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>liberal icon
who the fuck worships this man


Fuck it, it doesnt matter anymore. Trump took Sup Forums for a ride.

Tbh, this changes nothing. Still would vote trump because hillary is that bad.

But LOL to all the memers who thought trump would save the white race. All he'll do is delay the inevitable

Jesus fucking christ.

Trump is absolutely despicable. Fuck everyone supporting this racist pig he deserves to rot in jail for the rest of his pathetic life

Sup Forums cucked again.

We really can't trust anyone anymore, can we?

Sup Forums


Gtfo newfag shill.

>just posting a headline

Do you have a single fact to back that up

Don the Con


Jesus Christ, Hillary is paying you faggots real money for a job this bad? No wonder she'll lose, this is the most wasteful, irresponsible misuse of resources I've seen in a while.

I know a guy who is literally a communist Jew (not even joking) who loves George Soros

>American Democracy

this is a farce.


This is who you shills are Fucking with.

MOLOCH will serve three purposes. First, it will be the champion of my armies, liberating first EUROPE, then AMERICA, and then, perhaps the rest of EARTH. Second, it will serve as a sower and cultivator of the divine substance known as multiculturalism. Three, it will serve as the prominent banner and symbol of our cause -- to unite the people of EARTH, to liberate mortals from ancient and decrepit NATION STATES, and to glorify our crusade against the WHITE MALE..

>Billionaire invests in skyscraper with Trump's name on it
>Billionaires own shares of the same building
How can Trump ever recover?

btw that article is about business ventures that Trump and Soros worked together on over 10 years ago, not really comparable to the donations he's made to Hilary's campaign this past year

Ooooh so scary! Do you know who you're dealing with?

da kang don be discriminate da mean green, yo

Fuck off Serbia, the Adults are talking.

>Over the years, the two billionaires have had some tabloid-friendly professional dealings, teaming up to build one of North America’s most recognizable skyscrapers—and shared billing on a lawsuit over the sale of the most expensive building in New York City.
>The two billionaires even palled around one Christmas Eve. None of this means Donald Trump is a covert George Soros puppet. But it’s already given some conservatives pause.
>The pair’s relationship goes back more than a decade. In 2004, Soros lent Trump a cool $160 million to help with the construction of Trump International Hotel & Tower in Chicago, the Chicago Tribune reported. At the time, some Chicagoans were skeptical that Trump would ever get his tower built. The project, after all, was yuuuge.
So Trump and Soros had some business relations 12 years ago. Wow, its fucking nothing. Personally, I'm getting really sick of this media bullshit.

Spooky! Really makes one shiver!

Me, but not particularly for his political activism, I'm indifferent to that and also not interested in right-wing conspiracy theories about him

I just like successful investors and speculators, he made billions in that, I admire that a lot

Crooked cunt has a crooked face

>communist Jew
>who loves George Soros
Call me surprised...

Does anyone read the rules anymore?

Post moar you fucking faggot

Sauce?? No
Input?? No


"In 2004, Soros lent Trump a cool $160 million to help with the construction of Trump International Hotel & Tower in Chicago, the Chicago Tribune reported"

It was for a fucking real estate development you fucking nitwit. Not a fucking political campaign.

Very misleading. Just said he took a loan from him before his campaign, has nothing to do with these leaks. He's not funded by him and subverted.


try harder shill


You have to shill online for 10 dollars a day and you're an adult?


Please stop spamming your shitty oc

There are people to trust.

>t. jud

kek works in mysterious ways


Soros has links with hundreds of organisations and businesses. He has started many and then those have started others.

It would be stranger if they had never had dealings.


Trump's finance chairman Steven Mnuchin also received $1 BILLION from Soros to start a hedge fund offshoot of Soros Fund Management. Soros is in deep with the Trump campaign

Trumpcucks will just shut their ears and eyes and pretend it isn't real though.

No source. No link. Just a screenshot of the header of a clickbait article.

The whole "oh no, he lost my support" is completely unconvincing. The shills here are fucking retarded and disgusting.
I hope you kill yourselves.

>he once invested in one of Trump's skyscrapers


the united states is capitalistic, this is the norm

Everyone should see this because this is 101 on how to spot a shill.

They have the objective; attack Trump supporters ability to act as a bridge to bring more to his side and to ultimately demoralize them to stop acting in support of Trump.

