Serious question: Are Sikhs really bro tier, or is that just a meme?

Serious question: Are Sikhs really bro tier, or is that just a meme?

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It's a perfect example of schrodinger's meme. It's a meme and not a meme at the same time.

They fucking hate Muslims. Almost more than anyone. Great soldiers. Definitely bro tier.

They hate muslims, and they can operate a 7/11 efficiently.

Its a meme with a fair bit of truth in it. not all Sikhs are bro tier but a respectable number of them are

I love Sikhs, they are like what Muslims would be if they weren't shit.

Let them be "bro-tier" back where they come from.


>Literally descended from Aryans
>Conquered their land from native Dravidians
>Fought Muslims for hundreds of years
>Fuck up the British army so much that the British make them a part of their army
>Assassinated Gandhi's daughter

They're pretty based desu. I don't they want to be any obese thirteen year old Sup Forumsacks bro tho

They're bro-tier.

Look up Nav Bhatia if you want evidence.

tl;dr 21 siks held off 10 thousand afghans long enough to allow reinforcements to arrive at nearby major british fort

Can't be just a meme

These people have a different culture that's bringing them up into actual humans, unlike most of the westerners

>anthony fantano go and stay go

jk top post

Its a meme spread by poos on Sup Forums either from india or living in other countries

They would be if they could poo in loo

It's propaganda.

They always push this shit, and they always use the same words
>sikhs are bro tier!
>sikhs are bro tier!
>sikhs are bro tier!
>sikhs are bro tier!

Just shut the fuck up.
None of these people come up with anything original to say, none of them can explain how those raghead sandniggers are ''bro-tier''. They simply spam their mantra.
Every time someone mentions the goat fuckers and poo in loos someone is going to come out and say ''Sikhs are bro tier''. These people have nothing to contribute. They are simply pushing this idea that you should let these people near your children because they're so BRO TIER. Who uses the words ''bro'' and ''-tier'' anymore?

hindus hate sikhs

>bro tier
>shit in streets
Pick only 1

>muh 84
Sikhs are one of the most respected groups in India mate. Part of a reason for this is their over representation in the Indian Army and their benevolent nature.

Said a Latvian with no Sick contact.
I have met a few, and their home lives seemed legit, their kids honest and their hate levels low.

Oh yeah, some brown skin ''seemed normal'' and didn't start shit, so that obviously means you need to go online and spam shit about how Sikhs are ''bro-tier'', right? Suck their dick and tongue their asshole because a Sikh you met was a normal person? Makes sense.

Keep spamming that shit and praising Sikhs every time you get a chance.

It's just a stupid fucking meme, they're shitskins all the same.

I think the Sicks are bro-tier
They hate muslims and they have cool turbants and cool knives. They totally poo in the toiled and are a little more cleaner than regular Indians.

But please, my bro-tier Sicks, stay away from Europe.

Jesus dude, why so angry. Did a sikh touch you or something?

Sikhs ARE bro-tier. They hate Muslims and voted for Brexit.

Sikhs are more white than Slavs in their behaviour.

Really makes me think...

That's badass!

Are you a sikh, bro?

Best migrants in BC by far. They really are bro tier, even the old guys are always smiling and being nice to you and shit.
I took a course in a predominantly Sikh area once and I was the only one that wasn't Sikh in the class. This is where I learned the extent of just how bro-tier they were.

The only two downsides is that they have moderate crime problem but 99% of the time it's between themselves for "honor" and shit, they don't really bother anyone else but muzzies.

Also they smell pretty bad sometimes, but that's a given

everyone i met was cool, all two of them. they cook some good fucking food man

Were these sikhs?

45% of Sikhs voted for Brexit. Around 55% of whites voted for Brexit.

You're praising an entire demographic for being slightly worse than white people.
You people are Cuckservatives.

This is no different from Milo who always rants about black dicks or Fox News where they have to have token black guys and rant about how based blacks are.
You're cuckservatives. You're flat out praising minorities and sucking their dick because they're not as bad as other minorities.

Is that why your army is a joke?

Hindu detected.

I can only speak from experience. Sikhs are better behaved than Slavs.

I know you've never seen white people and don't think they even exist, but I am white. White countries exist. White countries where people don't praise other races and give them ''congrats, you didn't explode or steal from me'' awards. That's a given in white countries.

Asians are doing really great, they don't commit a lot of crime, they're nice, but I don't see people praising them because this type of behavior is NORMAL and not noteworthy.
If you have to say a race/religion of people are ''bro-tier'' because they didn't commit a crime or insult you then that's already a sort of red flag.

I think canada is pretty white though..

Slavs are not even human, stop changing the subject, cuckservative.
Next you'll be talking about how blacks are totally bro-tier and how your bull needs to be prepped.

