If an event like 9/11 or similar scale happened today it would be on the news and talked about for a week and then effectively be forgotten.
If an event like 9/11 or similar scale happened today it would be on the news and talked about for a week and then effectively be forgotten.
I agree. For some reason I cant hold attention anymore.
It's like
>read one topic
>see a word
>transfer to another topic
>15 minutes later I have no idea why am I reading about a subject
It's starting to scare me
9/11 is only remembered because it was the first of its kind of attack in ever or a long while
But yes I think we're desensitized to events like that mostly and people tweeting about how they're sorry for what happened are only feeding their ego and trying to look like a good person to keep appearances up
> biggest ever terrorist attack on record killing over 2000 people and permanantly altering the Jew York Skyline
> random muzzy kills a couple dozen gays
Really comparable situasion
9/11 was a singular event bc:
1. the visuals- tallest buildings in world at time
2. At time, one of only places in world you could be sure someone would film impact
3. how long it lasted--from impact until it fell down-- everyone had time to stop and see
4. death toll- 2k
5. status of population- mostly upper middle class, but jews were (((strangely))) missing.
6. unexpectedness- literally was during most peaceful time in US history
7. weather- was a perfect day, no rain or cloud in sky so camera saw it
>6. unexpected
The world had been yelling at america to cut it's shit out since Vietnam. If anything it's a surprise nobody shipped a nuke into boston harbor and set it off.
I mean uh.....
>50 people dead
>biggest terrorist attack since 9/11
>literally nobody talking about it a week later
I'm trying to think what could compare...maybe if the Jews blew up parliament? But then it would be an immediate thing, would fall or wouldn't.
A nuke in big city? Obvious answer, but even then, visuals not as good. You'd kill a lot of people and start the end of world.
Any ideas?
>but jews were (((strangely))) missing.
citation needed
It was scary
Everyone's dad in my class worked in NYC
>The world had been
Not the perspective of anyone in the gubment when you read about it. The only one I trust is Dr. Scheuer, and he said Clinton and then Bush had just written Bin Laden off even after the embassies and USS Cole.
It destroyed the idea of MAD which had kept peace for 55 years.
We stopped the 6 week cycle about a year and a half to two years ago. For the longest time you could bet something was going to happen on the 6th week from the last event.
Election years are different, though. Every hour is up for grabs. Trump tweets something and it's a full on media barrage until he tweets something else.
Depends on what gets knocked down too. It would be a serious mistake for them to take down Big Ben or Eiffel Tower, I think. It would wake up pretty much everything native.
I think their attacks are just going to be killing people now in places they go to but not taking the place down. The average person doesn't care about anyone but themselves so it's a pretty good strategy.
>citation needed
It is true though. If a huge attack happened there would be 24/7 news coverage for about three days. Sup Forums would have a dozen threads a time about it. Then at about four days it'll be reduced to talking heads, latest developments and short films on TV about the attacker(s). Sup Forums would have a few threads with opposing viewpoints about it, such as how it was a false flag attack, "the truth" behind it with links to obscure newsites. Then after a week or two the whole event would just be reduced to a meme that is mentioned now and then.
Maybe this is the reason why video games depress me, and I cannot play a video game for more than 10 minutes without shutting it off due to intense boredom.
>weather- was a perfect day, no rain or cloud in sky so camera saw it
The weather was indeed nice in NY.
most trusted paper in Israel, their version of NYT. Anything else?
Very true, u british limey shit m8. You sound you've been through the hoops of all this at least a few times now.
PS the reason nobody cares about Orlando and other is because in the back of your mind you know its a hoax. They had nigger tier crisis actors. The logistics never made sense. Peekay Truth.
>I cannot play a video game for more than 10 minutes without shutting it off due to intense boredom.
I find that now too. I dunno if it's just oversaturation but I just don't get much of a thrill out of them anymore.
Like trying to recreate that feeling of playing Doom (it's like virtual reality man!) or GTA1 again would just be impossible now.
Its going to happen on Saturday. Beware, pentagon.
Witcher 3 is actually good if you like european myth/history.
The only game since I was 9 I can actually play for hours to try to get something or sleep with one of the girls without feeling dumb for wasting time.
Depends whether it was done by whites or shitskins
Just like anything else, it has to do with the scale of the attack. 9/11 was operated on a large scale and very well coordinated. Its results reflected that with thousands dead. Compare this with the events in Paris (Bataclan et al.), which were orchestrated on a smaller scale (one city, a couple venues) and resulted in
Paris was probably biggest happening since 9/11 outside actual wars.
Why? The Media Jews cover things based on how it directly impacts THEM and their scummy family.
Every Jew goes to Paris, most fashionable city in world, could have been them or kids (Geraldo Rivera's repulsive daughter was in stadium).
It could have been them in those cafes. And the attack failed. The idea was to blow up in stadium, stampede people out, then blow next one and stampede them back other way.
They'd have gotten over 1,500 if had worked.
a massive mudslime attack would be the one thing we need to redpill the public
just delete it, dumbass. the FEDs take shit like this here serious since the oregon nigger R9k. And then the munich mudslime's friend leaking his name here.
the jew buys whatever false flag or presidential candidate it likes
If it happened when the olympics were on, I doubt if it would even make the regional news on the BBC
>not realising this is partly caused by 9/11
Can't say about for the rest of the world. It'll be talked about in the US for a few months. Probably be brought up each anniversary for a few decades until Most of the people that were alive then are dead. Kind of like pearl harbor.
Most bigger attacks aren't covered because they happen either
>middle east
Where they happen so frequently we've became desensitized to it
>Africa or another third world place
Where honestly no one gives two shits about
When it happens in the first world it becomes something news worthy because then it hits home because it isn't some poor shit hole that you either never heard of or is of 0 relevance to the world.
Its just like pre-BLM if a nigger got killed no one gave a shit but if you were white you got coverage like a mother fucker, more if you were female and even more if you're a good looking female.
Perhaps you will remember this.. 9/11 is a specific date in the islamic calendar.. in 1683 the battle of vienna where the muslims were fended off from europe.. so when al qaeda and whoever else was involved in 9/11 it was game on again against christian west..
Well yeah, it's clear to everyone we're at war with the religion of peace, another 9/11 would be just another episode of that war, rather than the kickstarter.
Keep in mind that in the siege of the vienna en.wikipedia.org
Wikipedia is an insult i know just trying to give you some frame of reference.
Sorry en.wikipedia.org
Siege of vienna was when they tried once before, muslims aren't about non agressing when they're in an empire format. So i am sorry that i got the things conflated.
But remember cause of 9/11 we created jihad :D it's the evil west and muslims are totally innocent breh.. who cares about 1400 centuries of trying to invade europe, who cares about occupying spain for 500+ years that lead to the spanish inquisition where they had just about their fill of sharia law. and they kicked every single muslim the fuck out..
Think about it they illegally occupied spain for 500+ years remember that next time they guilt trip you over the illegal occupation of palestine.. btw. lebanon multicultural society the palestineans they let in flipped the script and declared civil war on the multiculti christians.. what started it was they went into a church on a sunday morning and killed everyone indiscriminately.. oh those lovely palestineanse they're such peaceful peeps :) It's been tried before, don't go in the way of lebanon.. Unfortunately sweden in particular seem dead set on making the same stupid mistake because they don't know about this or/and refuse to look take a look at this and tell me about how errily familiar this sounds to what is going on now.. youtube.com
Good link. Ta