What is Quentin Tarantino's best movie?

What is Quentin Tarantino's best movie?


Natural Born Killers

The Brothers Grimsby



Death Magnetic


My top 3

>inglorious basterds
>reservoir dogs
>pulp fiction

No real order.

Dead Nigger Storage

Swap dogs for Django then we got a deal.

the rest have excruciating dead parts that Tarentino insists on as his calling card

I thought death proof was pretty fun to watch. Django was okay, there were some great parts but the ending felt a little cheap. Inglorious basterds was great, a lot of people on Sup Forums don't like the bear Jew but I loved his scenes, especially when he killed hitler. Basterds and Django were definitely not quite as good as reservoir dogs and pulp fiction though. Pulp fiction is his best film I would say

Pulp Reservoir Jackie Django Vol.2

Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice

the one where he "subtly" sneaks in his disgusting fetishes into it
like being a cowboy being murdered by a black man

Niggerloving cunt.

Well we are on Sup Forums...


Emoji Movie

imagine being this tasteless

Resevoir Dogs and Inglorious Basterds

Hatoful eightu


Bugs Life

>lol fuckin nazis go jews haha i love tarantino
>omg kek he owned that slave owner xD
his only decent film is reservoir dogs