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why are whites so degenerate 'n'
I expect it from the blacks, but c'mon, we have higher standards for whites
Who would get excited over this show, or even watch it? I don't understand who they are marketing this to. Negresses won't watch this, normal women won't watch this... guys certainly won't watch this. I don't get it.
Women of all colors have always been degenerated, we only see it now because of muh equality
im sure they know its destined to fail from the start maybe theyre just trying to push a message through the commercials
Looks like Corrected your record, dumb cunt
>a true story on the verge of happening
so... a load of bullshit
Why couldn't she be a boxer?
Or a MMA contestant?
>politics and sports don't hand in hand for a reason
Except for analogies, user
because even in tv shows we don't put men against women in full contact sports because that's how sexist we are
Is Plebbit down again?
>Bad News Beavers
When are you going to accept it.
>lead off single, aaand nobody noticed
I lol'd out loud
and cutting to them in between pitches
I absolutely love this clip
where do they find these kikes ?
They just seep from the woodwork, ready to write and direct perverted shows, apparently.
It's even a proven fact that men could handle child bearing pain much better.
>"It's 2016, gentlemen."
Why, thank you, I forgot what year we were in.
>where do they find these kikes ?
The kikes are "they".
Born ready to statistically throw more slowly and hit with less force than all other men in the MLB, who are by definition at the pinnacle of the required athletic abilities needed to play baseball?
>it's 2016!
Oh, righto then.
Shut the fuck up, you moron.
True, as a former U17 boys basketball coach I can confirm that most current pro-women american teams are only at U15 levels.
She will be bullied and sexually harassed by fucking white males and some spic or nigger will be her best friend and stick up for her
>always right
>south america
T. triggered Dominican
Kys, faggot.
And lmao, at missing Big Papi hitting a homer to save the red sox's series after the bombing. Or Pedro Martinez's god tier pitching breaking the curse. Because they're not American?
what are you ? a fucking faggot?
The world record for a female pitch is 82mph. That's male high school level.
Lol. ThE fastest female pitch is recorded at 69mph. That's barely half of what am average MLB pitcher throws at most of the time at the plate.
The problem with this show is that it's literally never going to happen, not because of glass ceilings, but because of physiology/biology. Women wouldn't even make it to the minors. Hell, not even most male high school teams.
If they want to bill her as some kind of super hero who had a freak accident or something, fine, bit saying she's just a regular woman who makes the MLB is utter nonsense. Any athletic woman knows this.
What if we change the rules so that there can be 2 pitchers on the mound and she can throw changeups every now and then?
Is that windmill or fastball?
Jackie Robinson is a tranny now?
Africa master race :^)
They will say it failed because of sexism.
They create their own feedback loops to support narratives.
Baseball, softball record is 77mph. Male record is 115mph, the MLB record is 105mph. Control is everything in MLB, the thought that a women could control a 85+mph baseball is laughable.
Also Futurama already did it.
Thanks, I got band numeros.
i love you pol
>Who would get excited over this show, or even watch it?
I know people that have gone all-in when it comes to liberalism and think absolutely anything involving racism and sexism is 100% true. I wouldn't be surprised if they'd do their best of fagbook to promote this garbage and watch it all the way through even if only to do 'their part' to help minorities and women. It's a new level of idiotic.
wow, these people are so delusional
When the fuck are we gonna be more inclusive toward other species?
I wanna see a movie about Abraham Lincoln starring a horse. Or a remake of Indiana Jones with a goldfish. Or Batman with a dog. Call it the bark knight.
If they're doing it with monkeys why not other animals? Why not just throw a cromagnon in there? Why are we so adamant about only having humans from this eon? JUST MAKE EVERYONE GRAY BLOBS RRREEEEEEEE
She plays for the Padres!
Oy gevalt it's all over
This is new form of propaganda argument we've never seen before.
"ABOUT TO HAPPEN", so it's possible ok guys? Just you wait, any day now, your days are numbered, so just accept it.
