Deutschland awakening when?
Deutschland awakening when?
it's too late
It's never too late, Austriabro.
haha silly anglo, Germany is f-fine in its current state! I love my new tanned neighbours, and I am very glad and happy to witness such great change haha. I am happy, yes. I am happy.
Is there something you want to tell us, Germanbro?
Is it?
The glorious day will come when we get rid of all the traitors in government and left wing parties and reopen the camps to produce green energy by gassing and burning some cockroaches.
Reported, just to see what happens.
That's the spirit!
Your ARYAN 'NATION' is soon to be utterly, utterly DESTROYED.
Your people are scattered and ruined, the wild TURK runs rampant through your city destroying your fragile PALE race of vile, vile WORMS.
There will be no place for you to run. Even the trees and rocks cry out "There is an ARYAN behind me, come and destroy him oh beautiful ANGLO".
We will LEAD YOUR PEOPLE into the BLOOD REFINERIES as we did once before.
We will initiate DRESDEN 2.5: The IncineARYAN.
We will achieve the ARYANDIED.
>We declared war on the whole world and lost. This is obviously the jewish people's fault.
Sir i will ask you to come with me
Jews and Poles declared war on us. We have right to self-defend.
Cockroaches aren't the Jews faggot besides the fact that you're one of the few countries I admire for their policy on rapefugees.
>Deutschland awakening when?
When the Eternal Anglo stops backstabbing us.
Says the fucktard who has a cockroach as mayor in his capital lul
Bruh, Croatia was not involved until later. Yet let me explain one high flaw in the Croatian Fascist part: You were controlled by (((Pavelic)))
when the kang arrives
When the Nazis come out of Antartica.
>we battled Communism by letting it take over half of Europe.
>our Emperor had given the order to finance the rise of Bolshevism in Russia
It is all part of our master plan you REPUGNANT ARYAN SLUG.
There is nowhere for you to run or hide. You can either stay in your WRETCHED ARYAN NATION, beset on all sides by swarms and swarms of NEGRO KINGS or NOBLE ROACHES.
Your only hope is to report your nearest ANGLO BLOOD REFINERY and let it end QUICKLY.
I'm not Croatian, you Montezottnigger.
Anyway, if we were more like UstaĊĦe, then we would won the war.
Germans are the saviours of Europe!
remember german: hate speech is not allowed
t.evil german on vacation
Bad troll is bad besides half of your city's are under sharia law and brexit will fuck your country for the next decade glhf
all of the german alphas died on the eastern front from 41-45, and later on in the gulags. there is no hope.
oh come on
But Ustasa got btfo by mountain dwelling partisan scum
why do you keep posting this shite in every thread
We need to send a message to the moon.
The Space Nazis must hear our call.
There are few left truth be told but when the time comes we will rise and cleanse this invasion of mudslimes
Okay but seriously now
When's the race war actually happening though?
there will be no rebellion by the germans
They will tolerate everything thrown at them till they are gone
the british,italians,greeks,russians,poles and austrians and the yanks will lead the push back
the germans are gone m8 and they aint coming back
please, muslims have to abide by British law first and if they wish to impose stupid sky daddy rules ontop of UK rule, it just shows how Islam was a Jewish conpiracy to control the sand people.
german nationalism is on the rise
please bomb us again
What place would you like to be bombed?
Even if that was the case we wouldn't go out without a fight either to remove the traitors who brought this upon us or the mudslimes themselves
Eventually you'll wake up.
It's inventible.
A race cannot watch itself become extinct and take it lightly.
Pshht angry islandmonkey who cucked himself by leaving eu
When this one is out of office.
I'd bomb her Dresden long and hard if you know what I mean.
You need to lead the way again, kamerad.
Fucking commie.
>there's still no sign of lynch squads in Sausageland
Agreed Merkel is one of the biggest traitors on the population of Germany in our history and eventually she will either go or be removed by the people she betrayed by letting millions of sandniggers into the country
only chance you have is if AFD win..germany tends to change their opinion depending on what the topdog long as merkel is topdog the people will obey
I can feel irony in your post, also 88, reported to BfV
AFD has no chance they can however become so big Merkel needs a three party coalition to govern and at that point the party intern power struggle likely would remove her in a coup d'etat
I keep hearing about Great Germany... is it true?