off of myth and emotion.
You are the one who asserted that there is, or might be, a God, Gods, and/or supernatural reality. I just took the step to say you're wrong because I know, you know and we all know you don't have a single shread of evidence to prove otherwise. That doesn't mean the burden of proof suddenly shifts to me.
Just pointing out that you don't need religion whatsoever
50% + 1 of the population want to kill everyone else. Is it moral?
Why should the democratic majority have a monopoly on establishing evil?
To bad there are no neopagans who trully bellieve in their gods and not just playng LARP and prefer old faery tales.
Or Catholic.
Holy Trinity in orthodoxy tho
The Father
The Son and the Holy Ghost
I think human beings can determine what is evil for themselves. You don't need devine intervention.
So philosophers, clerics, priests, ordinary human beings.
Indeed but it's just hurting Western civilization at this point. It was only useful in "uniting" (kek) Europe and mobilizing against the Muslims.
What does "get cucked" even mean? You have to willingly and deliberately become a cuckold, you cannot "get cucked".
Christianity has existed in Europe for a millenium and a half before nations were even invented. Modern pagan movements are nationalistic, taking on ideology that was completely foreign to original pagans. What now leaf?
>Not how that works. have evidence that physical reality exists.
>There is no evidence that there is any other form of reality.
>To assert that there is something other than physical reality is nothing more than a delusion based off of myth and emotion.
This is literally called an Argument from Ignorance
Just because you are ignorant of any other possibilities, doesn't mean there is no such thing as an alternative to what you're claiming
depends on the situation. maybe the others were doing something the 50% +1 thought was unforgivable. So it would seem moral in their eyes.
who the fuck is that little pink nigger???
>So philosophers, clerics, priests, ordinary human beings.
And if you're in a society ruled by any of these, you have to obey and believe what they're claiming to be good and evil
>We firmly believe and profess without qualification that there is only one true God, eternal, immense, unchangeable, incomprehensible, omnipotent, and indescribable, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; three persons but one essence and a substance or nature that is wholly simple.
>The Father is from no one; the Son is from the Father only; and the Holy Spirit is from both the Father and the Son equally. God has no beginning; He always is, and always will be. The Father is the progenitor, the Son is the begotten, the Holy Spirit is proceeding. They are all one substance, equally great, equally all-powerful, equally eternal. They are the one and only principle of all things – Creator of all things visible and invisible, spiritual and corporeal, who, by His almighty power, from the very beginning of time has created both orders of creatures in the same way out of nothing, the spiritual or angelic worlds and the corporeal or visible universe.
Nope, does not depend on the situation. You think that people can decide for themselves, regardless of context, if it happens, is it moral?
buddha is not a god you dumb fuck
Men back in the pagan days could:
-build fires
-build homes
-kill predators
-remember stories and traditions stretching back millennia
I highly doubt they were stupid, and doubt even more that they actually believed pagan gods were really people. This was just their way of metaphorically explaining the natural world around them.
Hence why I am pagan
At some point you will have to accept that the anglo-saxon-germanic-nordic peoples are the true Israelites and brought their culture and religion (Christianity) to Europe which mixed with the native peoples religion.
Why else was Odin sacrificed on a tree (the bible says tree for Jesus) and wounded with a spear in his side. And the prose Edda speaks of righteous people living forever in a hall at Gimle. The earliest writings we have which derive from Germanic cultures all mention God and Jesus.
It is Jews who are pushing this notion that Germanic peoples had their own pagan religion. Germanic peoples are the true descendants of Abraham and are Gods chosen people.
The NS movement was Christian.
>odin = jesus
Here, friend, let me help you out. Dying-and-resurrected God is a trope:
We got most of our civilisation from Romans, which got it from Greeks, which got it from Mesopotamians
>Dying-and-resurrected God is a trope:
Wikipedia is run by Jews.
Our laws came from a system of morals based on religious beliefs. If we had an at heist system from the beginning, the laws would be radically different
One if the main reasons today that system have morals is because people who are religious taught them in a variety of ways. Even now, people who are atheists teens to have looser and looser senses of morals as time progresses
it does depend, what if the 50% were eating the 50% + 1's babies? So yes it would be moral.
The most scary part about islam is , that when muslims actualy understand islam we are fucked , and it could only take one guy to make them understand , thank god most of them are dumb as a brick