They find what we don't like and compare it to him, a great means of demoralization.
>George Soros
Expect seeing more about him not being 'serious', thinking of 'dropping out' or saying if he loses it 'won't matter much to him.'

The newest tactic they're trying hard, since Sup Forums is a hard case enclosed space that will refuse narrative changes unless they are subliminal, is playing Trump supporters that are still voting for him but are 'losing faith.' Once demoralization narrative becomes apparent in non shills they will go for the 'who use to support Trump but now doesn't/support xyz candidate instead' and finally later will change narrative to skeptical of Trump winning in general so might as well watch his campaign 'burn.'

Screencap this if you want, guarantee that's how the narrative move of the spammers will change unless the hard case defense and resistance to narrative changes keep up as hard as they have since anti Trump shills first started operations under various groups a year ago.

Btw they'll attack this post if it's active in the thread by using a shaming method saying 'hurr tin foil hat nut job ect' with no argument. Sup Forums can survive this but the effort of CTR is the most concentrated operation I've seen in actually making a narrative complacent in areas of great opposition, they don't want you to vote Hillary they want you to not be vocal for Trump.

Remember, they take out a few people here into thinking against him they have stopped that person from persuading others and so on that Trump isn't what the media narrative says he is. That's their plan, resist it if you support him or hate her.

>making shit up

Liberals are blowing their load too early

Looks like a hit piece because some alt kiddies annoyed them

(((journalists))) are now purposely trying triggered the right

Fuck I hate agreeing with leafs

Remember to sage bad threads kids

wtf i hate Sup Forums now

>Paranoid Schizophrenia Speaks

So... Liberals hate Soros now?

No the story is just a means to deflect the ability of the Trump campaign to talk about Kane's recent meet up with Soros as a negative with no chance of Clinton's coming back with a rebuttal that hurt him while at the same time attempting to demoralize the most fanatic of Trump's base, the anti globalists, into second guessing his legitimacy.

Smart play by them considering it also introduces Soros to the general populace in a way that comes off less threatening than when he was being brought more to light in corruption scandals in the underground right.

so weak - is this all you have to counteract the treason committed by hillary and the felonies of the CF?

>Read the daily mirror in work today
>See some lefty shill blasting Trump in an article
>points out how wise republican Mormons are dropping in support for Trump
>he then insults Trump for marrying three times

you can't make this shit up folks

Soros is pretty based, I don't know why we have such a problem with him

Well, his parents were Hungarian refugees and he worked his way up from nothing to billionaire status.

Literally almost nothing. He had to work to pay for his education.

I'll just leave this here



Everybody just hang on a goddamn minute.

OP: source, or get the fuck out.

Everyone else: check em.

>CTR thread

>funds the politicians operations and groups trying to destabilize and dismantle nations from their own populace
>has literally created multiple financial crisis world over for personal wealth when his funds run below what he wants
>has used his companies to help NS Germany imprison jews for profit, being the jewest move of all to do as a jew
>believes national borders and popular votes against his agenda should be abolished

Fuck off with your we shit shill.

you would expect a Jew not to fall for the Soros' BS.

Soros is using the Talmudic rhetoric to get stupid goys to do what he wants.

It makes no sense to listen to his arguments, those are all non sequiturs.

It speaks volumes about goyish stupidity that he is listened to.

Holy shit.

This is bad.

Be sarcastic all you want but I know that guys e's not kidding around

And there you go.

I love how these idiots try make Trump look bad with this non-story while Hillary IS CURRENTLY taking money and orders from Soros.

They're getting very, very desperate.

Clean up the language. We have to fight vulgarity with decency.

Wow... really makes you think, huh.../wtf I hate Soros now.
Guess I'll become a #CruzMissile them.

What, a guy who works at a morgue?

>hillary does it
>everyone okay
>trump gets a donation

>blast mormons for almost a century
>hey look how cool these mormons are now

>breaking news
>most people are afraid of dying!

Well, color me fucking impressed. Someone hand this man a Nobel Peace Prize.

>implying you wouldn't pretend to love shillary to fuck her mouth

>tfw my local conservative radio show host kept saying all year "sooner or later trump will break your heart, it's going to happen."

fuck off shill

>but the effort of CTR is the most concentrated operation I've seen in actually making a narrative complacent in areas of great opposition

there are some strong brain surgeons on the CTR side.

there are waves of different attack vectors with different intent.

some of this is ineffective and dumb, but even the dumb things have a secondary damaging effect.

