I don't hate religious people and I wouldn't refuse to be friends with someone just because they're religious

I don't hate religious people and I wouldn't refuse to be friends with someone just because they're religious.

But I will admit: I think religion is the biggest blue-pill of them all.

If you had to strictly rely on your senses and physical world around you and if there were no bible or people trying to convince you of it, Jesus being your savior is not an idea that would EVER come to you on your own.

That alone should be a big fucking redflag to you people

Other urls found in this thread:


Nobody likes me and nobody wants to be friends with me anyways, so it doesn't matter.

I'm older now, and maturity as well as the fedora meme just made me move on from this entire discussion. I do admit, atheists before the fedora meme were incredibly arrogant, cringey and edgy. But I'm still an atheist, I just don't talk about it anymore because there's absolutely nothing to discuss anymore. That phase is over for me. I'm just posting this because I have nothing better to do.

My issue is when people equate "religion" with "Christianity" as if Christianity is the umbrella term, instead of the other way around.

K but can you establish facts as to why morality is not relative in a Godless world?

Morality is still relative in a god-fearing world though.

>I wouldn't refuse to be friends with someone just because they're religious.

I would. It's like people who talk about ghosts or paranormal or conspiracies all the time, or aliens.... vampires... etc etc etc.

mental illness can be treated.

It isnt, because its a dogma. Morality is defined strictly by God, his laws, principles and commandments are all layed out in the Bible.

If it seems relative its only because of people who say they:re christians and ignore certain laws and principles say so, not because they actually are.

>Morality is defined strictly by God, his laws, principles and commandments are all layed out in the Bible.

well the bible was written by a shitskin israelite 2000 years ago so i dont know why we would give a fuck?

My original point is that if you're an atheist, logically you have no reason to go against relative morality

Realizing religion is fantasy, but then looking deep inside yourself and knowing God is real, that is the true redpill.

Still doesn't prove god is real

This concept assumes at the start that time is linear
If one believes in God and think that he is almighty, then God knows the future
Time isn't linear for God, so time isn't linear at all. We only perceive it that things happen one after another.

Universe expands, so there should be one motion that started it all.
Because universe expands, it means that there were a point, when everything started. Atheistic scientists believe that mass were concentrated in concentrated area or something, then big bang happened.
Fuck, why it was in one area? From where it came? Was it already there? How there is a change for next big bang ever if universe expands?
You can always go one step further back in questions and you won't ever have rational answers
Even atheistic scientists believe that something were always: mass, particles. It just doesn't created itself from nothing

I just believe that God is always in time

You have neither proved such a being exists, such a being can exists or that such a scenario exists.

Literally replace the word "god" in your sentence with any other deity such as the flying spaghetti monster and your argument is completly holed

Prove that you're not a faggot.

Yeah I thought christians were supposed to be nice

Yeah once I thought I had to fart but instead I shit my pants.

>God "appeared"

I can;t hold all this straw. Stop giving me more

Then how do you explain god?

Man, if you want to believe in flying spaghetti monster I won't defend you to do it.

It cannot be proven or disproven
I don't have to prove it, it is matter of faith.
If you want to disprove it, you have failed

>Prove that there were nothing before Big Bang

You can't

>pic related

I think it's pretty easy to make a logical case for something existing before the big bang. Whether that was a man in the clouds, the flying spaghetti monster or flying teacups we don't know. I'd rather rely on science and evidence-based reasoning to find out what it was as opposed to gibberish ancient bogus

God is inexplicable, he is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, he's always been and hes not tied to man's thinking, he simply is.

Exodus 3:14
>I am that I am

He has always been, always is, and will be.

>I don't understand the complexities of religion

I don't blame you. Given how hard (((they))) pushed atheism (and indirectly ended up growing radical Islam in the west because of it) I don't think many people understand religion anymore.

>thinks his opinion matters

Yes it's so complex

>Be shitskin
>Year 0
>Find intersting plant
>Smoke it

I'm not telling you that I'm right, only that I believe
If you don't believe it's ok for me that you think that I'm wrong or delusional
It can't be simple proven or disproved and thats it

Also you made a claim that people believe, because of Book, preachers etc.
I believe, because I no longer believe in coincidences, I had some experience with ghosts, occultism and religion somehow saved me. There were strange force that tried to tell me to reunify with God.
I know that you will laugh me off, but many people believe because those strange coincidences

>complexities of religion

Motherfucker, almost pissed myself there.

Neither do Christfriends or Mohamadfriends.. Your muh rality is "objective" because magic sky pimp says so? Fuck outta here.

> I had some experience with ghosts, occultism and religion somehow saved me.

This creates the atheists . Christianity is to hard to understand, kids go to their parents with questions , they dont know because they are catholic and another neckbeard is born

There belief that nothing adevelops from nothing it's what smartass atheist like you belive.
The belief that things can emerge from nothing and the evolution is somehow a 'conscious' natural process shows that all atheists are mentaly sub-normal.

