>It's just a fucking wetsuit
Anybody with an iq above 90 and a sense of intellectual honesty knows it isn't and nobody believes this shit anymore.
>It's just a fucking wetsuit
Anybody with an iq above 90 and a sense of intellectual honesty knows it isn't and nobody believes this shit anymore.
Who the fuck harpoons somebody?
Banning the fucking bathing suit isn't enough.
it's their pathetic response to hajis blowing them up.
if they had balls they deported the hajis in the middle of the night spec op style with guns pointed at their brown faces.
meanwhile in frog land
shootout between migrants in the camp.
do these fuckers shit out guns or what?
Leftists love power more and will do anything to keep hold of it.
Explain to me how a muslim woman could not wear a wetsuit to the beach and still adhere to her religious requirements on clothing
The point is to show radical muslims that they are not welcome and should fuck off. You cant deport them when they are citizens, but you can make them leave.
Of course just banning Burkas isnt enough, younwould also need to ban circumcision, kosher slaughter, etc.
The left solution to any problem is ban things. Violence has already been banned, as have racism and discrimination, so they have to do something else and all thats left is the outfit.
This, they're realizing that muslims won't put up with their retarded faggotry
looks like an excellent alternative to sunblock.
why let them into your country if you're going to be so hostile towards them?
why won't the french ban all those fucking niggers? i went to paris on business a few weeks ago and motherfucker nothing but dark ass niggers every fucking where. rarely did i see an arab or a white person. fuck france.
>Leftists are the Islamophobes
"leftists" will follow the shekels to hell if need be.
After 85 people dead in Nice, it's costing them money, and don't want to remind people how many there are.
Obviously it's costing enough they need to do something. Hollande's approval is below 20%.
>It's just a fucking wetsuit
Anything and everything to push the muzzies into a corner m8. What's that, can't go to the beach without flaunting your perceived superiority over the kaffir? Fine, then stay home and get beaten by Mohammed again.
This will hurt them more. Imagine the creeping horror of an Islamist at his wife and children embracing Western values then take it one step further, imagine his wife becoming a tumblrina. Take their families from them and they become angry men destined to die and be forgotten.
Muslims shouldn't be in western countries in the first place
Westsuits are sexy.
>It's just a fucking wetsuit,
You know full well it is not. Wtesuits are already a thing and they could wear one, with a swimming cap.
if you wanted to send a message you randomly demolished mosques because they preached hate or some bullshit like that.
hajis didn't want haji women to go to the beach in the first place.
It's a drowning hazard and sharks will confuse them for seals and attack/eat them. Period. Most people who are attacked by sharks are wearing wetsuits and flailing around, like an injured seal...
Top kek, based Corsica
That shit is happening to distract the dumb retarded altrightists, this is just to appease them.
This ban exists to distract people from the fact that (((French))) govnerment allows all Muslims and Africans to be legal in france
If you are unable to kill your enemy the next best thing you can do is pervert everything they believe in.
A wetsuit is not a religious symbol.
Feel free to point me toward the religion which holds wetsuits as power symbols. You can't.
that ain't happenig bro.
i personally am not interested in hajis terrorists or not to live near me.
eventually everyone see's the Islam as evil
>They kill our people, so we are going to ban their beachwear that will show them!
>It's just a fucking wetsuit
Not gonna lie, I like to lay on the beach with my wetsuit and watch my kids swimming, taking the sun and shit, that is why summer's familly holidays are fucking great
Now here is your intellectual dishonesty, Well, they're there. Muslims exist in western countries and it's not feasible to remove them all. You can either accept it or Final Solution them, this inbetween shit is not only useless and annoying, it sets a precedent to trample on the rights of not just Islam, but good boy religions that dindu nuffin
French secularism (laïcité) is held dear particularly by leftists. It's really related to french politico-historical context. Ideas of the revolution ("Liberté,Egalité,Fraternité,Laïcité")+ french freemason's core ideas (A lot of officials of the SP are freemasons).
Excessive public demonstrations of faith are banned in the public space, unless you are a priest, rabbi or else and strictly prohibited in schools or town halls, as they are for ppl working for the state.
It is clearly not because the left is becoming more right-wing, it is because the left in France always had these caracteristics, against all religions, few double standards except for new-generation leftists.
See this.
