Europeans of Sup Forums

Europeans of Sup Forums
You should swallow the ultimate redpill and support Hillary Clinton. No, I'm not a shill. So why am I telling you to support Hillary? You might know that Europe is currently being destroyed by these so called "refugees". USA isn't taking their fair share and I absolutely think they should. It was their fault why these low IQ animals are coming here now. We Europeans of course know Americans aren't all that smart and only thing they are able to do is shoot guns and start wars, but that doesn't mean they can just destroy countries and make their people go somewhere else. So, Hillary is planning on bringing more "refugees" there and this is a good thing. Let them suffer just like we are suffering right now. Support Hillary just like I do.

Pure Coincidence ..

Speaking of Canada, you aren't taking your fair share either. Trudeau should do it.

now is time to act no more talking or else we all Fenish .. HAhahah Fenish wtv..

>Europe acts like a doormat
>Blames everyone else

put down the drink, please

Well, you bombed whole middle-East and are currently bombing. Also your government funds ISIS. Take more of them, you need them.

>I'm suffering so everyone else should suffer too

Fuck off commie shill.

Fuck off other Sweden

You could have told them no, or just killed them.
You're scooping water out of the lake and into your boat and then blaming America for filling the lake up.

>My country dindu nuffin and I still need to suffer
Fuck off emu cuck

>I dindu nuffin.

See there's your problem. You didn't even try t defend yourselves.

It's not like there is this thing called EU and their rules or anything. Yes, I support fixit. But the damage has been done already. Go suck a kangaroo dick already.


the more we take and us, the more will just follow. endless hordes of scumbags will be the result.

it has to end now. send them all back and close the borders!

additionaly, supporting trump means supporting kraut-russian domination in continental europe and project of eurasia. europe without influence of united states, with eternal aryan-russian leadership. trump means disengagement of usa in european issues and that implies fulfillment of wet kraut and russian anti-anglo dreams.

You could just tell them to fuck off, I swear you euros are fucking retarded

Why are you so angry?. I'm here for you talk to me let it all out. Where did the refugees touch you?

No, we can't. There are EU rules that says that we either take them or pay huge fine. And we can't afford paying any fines because our economy is currently garbage. Stop bombing Middle East. It wasn't your business to begin with

Tell the EU to fuck off then, it's fucking simple shit here man

I am currently trying to tell EU to fuck off but first you need to fuck off from starting pointless wars

Interesting idea OP, I'll try to convince some of my American apolitical friends to vote for Clinton

Don't tell me what to do

I support Trump now !

>No, I'm not a shill.

Yes you are.

You're Finnish, not European. I'm half Japanese and I am still more fucking European than you,

you finfags canĀ“t shitpost stop trying

>Divide and conquer suggestions
>not a shill

oke finnbro good luck with your retarded proposition

Kill yourself.

The refugee crisis exists in the first place because Obama and Hillary allowed mudshits to destroy Syria for 5 years and still support them even now, you fucking retarded piece of shit.