Why would men respect this when the whole subtext is chauvinist women wanting to out-alpha manly dominators because otherwise she doesn't respect herself? If men accept any of the presumptions they instantly become a bitch in their eyes.
>joining the NBA
keep dreaming
Tom green and hanks madonna jr
Eri Yoshida was the closest a woman has ever made it in baseball, and she was terrible at AA.
i humbly request the commission of a great "we wuz" compilation.
Baseball is so fucking boring just like Football. Why do american sports last for like 4 hours?
Deathcamp orgy girls on acid
A chi O's, not surprising theyre all vapid whores
There's no covering for a bad pither though.
Tough break bud
>Why do american sports last for like 4 hours?
they do last a bit long, don't they. but I have to make sure that you don't lump baseball in with football. Football is a sport with action and noise, and therefore it appeals to loud drunk men. Baseball, on the other hand is a religion that appeals to thinkers who never actually go to the games.
Here's why baseball sucks, in a nutshell. If you went to a game, and some wormy looking guy struck out, hit a single, flied out, and hit another single, you'd be like "ho hum". BUT WAIT. if he did that in every game all season, all 180 boring games, THEY WOULD FUCKING BULLDOZE THE HALL OF FAME AND BUILD A STATUE TO HIM. Because batting 0.500 is super human level.
Anybody can watch Lebron James play and realize he is awesome. Same for le cut inside man in your football. and countless other athletic heroes. But unless you read the sports news, ol' wormy up there would never even register on your radar.
Baseball is only boring if you're a faggot
Well to be fair I don't care for basket(negro)ball either. You make it sound like baseball is more for autistic people.
But there are football(soccer) players who the average person would never recognize as a great player, like Toni Kross for example.
Shut your mouth you chink fag
>San Diego Padres
here's my second favorite example of how baseball is a retarded religion and not a sport. they have this thing called "hitting for the cycle", that is considered a marvelous achievement. and it does require a good day at the bat, but it's only newsworthy if you hit a single and a double and a triple and a homerun, but they can be in any order.
In other words, if you hit a homer and a triple and a double, and get another good hit, YOU SHOULD STOP AT FIRST IF YOU WANT TO BE IN THE SPORTS NEWS.
It's literally the gayest bunch of crap ever.
I see you've heard of ichiro Suzuki
Do you really wanna play that game Abdul Azim?
You're 17 and have to deal with the fact Jamal is upstairs banging your sister, you don't have any opinion on sports because you simply don't have the opportunity to watch them in cuckland.
If this is an all-star game. Nobody would stop at the first if they are trying to win a game, retard.
I'll never get into this. I hope the burgers have mercy on me when I move there
More gay baseball shit. if you are pitching, and a guy hits a homerun, you are supposed to throw the next pitch at the batter's head. Not the same guy, the next guy on his team. And in one league, the pussy assed pitchers don't even have to hit, so you can't retaliate against him.
Where's the logic? I suppose if you are a gay assed faggot and throw a bad pitch that goes over the wall, you get your dignity back by trying to maim an innocent guy.
Please tell me it's a satire where the players keep letting her win to virtue signal, and she thinks she's really doing it.
Dude, I know you're a new age kid and don't have the frame of reference. But Baseball is an actual sport that is not based on artificial hype but it's fucking tradition. Everything is about practicality, there is no bullshit narratives involve.
In other words, it's an actual thing. Go get hype about fucking dunks even though they're like 5% of all nba points or watch a sport that is literally nothing but ads.
