Why does Sup Forums hate Kevin Smith?
Why does Sup Forums hate Kevin Smith?
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all I know is he promised me a clerks movie every 12 years. and if he fails to deliver i'll make him eat his own shoes.
Because he is a genuine fan boy and people are just ass hurt that he gets to live the Fan boy fantasy life and do whatever he wants with the stuff he loves.
Basically imagine if every Person who ever wrote a fan fiction got famous, now they have the power to write what ever fan fiction they want for their favorite nerd stuff
Because he's a little bitch that cries at everything. Seriously, who the fuck cries at the Flash
I want to cum inside harley
I don't hate Kevin Smith
Sup Forums hates all things and all people, run, RUN! They'll turn on you too! GET OUT OF HERE!
Because he has a podcast dedicated to comic books that he no longer reads and is horribly out of touch with his fanbase.
I actually like Kevin Smith a lot and he is a pretty good host, but the man dosen't do his homework.
I found it sweet when I found out he funded the repair of Jason Mew's teeth, that he had ruined from a rough upringing and substance abuse.
I also found it hilarious when I heard bong-rips during the Grant Morrison interview.
I hate him because he makes shitty movies and his Batman mini was atrocious
That said his Green Arrow run was fantastic, so kudos on that I guess.
Nah, he cool.
Batfags got triggered because Batman peed himself.
Because he's an ass rimming yes man. Have you ever listened to his podcast? He sucks the balls of anybody who goes on it at obnoxious levels
>being a dick to your guests
What exactly would that accomplish
>calls BvS a steaming piece of shit
>two days later
Who said he has to be a bitch?
meh, his Podcast is ok.
But he's a bit full of himself
Even when talking to Morrison he went on about himself
He lurks Sup Forums
He gave us Guardian Devil.
This is worth the entire career of some other comic writers.
So bless him. But...
He could shut his mouth a little more often.
He was cool, then Seth Rogen got him to start smoking weed and his personality and ability to think disappeared.
Probably cause he made batman pee himself
Because he is a terrible comic book writer.
The fact that she looks so much better than her parents is why I think Jason Mewes is her real father.
Guardian Devil was just a Miller rehash, he even has Murdock outright state this near the end.
Every Daredevil comic is a Miller rehash. Seriously...every one after Miller is just retreading the same ideas but not as good.
His first two arcs on Green Arrow were great. Sounds of Violence is probably my favorite Green Arrow story (so far, I've read limited Green Arrow).
Because he's the hero Sup Forums deserves
whats your excuse Sup Forums
I can still ride airplanes.
I don't really have any strong opinions about the man. Or his work, aside from that mini where Batman sharted during a flashback to Year One. The most recent Smith film I saw was Copout, and I barely remember it. And I know nothing about his actions outside film and writing, because I just don't care enough.
Bendis and Brubaker took the status quo to new places, Waid was the anti-Miller.
Nigga she has Kev's face with his wife's ears
I don't hate him, I like some of his work and the only personal thing I know about him is he was too fat to board an airplane.
i just want to know when clerks 3 is coming out
When the guy who plays Randall quuts being a faggot
Didn't he make Batman shit himself in one comic he wrote?
>Why does Sup Forums hate Kevin Smith?
Because we've read The Widening Gyre.
What's so bad about it?
I don't hate him, I just strongly dislike his comics and am ambivalent towards his movies.
To be fair, this would cancel out most of his career positives. Don't forget The Evil That Men Do. It's not even the worst thing I can think of involving Black Cat anymore.
You know how a bad comic is bad, but you can ignore it? This a bad comic that actively tries to bring down better comics with it's awful narrative. Take one of the great moments of Year One but now say Batman pissed himself during it. So FUNNAY RIGHT?!
I don't hate him I guess. I do dislike him lately though. He's just gotten way too far up his own ass, he's fucking high on himself now. Its funny because I remember a joke in Clerks the Animated Series where they say Tarantino is a 'pop culture junkie loudmouth', and here we are later with Kevin Smith being the same way.
