I mean niggers already have 'em.
Should great apes be given human rights?
>Insert Harambe joke here
Fuck off with this meme already.
we give niggers equal rights why should gorillas be any different?
Removing human rights from niggers seems to me a better move.
Gorillas arent even the same tribe, let alone the same genus. Even shimps arent the same genus. Meanwhile niggrrs are the same genus so it makes sense.
I disagree
why the hell not, make a new country for them too
No and neither should you for posting this shit fuck off and sage
at least apes aren't gonna be causing riots, I say why not
So I'm gonna bring a reasonable response to this thread if that's OK.
If the gorilla respects other individuals rights, they deserve equal rights back. Doesn't matter if you're a robot, animal or human.
Thanks for Correcting the Record™!
Well they are not humans so no but they should be aggressively protected from their natural enemy the negro.
Great apes are our cousins and we need to keep an eye out for them.
>google human definition
>relating to or characteristic of humankind.
Exactly why niggers should be revoked human rights, among other groups
They already tend to have rights as most animals do
What we need to fight for is giving niggers less rights and giving fish more rights
can humans reproduce with great apes?
has anyone ever tried it?
and they should be live in the white house... hups! already done
Apes are more intelligent
>YFW only have a 2 inch dick
Gorillas are practically like chinks and I consider those animals subhumans.
So no, gorillas don't get rights besides animal rights.
>If the gorilla respects other individuals rights, they deserve equal rights back.
Are you saying we should revoke human rights from niggers?
Didn't Stalin actually have a secret project where they were gonna try that?
Either that they were just going to mix the DNA externally?
Some kind of wierd ass super soldier project
there is a myth that aids was created by some dirty central african ape fuckers though.
never heard of it.
Gorillas are more intelligent than a lot of niggers, I say yes, Finbro.
Fuck I have no idea how my ideas work in practice I just know it feels right.
What if a wild bear walks into a city to relax? Do we kill it cause they are known to be violent and dangerous?
Do we tranqulize it and deport it back to where it came from?
Do we observe it and hope it doesn't steal or murder?
Do we look away and treat it like a human?
Really makes you think...
>I mean niggers already have 'em.
Because gorillas would become hard working citizens despite speaking only through sign language, and would therefore be shot less.
It would upset the "dindu nuffin" rhetoric.
Maybe we should wait until all humans have human rights, and these are enforced.
>I mean niggers already have 'em.
That's the point.
>59 IQ
Equatorial Guinea sounds like a pretty surreal place to live.
They'd behave better than niggers, so yes.
Once they surpass the mental capabilities of a child sure until then they are just overpowered retards.
Sometimes I toy with the idea of making a mini civilisation of coconut crabs
Like, have an environment that is a haven for coconut crabs, with natural selection engineered to make them intelligent manipulators of their environment.
It'd be neat if you could get an animal to make human-usable structures too.
Which raises the question, are demonstrations of mate suitability self-reinforcing even if they're illogical?
Say that you sterilised male mantis shrimp with small dens or no dens, and gave food rewards to those who manage to make even a small hole in rock.
Females would, over time, favour the male with the bigger hole.
I'm left wondering though if the trait would be bred out as soon as you left them to their own devices though.
I did some calculations where males and females both had genes for likes-digging-holes, only a phenotype for males, and likes-hole-diggers, only a phenotype for females.
Say that D is hole digger, d is not, L is hole liker, l is not, F is female, M is male
There are 4 pairings where the two partners have especial liking for each other: MDL+FDL, MDL+FdL, MDl+FDL, MDl+FdL.
Now, if you repeated each pairing enough times that you'd have a Punnett square for each pair, your input would be:
your output would be:
So it appears what you end up with is an equal increase in the number of shrimp who absolutely love holes, and the number who don't care about them at all.
The chinese IQ is heavily skewed. Just like the PISA study its confined to Shangai schools which are notorious for accusations of corruption.
Taiwan, Subkorea and Japan are legit tho.
how many people do they kill? if anything they should have MORE rights.
the bleeding heart humanist idea that humans are so holy and sacred and better than everyone else that for whatever reason has such strong support among rightcucks is a total joke.
They have a higher avg iq than subsaharan africa
>shifting the goalpost this hard
You have the right to pull your dicks out for Harambe
kill the non-hole shrimp
The problem is that doing so would be fucking tedious, the whole point is to avoid work.
> more intelligent and useful than Slavs