I wrote an essay on japan colonizing korea. will post more if interested

I wrote an essay on japan colonizing korea. will post more if interested.

Bump for interest.

>Put it up on Medium.com, 1stamender.com and allthink.com.
>Link all three to each other.
>Post it on Plebbit

If you generate a large enough shitstorm you'll be capable of unearthing a craptonne of buried sentiments.

bump for interest as well

post more ricenigger


>Koreans still talking about how there women spread there legs for the slightly less feminine men nearby
Fuck off

thanks for the interest everyone.


The whole thing plz

what do you think of the essay up to this point?

As a burger I'm very interested

post more please

do you study geopolitics?

Its interesting.

The part about dismissing Japans influence in spurring Koreas economic development is very unclear though.

Post the rest plz

Might makes right.

Literally who? Colonizing where?

I think it would be good because then there would be more Japanese anime. Add that to your essay, you can cite me as the source.

is tiffany from SNSD kill?

dump it all on here m'man.

Looks like shit, you will only got a B- for that shitty essay.

Are you korean or just an english teacher