Funny because the big bang is basically the same but with mathematics to back it up. Don't know about the big bang hating gays though.

Please don't confuse that pile of shit you find on facebook atheist pages as being religion representation.You are too uneducated to talk about religion complexity.

That's what dogma is.

Ultimately, for anyone who does not follow dogma, there is no one truth, it's one big blur of grey, there is no black or white.


Oh..sure..spaghetti monster
>muh science
>muh logic

That's because your average "fedora tipper" is just a neo-liberal anti-christ faggot. They're about as athiest as Tyronne is a kang.

But spirituality is built into humans.

ALL human societies, all of them, believe in spirits/gods (there is no distinction in most religions).

Humans are social and their beliefs become codified.

You'd be wrong. "Nice Jesus" is a meme.
Righteousness isn't always nice.

Actually it's the OPPOSITE that is true.

To be TRULY Red pilled, you MUST believe in God and Demons.

And CERN has already proven that.

CERN has already proven that there is another dimension.

CERN Explained:


>My issue is when people equate "religion" with "Christianity"
When I say "religion" I'm always referring to the 3 Abrahamic goat-fucker religions that have done nothing but kill torture, imprison and shit all over us for 3000 years.

I hope this more granular definition is suitable.

>Morality is defined strictly by God,
So when a man was picking up sticks on Sunday and your god struck him dead, that was just and moral?

Are you fucking kidding me? You assholes are most despicable, immoral, unethical shits on the planet.

>I am that I am
Isn't that what Popeye the cartoon says too?

He's imaginary as well.

>he thinks evolution is a conscious natural process
>it's another "I don't understand what science tells us so I give my own retarded interpretation" episode

Back in your cage gypsy

No theist has even began to try and prove god exists

Why do you want so much to know?

>expecting christfags to be rational

wew lad

>There belief that nothing adevelops from nothing it's what smartass atheist like you belive.
That's the irrational strawman fallacy you've been indoctrinated to believe.

You think your atheism exempted you from indoctrination?

Are you the same Britfag who strawmans everyone's argument in every thread on this topic?

Thinks one day long time ago the universe universe created itself in one big bang. Then everything decided to evolve from nothing. To create something. Wouldn't that be an act of god all in itself?

Because they are indoctronating children and trying to shape science and politics. You dont have too look further than GMO and evolution, but you can also trace the churches stance on science back to Copernicus and Galilei.

>To be TRULY Red pilled, you MUST believe in God and Demons.


Whew lad!

Religion and the big bang theory are both fucking stupid like all of the sudden a fucking university comes of a explosion with stars and planets



Religion isn't about God. God is just the authority that was necessary to impose religion.

A religion is any codified set of moral and/or philosophic values that seek to guide human behaviour at individual and societal levels.

>Middle English (originally in the sense ‘life under monastic vows’): from Old French, or from Latin religio(n- ) ‘obligation, bond, reverence’, perhaps based on Latin religare ‘to bind’.

IE the very word "religion" derives from the limits it sets on your life and behaviour.

It gives people a group identity that transcends familial and national lines.

Environmentalism is a religion.
Feminism is a religion.
Communism/Marxism/Socialism is a religion.

Religions have:
A creation/origin story that seeks to make sense of the current state of the world.
A paradise, promised land or utopia that can be achieved if everyone adheres to the teachings of the religion.
Sins against the religion and rules about how you can atone for your sins.
A behaviour or behaviours deemed to be evil, devilish or sinful that must be faced and overcome (murder, CO2 emissions, sexism)

The most interesting discussions about religion, its value to society and what it tells us about the human condition have NOTHING to do with God. The God debate is literally endless because no side can ever deliver proof of their beliefs. It is a futil argument that futile people engage in.

Start to think of religion in anthropological terms

>You think your atheism exempted you from indoctrination?
Non-belief implies a certain imperviousness to the mindless drivel of "muh jebus" and "muh allah".

He made an argument, you dodged it by misrepresenting it into a different an easier to attack argument. Transparent as fuck.

It involves an extreme perviousness to relativism and believing whatever secular people in authority tell you is truth

>Atheism is the default position of people.

Literally no reason to believe that religion is not natural considering its prevalence.

Maybe you were just too stupid to understand the arguments

You cannot go a single post without doing it. You're either some absurdly committed troll or a paid shill.

No, I'm 100% positive that you have 0 genuine intentions and may even be paid to be here.

>I need to believe in a magical man in the sky in order to have a set of western morals.