Me neither but the ones that are already here deserve to have their families infected with tolerance (real tolerance, not just permitting them to get away with literal murder because of fanaticism and poor impulse control) and free thought.
Poseidon would like a word with you
It's popular in china too, but not for the same reasons :^)
at least they have a pretty good reason for wearing one
What, their water is acidic and will eat their skin away or something?
No, I do think it's happening to divide muslims and french, like everything that happens this year
>You cant deport them when they are citizens
Yeah this whole "oops you're here legally but are actively working to overthrow our legal system and replace it with sharia law? well our hands are tied, nothing we can do!" thing isn't going to last much longer.
Why is it okay that a religion dictates what to wear but it's not okay when a government says what not to wear.
This isn't about the burkini per sé but an effort in assimilating customs. Segregated subcultures are what multicultural areas kill, especially if they're not tight-knitted like jewish communities but most of the time opposing.
yup, it's because of pollution
This is stupid desu.
It's a fucking wetsuit. The French gov should be hidding cameras in Mosques and deporting all those who show signs of "radicalising". It should be deporting those who demand pork from being banned in french cafererias, those who demand to wear their head scarf in class. Basically making life impossible for those who demand the Fench bend to their rule
Banning wetsuits is the silliest thing they could go for
Are they still doining the Harlem shake in China?
Ironically enough they wear those so they won't get tanned/get dark skin
There are different...pressures that people deal with. The mayors of place like Nice and Cannes are actually very powerful since they meet (even in passing) all the royals, celebrities, rich, Jews that come through.
Those mayors can put a lot of pressure on Hollande, it's not the other way. If all the major hotels begin calling the mayor to bitch about cancellations, the pressure goes upward.
France is fucked and the only salvation is a civil war, even their head of intel admitted that. The regular fags here know that.
it's just cucks trying to "strike back"
>y-yeah we've banned their shitty bathing suits, t-that'll show them not to mess with us
the facemask on its own, yes
I am anti islam as hell but this is bullshit if there are women who do not want to walk around in a bikini on the beach let them
France is a secular nation. She must uphold and instill in her citizens those values. Islam has no place in France.
Not a wetsuit.
If you're not surfing, then you don't need one.
You can choose not to follow a religion
You can't choose not to follow a government
>Who the fuck harpoons somebody?
>divide muslims and french
Take this from someone who goes on twatter with a fake account to rouble-rouse for BDS and deals with muslims a lot-- they are earnest.
We've become so pagan in the West, I may hate my enemies, will kill them on battlefield, but like the japs you have to respect them.
They have a real, living faith and community that we Catholics sure don't have and they'll die for it. I got to be "friends" with an 18 year old girl from Qatar, which was very weird. Their women are pirous down to their...used to tell me her dream was to die while praying.
They are not like we are, they take it seriously and they will die for their faith. How many of us would?
Why, we can never beat them in Syria, or Iraq, unless we are willing to genocide them. In Europe, it's going to be us or them.
The first step though is dealing with the Jew, then they are are 2nd on list followed by niggers 3rd.
>It's just a fucking wetsuit, France gonna ban those too?
How many riots have wetsuits led to?
Muslims got upset that non-muslims were "looking at their women" and stabbed someone with a fucking harpoon. It's about time we started punishing the population that commits transgressions for committing their transgressions.
After the next riot, they should take halal food away.
Traditional Muslim clothing just encourages their women to grow into fat, unaesthetic blobs. They're really doing them a favor.
None of this shit matters
Islamists are going to do something so unforgivable (dirty bombings, mass shootings) that Europeans are going to say fuck it and deport all the Muslim shits.
if only they were competent enough
same goes for the niggers in your country
>Muslims got upset that non-muslims were "looking at their women" and stabbed someone with a fucking harpoon
I doubt it was the muslims, my money is on the Corsicans, they love stabbing people
top kek
They will take a pound of flesh for this ban though, we know they will.
What will europe's response be? LEave a pig head at a mosque and got to jail for 6 years, where 70% are muslims?
Dr. Pierce says (or said) the West has a "spiritual" problem, and we do. Our religion has become cucked, and the few who take it seriously do things like wash their feet.
how many dead is enough for the one of our governments to respond with actual force? The multicult nightmare we can't wake up from.
>Leftists are the Islamophobes now?
They don't like admitting that they drank their own poison.
