>tfw black but have accepted that Whites are superior
We can't compete aesthetically, intellectually or culturally.
>tfw black but have accepted that Whites are superior
We can't compete aesthetically, intellectually or culturally.
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But you can make dem beats doe.
black here as well
We are simply inferior apes compared to the white man. We are better off under your guidance and harsh discipline, because we are worthless niggers in comparison
It's not really true. Just remember that anytime you see most Europeans they were once shitty moronic apes who chimped out on the Romans. If we can rise from that so can anyone.
Great insights, now go fix your own race.
Have you ever thought about the fact that maybe, just like the white South Africans were, the goths and the vandals were tired of being ruled over by subhumans
ah come here negro teou can fuck muy wife one more time
just be sure to clean because I already ate
>tfw female, but have accepted that Males are superior
We can't compete Scientifically, Technologically, Engineered, or Mathematically.
The goths ended the painful downfall of roman empire, which was a racial melting pot.
No, our looks are repulsive so that whites don't mix with us, lile a stigmata
Forget white people.
Go back home to Africa.
Black people aren't inferior, they just have faulty socialisation and feel like they're owed something by society. Black people in Britain are either very smart or very stupid, the fact that some are very smart shows that not all of them are uncivilised. If black people were raised how I have been raised they'd probably all be middle class.
Be educated and don't leave your son and don't marry or fuck outside of your own race, also contribute to your country and to the planet, that would make it hard to hate a nigger.
Muh art Muh culture (pic related)
aesthetics are not set in stone, times change.
This. I don't hate black people. I'm just sick of living with them.
They have. They admit that they are. They just know how to use whites for guilt money.
have some pride in yourself. thinking your own race is inferior is the cuckiest thing you can do
White guy here, blonde hair, blue eyes etc. No, whites aren't superior to anything. Terrible, selfish empty culture, White women are vain and fully aware society caters to them so they have this princess mentality.
I am marrying a black woman. White culture is sick and doomed and I want out
Pic related my blue eyes so the racist throwbacks here know most "white" people are sickened by their garbage.
Can you imagine how jealous she is?
They glow like the Sun and have golden hair that they can air dry after shampooing while her naps haven't been washed in 1 month.
Just compare a white girl to an average black girl and you'll see that whites have objectively the most pleasing bone structure and soft tissue features.
Believe what you will but white supremacists are a fringe group for a reason; 99% of whites reject it which is why association with such groups is (rightfully) professional and cultural suicide.
The vast majority of "white" Americans reject the notion of a white race.
da kang wil bring balance to da races
All the niggers congregate in one area during Market Wednesday. It literally looks like FAMU in that part of campus. Luckily the rest of the school is vast majority white.
Sub-Saharan blacks evolved under very different pressures than Europeans and many others did. The land and environment hands them everything they need to survive, so there was little reason for nature to ask more of them than to breed as quickly as possible.
In Europe, if you didn't plan for winter, you died. Life was harsh and people adapted under that selective pressure to be more cooperative, more intelligent, etc.
Putting blacks (and many others) in western societies and expecting them to adapt is morally and ethically wrong. It's like dragging a dolphin onto the beach and chastising it for not walking. What's needed is a study to develop a clear outline for what a "modern" society that's structured around the natural needs and proclivities of blacks, and then to institute such a system in their own countries. As a white man, my ideal society (libertarian/agrarian/etc) is likely far different than what blacks would want or be compatible with.
The art and culture of Rome which is so celebrated, was had through exploitation.
Any society that makes property of their most adroit creative minds isn'tworth celebrating.
Give me virtue over genius any day. Rome was impressive but Germanics took it down, kept whhat was useful, discarded it's decaying parts and brought Europa into a new age.
That's the terrifying ingenuity of Germanics. They aren't innovators but late adopters with a mind toward efficient virtuous mastery of forms. Their culture consists of the useful remnants of cultures they've defeated .
stop the roleplay please
Whites have just inherited a better culture m8. If you incorporate ancient Greece, Roman state building and Catholicism to Africa, then niggers would rule the world
Black here as well.
Sure sure they would.
There are some pretty dopey looking white girls, average black chicks are more voluptuous.
If white men are so smart why did they run trump when anyone who could read demographics could tell you Trump didn't have a prayer?
I love FSU girls, delicious
maybe it's just good people vs bad people
not race or gender
shills are bad people CTR
You don't have to compete, blacks already won. Niggas are fucking white chicks and making mixed babies right now. African immigrants are the most likely to attain a master's degree, and Becky and Timothy love listening to hip hop music with their Beats by Dre.