>I will now try to expand the definition of religion to seem smarter than everyone else and include things that have nothing to do with it all in order for my religion to seem like not a big deal

>Doesn't realise there already is an umbrella term for it: ideology

wew famalam

a theist knows that god exist , its you who has the problem, it is not the theist job to solve this for you

you're 100% positive of something =! that something is 100% true

>But spirituality is built into humans.
Our sentience gives us the ability to perceive the life within our physical being as a special snowflake. We are unique, just like every other special snowflake. /sarc

>ALL human societies, all of them, believe in spirits/gods (there is no distinction in most religions).
Sure, the more primitive the more gods. The less then knew, the more they preyed on the fears of the people and the more easily they could get away with fabricating false explanations.

>I wish to dictate how a country is run but i dont have to provide any proof for anything I say

>he makes an argument
>you respond by attacking a different argument that is only cosmetically similar and structured in a way that makes it much easier to attack

You are transparent as hell.

>No ideology can ever content with the sense of universal justice that is believed through religion. Secularism always has an escape: not being caught. You can never escape from a cosmic justice. Which, therefore, is better at providing a grounds for morality?

Kill yourself you teenaged piece of trash

did you ever think that he hates gays because it goes against the basic nature we were created for? Man + Woman = Offspring.

Holy shit it's so simple how are people this dumb?

Do you actually believe what you're writing?

>Let me tell you about this fairytale and how it's much fairer than the world we currently live in

>This is somehow proof of a magical entity that created our realm but does not belong in our realm


You seem a little paranoid

Because I acknowledge a very obvious trolling strategy that you're using and know how to see differences between arguments?

>Sure, the more primitive the more gods.

That doesn't necessarily mean that there is no God.


Yes, the powerful moral christian lobby is shilling on Sup Forums. Totally. Holy fucking grow up

i just know it bro, trust me

I didn't say anything about proof. I said morality. Morals without justice are nothing. If you can escape justice, then justice means little. Religions do offer a tighter sense of justice and morals than secular morality and justice.

Whether it is in actuality something exists or not is not my point.


All trolls are paid now? You seem paranoid.

This is where all trends begin. If the jews can keep the white man down by imposing magical fairytales on us, they will maintain it here

You lose cocksucker, GTFO

Do you have alzheimer's?
Grow the fuck up before trying to talk about religion and politics.

Stop trying to sound smart yourself, your English needs a LOT of work.

I'm not religious and I don't believe in God, I'm explaining the anthropological definition of religion.

"Ideology" specifically refers to economic or political religions that place little emphasis on morality.

Yes, you don't need God to have morality, but a belief in God makes dumb people more likely to follow that morality and develop a social conscience, instead of blindly pursuing their own self interest.

You are genuinely the worst nation in Europe, I fucking hate Sweden so God damn much.

>Anthropologists of religion are not concerned with discovering the truth or falsehood of religion. They are more interested in how religious ideas express a people's cosmology, i.e. notions of how the universe is organised and the role of humans within the world. Many study rituals which incorporate symbols, and note how these often help to bring communities together in times of crisis or special points in the calendar.

>The Big Bang
>The belief that there was nothing and suddenly there was a big explosion out of nowhere and made everything after that

>and hates religion

I don't know what part of Brittain you live in, but to my knowledge there is moral justice in Brittain. Court system to bring people to jusice, police to capture possible fellons, and lawmakers to set the morals. Please do tell me where a magical god fits in this system

Kikes HATE christianity, you absolute moronic nigger.

Nope. You lose

Lol do you know what the word may means?

Learn english before you talk shit Swedecuck.

You mean what is happening in the eu ?

Yeah, no, there's no point in talking to an intelectually dishonest prick like you. Enjoy the last (You).

>and lawmakers to set the morals

I don't think you understand the difference between morals and laws.

Morals cannot be chosen or created. They are felt, and they develop gradually through convention and tradition.

big bang is the hot new thing, kids don't want to listen to medieval books anymore

>he won't find out for himself
>he wants to be spoonfed
absolutely wew

>intellectually worth shit

You do realise the enlightenment is what seperates us from niggers, right? As soon as we stopped letting religion dictate society and how people should live their lives, both science and economy thrived. No more kings, no more collective, no more blocking of scientific progress.

The jews fucked us over by repalcing religion with this SJW culture, this does not mean that's how it has to end. It can be changed

Actually the entirety of our system is built upon the notion of God. The power of the Crown is through God and the Faith. The Queen carries out her duties because she believes in God fully, and that her life is not her own. God actually fits into our system by design.

But that is beside the point, since it's a tangent.

I'm not neccisarily talking about God. I am talking about religion. if I have mentioned God it is from my own experence. Buddhism, a religion without a deity, still adheres to this principal of universal justice. Those who are poor people are re-birthed as a lower creature; those who are good people are re-birthed as a more noble creature, even reaching transcendence.

Belief in a religion can and does inspire a sense of morality than transcends the immediate and convenient, and compels people into acting morally because they believe in a universal justice from which there is no escape.

You could murder someone and if you were not caught there would be no justice. But if you believed in God then you would fear punishment and therefore likely turn yourself in--or even more likely not murder in the first place.

Didn't go how you wanted to, did it you fucking retard?