Sup Forums hates everything and everyone related to comics and cartoons.
You should know this by now.
It was a dumb moment but don't be retarded about it, he didn't do it as a joke, he did it as a scene where Bruce is telling a humanizing story about being unprepared as a rookie to a new cape he thinks he can trust.
Brining back Silver St. Cloud just to murder her for "the motivation" was pretty bad.
And the running gag of "DOUBLE DIGIT ORGASMS LOLOLOL" was juvenile even by Kevin Smith standards.
The "Batman goes weewee in his undies" bit was just icing on the shit cake.
I don't know why but it bugs me that he won't buy new clothes.
Ok, I'll give you that I tended towards hyperbole, but 80% of the book was just references to things with at best a loose narrative tying it all together. It wasn't so much of a story as it was Kevin Smith proving that he knows more about Batman than you. In that regard if he had built up a better narrative then spliced the references throughout it would be hailed as a great story, but he didn't so it's not.
The piss thing was just the worst thing that I could remember aside from "A dolphin told Aquaman we were having sex"
>It wasn't so much of a story as it was Kevin Smith proving that he knows more about Batman than you
So Kevin Smith is basically just a more successful Chris Sims?
I like Kevin enough. He seems like a cool guy. His friends on the other hand I love. youtu.be
>Because he has a podcast dedicated to comic books that he no longer reads and is horribly out of touch with his fanbase.
>I actually like Kevin Smith a lot and he is a pretty good host, but the man dosen't do his homework.
Oh man, the Grant Morrison interview was almost painful to listen to because he kept expressing complete and utter shock at things about G-Mo's life and career that anyone would know from reading his Wikipedia page. I just felt bad for Grant to be hanging out with an actual jersey-wearing fanboy who professes, way too emotionally, that Morrison is his hero, and then reveals he knows absolutely nothing about what he'd done since 1993.
Kevin is okay. I forgave him after the SIT BARRY SIT episode
There's a fine line. Especially this late in his career, I'd think Kevin Smith would realize that being famous doesn't mean you aren't a fuckin' human being, and can't be embarassed like anyone else, so he'd y'know, act a little casual around his guests, help them feel a little more at home, instead of just starting every interview with him putting them up on a pedestal and hyperbolizing all their accomplishments to the extent where he's clearly just an unapologetic gushing fanboy, and while I'm sure some people appreciate that, I imagine a lot of his guests have heard it all before, and it just makes them feel awkward. A guest should feel as comfortable with bad-mouthing their own work as praising it, so the tone for the interview shouldn't be set so definitively, so early on, y'know? Also, anyone listening to that podcast knows who all those people are, right? I mean except maybe Kevin Smith's mom or his stoner buddies... I guess that's why.
>Seth Rogen
Really? The Pineapple Express guy? I'm pretty sure his career took off AFTER Smith's. Also, I'm pretty sure he smoked weed in New Jersey. I mean, what the hell else are you gonna do, it's Jersey.
I don't hate him.
I think hes a bad writer and a bit of a moron, but I don't hate the guy. I'd probably have a laugh with him if I met him.
Yes pic is real btw.
Kevin seems like the stereotypical goofy friend who does a lot of dumb things but have enough self-awareness to go full sperg all the time
I hate Kevin Smith because of Guardian Devil.
He can definitely go full-sperg though.
Guardian Devil was a shittier clone of Born Again.
I don't hate him. He's a funny guy. I figure the people who hate him are just jealous, because he basically lives the ideal nerd life. Really, anyone who vehemently hates a celebrity has emotional problems.
>He retconned Year One to make Batman piss himself during a dramatic moment
>Chasing Amy is dull as fuck
>His show Comic Book Men is godawful "reality" slop that doesn't have a sliver of the humor of Clerks
>He keeps wearing the same goddamned jersey every day like a comic book character, or Chris Chan.