The only place a true faggot like you would make a bunch of friends is probably in Seattle.
top cuck they'll be in the gutter for a decade
Hitting for the cycle is nice
going 4/4 is just as nice
going 4/4 with a solo hr, 2-run hr, 3-run hr, and a Grand slam, that's a marvelous achievement
Maybe I wasn't clear. the point is that the writers and the fans glorify something that is meaningless. when someone hits for the cycle they go on and on about how it's been 30 fucking years since it happened before, meaning it has more news value than some guy who hit 3 homers and drove in 9 runs.
but they only wet their pants when you hit for the cycle. it's like digging up the fact that some nfl guy ran for 1 yard, and 2, and 3, etc. up to 10 or whatever. it's just silly to even mention it at all, and yet it is A REALLY BIG ACCOMPLISHMENT when it happens.
this will literally never happen. women do not contain the strength nor hand-eye coordination that is a necessity for MLB players. Not even close.
Baseball is the true egalitarian sport, as it requires consistency over many years to become successful and no amount of AA can push women to physically become something they are not.
Every time.
Purely coincidence
Baseball requires a great deal of explosive strength, something women do not possess. If a man fucks around with hormones and reduces his ability to produce testosterone, he'll fuck up his career.
No way will a tranny be able to play with that many imbalances.
holy shit, if somebody did this today they would get crucified
generally speaking, pitchers are the isolated players of baseball. They control the speed of the game, and they only play once a week. They also generally do not bat after university baseball.
The American league system is to promote offense, as most pitchers focus 100% on pitching, while field players must focus on position playing and batting.
Allowing 1/9 of each team's players to knowingly suck is a waste of an at-bat and therefore has repercussions in the game. That includes game scores, which influence ticket sales, merch, etc.
That's why with Designated Hitters the American League has higher average runs scored/per game.
Dude she would get wrecked by a 14 year old select team, we already had kids throwing mid-upper 80s at that age
Shart in mart De'shaun
>cycle has more news value than some guy who hit 3 homers and drove in 9 runs
And why do you think that is? Because it's harder to accomplish. How hard is it to understand?
There are guys who have 3HRs and 9RBIs all the time (well, maybe not all the time but you know what I mean). That's why a guy who hits for a cycle is more of a rarity. Does it mean he made a bigger contribution to the team than the first guy? No, but he is the bigger news story because it just doesn't happen every day.
Let's say you have two football games, in one, a receiver catches 5TD passes, but in another a kicker kicks a 90 yard Field goal (I know it's impossible) but who do you think will get the headlines?
That's why people glorify those moments, because they just don't happen all the time. Would I rather see a cycle and a 90 yard field goal just for the hell of it? Sure!
Even if it meant losing this one game (in baseball it's not really that bad) I would still rather see those, for the rarity value.
Mfw the first pitch doesn't hit the catcher until the bottom of the third
Baseball without south america is like basketball without africa. It sucks.
my lord, there is no depth too low for these jews
Genocide jews for real this time, WHEN?
Surely softball pitchers throw faster then that.
Apparently it's 77mpg. Honestly I expected more.
Padres are total ass anyway. No postseason appearances in almost a decade
How would you even reach the 3rd?
Do you have any idea how hard it is to hit a triple? Easily the hardest part of hitting for a cycle. Hell a triple on its own is impressive.
There is no logic because you just made that up on the spot, or you heard it from some douche when you were in middle school
There are 1280 MLB players at any given time, all of them men.
Presuming that they systems in place to find talented men are reasonably efficient and that those 1280 are the best baseball players in the country, that means in a country of 150 million men, only the top .000008% of men can play at the MLB level. That's about 4 and a half standard deviations above average.
As a group, women are about 2 standard deviations weaker than men. So an MLB tier woman would need to be 6.5 standard deviations above average. That is roughly speaking, 1 in every 12 billion women should be able to compete at the MLB level.
That means that once every 80 generations or so the US ought to have 1 woman born who can play in the MLB.
SJW's will never touch hockey thankfully. That's a sport they can't get into
>women playing in men's leagues meme
KEK. When will this shit die?
i think i am about to become insane living in these times.
this is flat out propaganda, not story-telling but propaganda "muh strong indypendent womyn". why is no one challening this garbage instead of peeople on Sup Forums ?