>that non-muslims were looking at their women
Every single male muslim here looks at asses/boobs of everything that looks remotely female. It doesn't matter if they're 9 or 99
>Europeans are going to say fuck it and deport all the Muslim shits
as much as i want this to happen, it never will
Women cannot wear suits that show of their figure, wetsuits are skin tight.
Black makes you look slim they said.
The woman in the OP's clothes aren't skin tight, but you can still clearly make out her figure
the report clearly says the Africans came back in vans and attacked locals with hatchets and harpoons
As sad as this makes me, the future of Europe is some sort of version of "reformed" Islam, that I'm sad to say our people will accept.
The saddest part will be seeing the Louvre go up in flames, the Sistine Chapel destroyed, etc..
"People who will not fight will always be eaten by people who will." -Dr. Pierce
>this inbetween shit is not only useless and annoying, it sets a precedent to trample on the rights of not just Islam,
This inbetween shit is to begin sending the message of adapt or die (or leave)
>the report
Corsica is a bit like Malta, in that the people and the police close rank and put out whatever story they think will be acceptable to the Jews and media in Paris.
There are no rapes in Malta of natives, know why? They know they wouldn't survive 3 days in jail. The cops throw them right down a flight of stairs, the papers cover it up, and they just disappear.
Fuck islam. They want to bring civilisation to heel for islamic dominance. They must be made aware they're unwanted and will one day be driven back to their homeland.
they don't wanna tan
you dont get it OP just because they let some people in as refugees doesnt mean they have to accommodate them. it was charity to even let them in.
also national front got the most seats in the last wave of elections in france. national front is anti immigration specifically. its not labor party with a new anti immigration twist its just anti immigration
Lets stop muslims from telling their women how to dress by giving the state the right to tell them how dress.
lol media is getting so mad
>the face-kini is often worn by retired local women who frequently swim in the city's oceans, and who look to protect their delicate porcelain skin from the sun.
>"slender waists and snow-white skin" have been considered a staple of Chinese beauty. Delicate and feminine, ‘creamy skin’ became among the Ten Commandments of Classical beauty in ancient China, also widespread in other Asian countries.
>Described by the media as "China’s most terrifying swimwear trend"
aka the person writing the article
>Over the last decade, the synthetic mask has helped cautious beach lovers to maintain a pearly-white complexion.
So passive aggressive
This happens in USA too, actually.
Remember when Dylann Roof shot up that church in SC?
We responded by banning the Confederate flag and called it a day.
>I don't even know what the fuck is going on. Leftists are the Islamophobes now?
French leftists, liberals, feminists etc. have always been different from their western comrades. Maybe because the rest are so anglo driven and anglo universities and leftist organistions are hotbeds populated by jews.
Or more likely it's the fact that the French in their attempt to keep their language as pure as possible has had very little contact with the anglosphere which they hate and despise so their left hasn't been part of the same leftist echo chamber due to this self imposed isolation.
The state already tells you how to dress you stupid kraut. Otherwise people would be allowed to walk around naked.
I'm so sorry Sup Forums.
Hurr durr bootlicker hurr durr statists
In China and many other asian cultures white is considered the pinnacle of beauty so they don't want to tan. Asian girls go to a lot of trouble including plastic surgery to look as white caucasian as possible.
>doesnt mean they have to accommodate them
This is what you don't get-- try reading Richard Spencer's book on Islam (I know, he's a cuck).
If you..set a Koran on fire in front of these people, they will dive after it and get 3rd degree burns or die trying to save it.
not 100% of them, let's say 25%. how do you fight that? you either get rid of them or kill them.
Islam sees the idea of separation of Church and State as heretical. Their religion is designed to govern their lives.
Islam has had an awakening, starting with the Shia in Iran after the revolution and then the Sunni defeating the USSR in Afghanistan.
You cannot win foreign wars with only airpower, and the only possible solution is to get a list of all mosque attendees and their families and literally threaten the Saudis or another muslim nation into taking them.
you cannot reason with a person who sees as faith as a life and death matter. I've been reading about the history of Islam for 2 years straight now.
when the Ottoman fell after WW 1, you had a period of weakness inbetween and then oil was found in Saudi Arabia, and a deal was struck between the al-sauds and Wahabbis (who had helped him unify nation and take crown).