The Rock is the highest paid actor and a light skin black man. Obama is black. The top paid comedian is black. The outstanding majority of athletes are black. Most popular artist are niggas.
White people kiss nigga ass
The face tells the story of your genetic quality.
Blacks have abysmal bone structure. Low nasal bridges and recessed mandibles
>Sure sure they would.
Whites were as dirty and retarded as niggers in Africa. It's only education that elevated white countries and nations above others. Niggers were less fortunate than whites. And Whites got their education from Aristotle, Cicero, Plato etc etc
>inb4 but Aristotle was whitey!!!
By whites I mean dirty barbarians who conquered Rome
Not true, everybody has the potential to be an all around decent person.
Earlier today I was having lunch by myself at some shop, when this big black guy covered in tattoos came and sat at my table with his own plate. I'm white if anyone's wondering, I know it matters to most of Sup Forums.
We talked about life, religion and marriage. He was a Nigerian Jehovah witness and was married to an Australian. I am agnostic and married to a Malaysian. We had some laughs then we exchanged phone numbers, shook hands and he got up to go pay at the counter. Then he came back, shook my hand again and told me he took care of my bill. Told him he didn't have to, and that the next one's on me.
Never judge a book by its cover.
Shill please go.
We decided at the yearly white man conference, just like we decided to let hillary run. Just like we let a black man run.
Are people actually that delusional that they think it's literally everyone vs. "the white men".
That's some nice bait, baby
Black here...I have accepted the superiority of whites.Especially under the summer heat when my carapace absorbs all the heat.If only I had a white carapace...
If whites are so superior why is that FSU track girl with that black guy.
Check mate racists
But it is totally true. There is no white identity in America, most whites deny the concept of race.
Anyone who publicly advocate white supremacy would be fired from their job and outcast.
White supremacists are widely considered trash.
I always find it bizarre that the only "people" who harp on about whites, how sorry they are for being white and how sorry they are for what whites have done are Jews, who are famously not white. It's like they're trying to subtly take credit for what whites have achieved because if they came out and said they were white people would say "well you aren't you're a Jew", but because it's Jew's taking the self depreciating white man route the cucks will accept it. That's the only thing they do accept without question, "whites" putting themselves down.
I guess it's the same kinda thing as how "anti"-racists are the only ones who see race everywhere they look, sort of like it's all that's important to them, sort of like they would be the racist if they hadn't already got dibs on being "anti"-racist. Really gets my noggin joggin, I can't speak for (((you))) though.
>polluting the earth with yet another nigger
>self hatred while whites abolished slavery and brought some kind of stability to the world, at least our world
>pathological altruism so you want to share this world with cultres and races which couldn't do it and would probably never do it
soros is pleased
Yeah, you can't. So either don't breed and join our ranks or just fucking kill your nuisance being ass
What are you talking about? Everyone in America considers Jews white, literally everyone.
Judaism is a religion, euros are the only people who co spider Jewish a race
the romans sucked though.
>Judaism is a religion
Which people can take genetic tests to see if their Jewish
Lol you mad that I won't be shitting up the earth with a spoiled white princess? Please, I want all races to mix together so white culture gets erased.
We already won the culture war in America, but I'm not sure if that really matters considering how young of a country it is. Still, calling your own race inferior is a sure sign of a cuck, you've been on this board too long.
>blacks falling for the race realism meme
This is just really sad desu
Welcome to post modern inquisition my friend.
>tfw Jewish admisture from both pops and mom but still act and live like a (((white christian)))
lol fuck.
>not considering meditereneans white or at least caucasian
>not knowing that we had better technology than niggers before Roman Empire came to germanics and celts and later slavs (metal, stonecutting, farming, clothes)
>not acknowledging eternal negroid who dwelled in africa and was enslaved by everyone
I don't say it often but you should remove yourself from the gene pool
Can confirm. I am an Abo and I have accepted that my place is at the feet of the true Aryan Anglo master race. Im trying to fing an Anglo bull to breed my wife but non seem very keen, only a few Irish have shown any interest
less fortunate.
because that's subjective and only the guys believe that. most girls are normies they don't care about politics.
All these bitch ass shills trying to Decieve a false sense of alphaism yall aint foolin nobody
My biggest problem with being black is the aesthetic anxieties it causes.