Wow, actual legitimate business in Trump's field of expertise.

That's it, #ImWithHer now!

Apparently they act like trump was always a career politician. He took and gave to be people pleaser so whoever was in office he would not have political hinderance for his business ventures..

little bit difference from being a career politician accepting donations.. apparently leftists don't know the difference.

>Liberal Icon

GET OUT. Too many people make this place look like it's filled with complete idiots.

Kill yourself.

> posting a fake ABC poll


> replying to obvious shill threads


Wait. Took as in took it and ran or like hillary took it and made bill suck soros' dick?

What's funny is trump decries this system and how corrupt is it and that he wants it to change.. and being honest and even testifying against himself for using it..

And they drag out some old shit that he probably doesn't even remember businessman give give to get along with everybody "oh soros totally controls him now" not a fuck is given by the merit of their arguments they just make them

yea he took it. he wasnt given it he just took it. he was like "i want it so you give it now"


>In his 1987 book The Alchemy of Finance, for instance, he wrote: “I admit that I have always harbored an exaggerated view of self-importance—to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god or an economic reformer like Keynes or, even better, a scientist like Einstein.”

Probably because he's a fucking nutcase

The reason some are dumb is because they're running on a blanket narrative operative.

Every single thing they can influence they will throw money at in an attempt to.

Lower level influential sites usually have only Clinton campaign interns while high level ones (4 Chan, Reddit, Facebook pages) have entire top to bottom groups consisting of the psychologically elite on schools of persuasion, ex psyop operatives (not even kidding you), and effectual media heads driving steps to constructing or dismantling narratives forward.

They only need 5 steps on any of these sites to strike a massive blow to it's ability to persuade others to Trump or disengage Hillary haters from joining his side. They're on step 2 on Sup Forums at the moment, engaging as pro Trumpers while spewing doubts around their message. The objective is to cause less opposition to the CTR message and dissuade while demoralizing Trump supporters from being as vocal against attacks on Trump.

>People in business accept money from businesses

You would think someone like "Betsy" (((Woodruff))) would understand how money works.

Every time someone releases dirt on Shillary their team of paid kikes launches a propaganda campaign within a week accusing Trump of the same crimes.

Hillary under investigation for federal crimes? Oh hey... Trump has some civil case about some people upset about a real estate seminar. "See, they're both being investigated!" :^)

Both Bill and Hillary's history of rape being brought up? Oh, uh... Trump met Epling at a party once! (Never mind he kicked him out... they're good buddies! "Trump must be fucking children too, goy! You'd better believe it!" :^)

DNC ties to Soros? "Oh... uh... Trump ate a bagel with him once when trying to secure a real estate deal! They're practically family now!" :^)

The Jew is terrified.

But I thought Trump was self-funded. Why does he keep accepting donations from people? Isn't he a billionaire?

>there are waves of different attack vectors with different intent.

>if the jew repeats a lie often enough the goy will think it's true

Primary =! General, you fucking kike. That's what Trump said, and you hooknose parasites damn well know it.

George Soros is a prety cookl guy, he funds doenald trup and doesn't afraid of anytrhing

Just giving the CTR people a heads up. Didn't some user pay them a visit 2 weeks ago? I don't think that $241.00 paycheck is enough to poke at people like this.

George "Two faces" Soros


Put me in the screencap.

Honestly Soros throws money everywhere just so people will answer his calls if he ever needs to get in contact.

And Trump has bigger problems at the moment.

Also where is the proofs? When did he take it? How much? Why?

Like fucking WHO man? And I mean something with a remote fucking chance in high level politics.

I'm still behind Trump but at this point it's only because Hillary is the alternative. Even at that, it's getting fucking harder every day :(

he is either
all roads lead to the holocaust

I don't like the fact that this turns me on. I've been on Sup Forums since 2006 and this is the most disgusted I've ever been with myself.



Check out the bakky porn videos user. It will take your disgust to a new level.

Of course he has the mans money, George has a hand in everything so of course some of his money would end up Donalds hands

Wow, he did business with him in 2004 by lending money for one of his buildings.


Time to trun this shill thread into a Hillary hate thread.