Right now in Saudi arabia, you have a delicate balance where the Al-sauds have to keep the religious happy by bribing the ones who can be, and compromising with others.
The problem is, with a royal family of 7,000+, many raised by their mothers, a sizeable number fund jihadi causes out of their own pockets.
Fuck sake, 9/11 was funded by Badar's wife, one of the most impt royals. It's a long, complex history doubt anyone here cares about.
Looks too tight. Haram. I can see her tits, her legs, and her feet. Someone should force to wear prooper clothing. If she refuses someone should throw acid in her face.
White skin was actually considered the pinnacle of beauty before the europeans even arrived.
Is it degenerate to jerk off to pictures of a muslim woman's feet?
True. Lighter complexion means you don't get a lot of sunlight which means high enough social status to not have to do manual labor in sunlight. Actually this has been also true for most cultures everywhere on the globe including Africa.
So what you are saying, fellow kraut, is that I have to wear something but I'm free to chose what?
I'm even against banning the garbage bag ninja costumes because it would open the door to ban mask at protests and could lead to stupid shit like police having to arrest people on the way to carneval.
Retarded solution to an easily solved problem.
>We're doing it guys, we're stopping the muslims
>Starting with the biggest problem, what the women wear
>And ignoring the men because they're scary
>it's not feasible to remove them all
You're a retard with no imagination, spirit or determination
Traveling abroad was a pain if I needed body wash or soap. They all have whitening cream in them. And also the bigger your belly is in some poor countries the more wealthier you are as you are able to afford to eat more.
There are less than 3 million Muslims in our country. It is entirely possible and wouldn't even be difficult to remove them all.
>I'm even against banning the garbage bag ninja costumes
god, people here used to be smarter. Do you not understand the world sitrep right now? Islam is having a Reformation, but it it is "Reforming" to the right and a return to stricter Islam, not in the way the West wanted.
If you don't stop it, sooner than you think any girl without it will be targeted. Travel to Istanbul for work along with Dubai and other nations in mideast.
turkey is notable bc you almost never used to see Burkas in Istanbul a few years ago when I first went. Last time I was there (2 weeks before bombing in Ataturk) there were a ton of jijabs and Burkas.
You can't imagine how creepy it is to be in any space with a bunch of humans are are literally covered in a black sheet. And when it's 115f, doesn't smell very nice either (and perfume is harem).
If that becomes the norm there, German girls will start wearing it to avoid being singled out and groped/raped.
also, idea they'd ban Carnival costumes is dumb. You are fighting for your fucking existence and life and worried about Carnival?
What will it take to wake Germans up to hoe deep shit they are in?
Well in both our countries it's not allowed to wear an SS uniform either.
The problem is that many young people, especially women are getting segregated from the society and pressed into a subculture. If the burka shows your ties to a religion and the government believes in a secular state voted for someone who's unbanning it. In all other cases fuck off to a country where you can do what you want. But I'm pretty sure many muslim women would object to the ban if only they could speak french
If this helped Muslim qts to wear bikinis I'm ok with this, but now they are not going to even show up.
explain to me why a muslim bitch can't wear a bikini to the beach on her own will
oh wait, it'd make muhammad the pig fucker super mad and allah mad also so she def can't do that
checkmate islamists
Well i am visiting a girl in france soon and plan was to go to mediterrenean shore. Changed plans becouse the shore is infested with primitive mudsharks now. It must affect tourism alot.
It truly feels good to see tolerant people turn agiants muslims in France. This girls parents are both very conservative but she was first all "we msut help those people".Reality creeps in slowly.
I don't know about beaches but I remember swimming pools here getting really angry if guys wore bathing trunks over a normal male swimsuit because it would soak up too much water and they had to constantly refil the pool.
You would still just be fighting the syptomps. We should just send them back.
the problem i have with this is that I dont think that muslimas shouldnt be allowed to wear what they want, my problem is the hypocrisy, like "oh its not racism, just for safety" just admit that youre trying to give muslims a harder time in europe, nothing wrong with that, they have their own countries
Back where? Most were already born in your country, some even in the 3rd generation. What Europe fucking forgot since the 60s was proper integration programs.
Jokes on women wearing burkinis anyway, I have a raging foot fetish so I'll still be mentally objectifying and checking them out regardless
End birthplace citizenship and revoke citizenship of those that gained it through it.