>Jersey Girl was actually great but nobody talks about it
>He's honestly a better director than comic book writer.
Well, not all the time. His plane escapades is somewhat of a sight to be held
>I figure the people who hate him are just jealous, because he basically lives the ideal nerd life.
Really? It can't possibly be that people think shit like this
is cringey? I'm sure some people "vehemently hate" him to a ludicrous extent, but a lot of people don't hate him, they just think he's a giant fuckin' goober.
Wydening Gyre had it's problems, but stick him with a decent editor and that can get hammered out.
I want him writing a run on Nightwing, or someone else fun and lighthearted like that.
Despite making his career off stoner-comedies, Smith didn't actually smoke on the regular until Zack and Miri Make a Porno.
Now he wake-and-bakes and his work is shit.
Although I would argue that in the first place, his only good comics work was Quiver.
I'd want him to write Firestorm or Guy Gardener in JLI mode.
If he has the right editor, we could even let him write a Section Eight comic. But Ennis would have to approve it first. natch.
>I figure the people who hate him are just jealous, because he basically lives the ideal nerd life.
Barely scrapping money for box office failures?
>Chasing Amy is full as fuck
Go fuck yourself. The only thing bringing that movie down is Joey Lauren Adams's overacting.
...fuck, I kept thinking "I don't think I've actually seen Seth Rogen and Kevin Smith ever work on anything together", I completely forgot about Zach & Miri. That does lend credence to your story.
I believe the correct term is porch monkey good sir.
He lives more comfortably than you
The director that directed that game cinematic/trailer later went on to film his debut major motion picture: Deadpool
Smith actually genuinely liked the guys stuff before it was cool.
Because he made that one comic where batman pooped his pants.
I don't hate him. I don't even hate his work. But I am disappointed in him - or, more precisely, everything he's made since Clerks.
See, Clerks was maybe the only thing he's ever made where he had an actual voice that was trying to say something meaningful and worthwhile. Even if he failed in doing so, at least that film felt like something wholly personal from Smith. Everything since then has either been him trying to attach a "deep" message to jokes about shit and pot (Dogma, Clerks II), making jokes about shit and pot with no real "message" behind it (Mallrats, J&SBSB), or just complete crap (all his other films). And while Clerks's lack of "proper cinematography technique" only adds to its charm, Smith's lack of knowledge in (and lack of giving a fuck about) things like proper cinematography do nothing to make his later films more watchable.
I don't want to hate the guy. I'd just like to see him make a good film again.
holy shit
Clerks is just lousy, it's just an extended collection of funny scenes with a vague, bland plotline threaded thru the whole thing. Would have worked way better as a short film, but as it is, it's one of the most boring movies ever made. It was a movie that was doomed to be dated the instant it was released.
How can you even claim that? Based on what?
Why should I hate him?
I enjoyed some of his smoke weed toilet humor movies, but I didn't like his comic books very much
That's the reason I like it, though: despite the lack of a major dramatic throughline (beyond Dante being at work when he had a day off) and its datedness, it felt like something personal created by Smith and his friends. Everything he's done since then - Clerks II included - has felt so much like an attempt to create what he thought "audiences" wanted to see from him (and create "fuck you" movies for critics) that he lost any semblance of a voice as a director.
Clerks may be a fever dream of a film, but at least it was Kevin Smith's dream.
>imagine if every Person who ever wrote a fan fiction got famous, now they have the power to write what ever fan fiction they want for their favorite nerd stuff
tfw she puts up a bunch of lewd pics on her instagram
tfw she's likely a bisexual.
tfw you will never be Harley's friend and cuddle with her
Why is her head so huge?
have you seen her mom and dad
schwalbach family genes
Stan found his next victim
Could it kill him to wear something other than a goddamn hockey jersey for once?
Holy fuck, was he looking for chicks at the morgue!?
He's fat, so yeah
That motherfucker loves his jorts.
He made Batman pee his pants that one time.