Bro tier.
I wish we had more here desu.

Based as fuck

I thought the Iranians were the original Aryans. The whole Zoroastrian religion and culture is derived from Aryan identity.

They're hit and miss, like most of the "top tier" races, so I guess that makes them bro tier too, right?

Any group that agrees Muslims need to be gassed is pretty based.

da kang wil mak shikts bor teir

You are a Slav

Our Defense Minister is bro tier.

Aryan means noble race in Sanskrit and Farsi.

The Aryan identity is rooted in the Zoroastrian faith, which originated in ancient Iran, not India.

I'm a Sikh and the truth about sikhism now is that most of my kind are wannabe honary nigguhs or leftist sjw cucks. Sikh history is based though. Modern sikhism is cancer.

Yes, just because someone is brown doesn't mean they're the enemy - it just USUALLY means that.

Sikhs are a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything. Their warrior cult thing reminds me of Nordic tradition, only with curry and feces under the fingernails.

post your sikh knife with timestamp

bro-tier as fuck, bro

Sikh here. Never trust a Sikh. They'll side with the muslims in the great race war.




They're alright like most Asians.

Doesn't mean I want them flooding my country and demographically replacing whites.

Nigger faggot im not fucking initiated to remove kebab

They didn't side with Muslims in both past great wars

Why would they now.

>When you're sikh of illegal immigration:

I've met two in my life that I've got to know, from high school, and they were both bro tier. Legitimately decent people. They'd tell me how much they hate muslims.

There's one who works at my grocery store stocking shelves (Durham, NC), and he always says "hi, how are you" when he sees me. He seems cool, not that I know anything else about him. There's an arab looking guy who works there too, and he seems to try a bit too hard to show how nice he is, but I suppose it's tough being an arab in the redneck south.

Balts are not slavs.

Fuck off with this meme.

Whites are bro-tier and no one else you cucked bitch.

except zoroastrians worship fire and drink cow piss. there's your Aryan culture

Only minority that voted more in favor of the brexit side.

No. I'm a Hindu Dindu.

Ofcourse our army is no match for your army; no army is. But it's not a joke by any standard.

Sikhs are easy to get along with and don't try to push beliefs on anyone... Like mudslimes do. They act like bros whenever they're around whites because they really long to be accepted.

I don't know if that's bro tier or whoring... Maybe both... Point is, never had a bad experience hanging with a Sikh so they're pretty high up on my respect ladder


I dont give a fuck about them.

The Non-Sikh/Rajput/Gurkha part of the army is shit. Unfortunetly that means that about 90% of the army is shit. That still leaves 10% that would fuck any Chinks or Pakis down to hell.

No, they are just shitskin looking to be the new jew and rule Indo-Europeans as a parasitic overclass. They are entirely unnecessary. There is nothing they can do that our own people cannot. Importing more of these animals is just asking for trouble.

>Sikhs siding with muslims

You don´t know anything about their history, don´t you?

A couple of their Gurus were killed by the muslims. Centuries of war against the muslims. They have painting of their Gurus death by muslims hung in every temple of theirs, so no one forgets what Muslims did to them. Every sikh child taught to never trully trust a muslim.

Source: best friend, who is Sikh.

Sikh's cultural identity is almost defined as being a warrior culture created to kill Muslims.
Dietary requirements of being a Sikh are they can eat fucking anything as long as it's not halal.
They were basically Crusading brethren from the east, one of very few groups to hand some pain back to the Mohammidians. .

In modern times, they seem to be chilled people, they don't have some massive chip on their shoulder or play the victim like most immigrant ethnic groups. They are way less inclined to play the race card or any bullshit. They often actually align politically with conservative politics in white countries (e.g. they voted for brexit).

I don't like my white country being taken over, but if it has to be anyone I would much prefer Sikh's to nearly anyone else.

That's a hindu man. Sikh's don't drink cow piss or worship them

>I'm a Hindu Dindu.

just a meme

''sikhs are bro tier.jpg''

underrated post


Also integrate way better. Certainly there are some crazy FOBy ones, but you find that in any race.

Sikhs, Slavs and East Asians are all all-right in my books. Not Western Europeans, but certainly capable of great things.

They're Indo-Europeans themselves, though. Besides, what evidence do you have that they're pining to be the next members of the financial elite?

That's another thing to like about them I guess. European and Indian languages are related, giving us some kind of connection that we don't have to anyone else in the world. However that applies to all Sub-continentals, not just Sikh's

>European and Indian languages are related
So? They're completely mutually unintelligible.

Raptor fan eh?

So is American English and the Scottish accent

If it ain't White, it ain't right.