Everyday I wish that I was a 5/10 white man.
mommy didnt give you enough attention?
Just smart enough to know white men are do e in America. I do t want my kids facing that kind of oppression coming for white men, we made the nation hate us through arrogance and now that white men are powerless the group's we oppressed are going to get even for our sins.
Trump will win in a massive landslide.
Question for black people. Can you relate to Ruckus from Boondocks as in when you look at yourself in the mirror, you somewhere in your heart wish you were born white?
Do you think we want you to feel inferior and bad? You should help us against the stupid sjws and protect our values. If you do this, there is nothing to feel bad about.
It pretty much is. And considering this nation was fought for, won, and built by white men, the fact that everyone is against them shows that they don't fucking belong here.
Where will his votes come from?Not enough white men to win an election.
Love finds a way. Do remember that if you'd unfortunately fall in love with a white girl, that you can always have a bull fill her with pure negro seed.
White women. Legal immigrants.
This nigger is triggered by the mere existence of this uppermiddle class white hotties.
You can see the detest in her eyes and the anger wallowing.
Kek. Must suck to be an ashy, nappy headed nigger.
"Only WHITE MAKES are going for Trump, and racist"
Grow the fuck up. He is getting votes from all over the place, he is running against a candidate that has two investigations from the FBI occurring on them in this year alone.
She also has miles of bodies laid out in her closet too.
Thus Trump will win in an unprecedented landslide.
well, you're naturally physically stronger though.
I know that's probably not as exciting but don't feel bad. be the best individual you can possibly be. it doesn't matter what cards you been dealt with by god or nature. play the game and make the best out of it.
White women are Democrats, as are blacks, Hispanics and Asians.
True. As much as we all wanna deny it, Europeans were at the same level as dindus 2000 years ago. The only reason we are better now is because plagues and famines caused by climate change(mini ice age) and disease disproportionately affected europeans pleb class, whilst the high IQ rich landlord kept breeding. Chinese people would be the master race if you took account of their 5000 year old history. Same with the Ashkenazi Jews. Theyre only smart because in the last 1500 years theyve inadvertantly selectively bred for intelligence in their population whilst practicing endogamy which is why they are one of the most inbred populations in the world. I dont see much Jewish accomplishents 2000 years ago, yet I see alot of Greek, Italian and dare I say, Sand niggers acheivements. In fact some say the middle east is the root of western civilisation. Yet today, theyre seen as backward low IQ shitskins. People rise and fall. If nigs really tried, went Jew(selectivley breed for intelligence), I think they could outmatch European. But nig Cultire needs to change.
Those groups are hated by rational and sane people who see thru their bullshit. Stop putting yourself down so much and don't marry a black bitch, stay with your own kind. We need all the flavors of life to stay and not dwindle.Also, when race war comes I got your back, sincerly black user.
Blacks are angry people full of biterness and hatred. But the jealousy, from which those emotions stem, is natural.
When confronted with the massive aesthetic superiority of whites, we trash our neighborhoods, culture and personal lives.
I can't wait until we see how quickly blacks ELECT to disappear once gene editing becomes commonplace.
Pay no heed to that bullshit. If you stand for Western values, then you stand with me. We are unequal in body and mind, but we are forever equal in Spirit. Remember that and fuck what anyone else says. Work hard, keep your cool and be the best that you can be.
Saved for collage when Trump loses
Stop roleplaying as a white man.
White wimminz were majority republican voters in 2012, at a minimum.
Blacks don't vote. Over half of white women are conservative. Asians are conservative. Legal hsiapnics are conservative.
No one gives a fuck about illegals or blacks. One can't vote and the other is too fucking stupid and lazy to vote.
Free Shoes University. Go Gators
t. Ahmed
wtf i hate black people now
That's complete lie. Europeans were more civilized during the fucking medieval times than modern day blacks in Africa.
hey i go there
>Those wooden planks and thatch roof houses are still better than anything Africans can come up with today.
I'm whiter than you'll ever be, Mr 60%.
That's not possible since I am pretty much as white as one can be.
> Blacks don't vote
Hello unsewed polls. You assumption about minorities not voting is wrong. Thats what Rmoney thought in 2012, didn't work out for him.
Those illegals "no one gives a Fuck about" are have been having drives if kids who are now voting g and are us citizen.
just face facts: This isn t a white nation anymore and white men are just a demographic like any other in our multicultural republic.
My friend, there is a way. Embrace capitalism and be like Nwabudike Morgan.