Who is ready for Hillary(2016-2024)?
Who is ready for Hillary(2016-2024)?
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>they're rapists
What fuckwad still watches CNN?
All they do is fill the massive void with insipid commentary from lackwit "journalist" and self proclaimed experts.
Last time I watched it went something like this...
"This just in... some other news agency reported on something and we are going to speculate what that could possibly mean.. And while we do that, we are going to comment on the commentary of another news outlets opinions, and explain why our opinions are better!"
They are almost as bad as MSNBC.
fuck off shill
How many times has the media written this story?
Even in April, when Trump was all but the winner of the primary, there was a RCP article with the headline of something like "is Trump planning his exit strategy", because, you know, Ted Cruz was surging!
They're trying to create a meme with their question mark headlines.
>What fuckwad still watches CNN?
I think I've read something about InfoWars, fucking InfoWars, being watched more than CNN. Any way to check if that's true?
He has never disputed that he said "they're". This is just some deluded bullshit Trumptards tell themselves to justify their support.
You meant to type Kaine
I am
If you think things are bad now just wait people will look back on what's happening in Milwaukee the way they look back on the 50s
"That's The Argument Of A 5-Year-Old"
Wow he never disputed it, why hillary never disputed that she wants to turn the country into an islamic state so I guess she's a terrorist
>tfw Hillary will win
>tfw we could be best buddies with US
>tfw it will be war or end of US
Good point it should be Hillary 2016-18, Tim Kaine (2018-24).
This is becoming a viral video.
It seems like trump tries to suggest every policy possible, even if they completely counter each other.
>Who is ready for Hillary (2016-2017)
With her current health, I doubt she would make it for more than one year as active president.
Drumpfkins don't have to be your audience. Drumpfkins are over.
>increasingly nervous leftist rag says for the umpteenth time this year
I work at a Microsoft datacenter, and CNN is on 24/7 in all the break rooms across the site. You aren't allowed to touch the volume or the channel.
And let me tell you, it's the nonstop Trump-bashing network. It's all they do. They've basically become People Magazine-tier journalists.
The rapists are perfectly good people.
Is cooper transitioning why the fuck does he look like an old dyke?
That was before Trump repeatedy stabbed himself in in gut with his mouth.
Because he and Maddow are the same person with different makeup.
He is a bottom.
>Who cares that she would be a puppet of shadowy behind-the-scenes manipulators;
Who gives a shit that Hillary Clinton is one of the main players in why the middle east is so fucked;
>Who cares that she has been caught in countless lies, some treasonous;
Who cares that over 50 people (that we know about) have died in mysterious circumstances that somehow favored her and her husband;
>Who cares that she may be in serious ailing health, mental and physical;
Who cares that she might have been making iterative political favors for campaign donations;
>Who cares that she was kicked off the Watergate case for being unethical;
Who cares that she tittered in giggly glee about getting a child rapist out of jail time;
>Who cares about her crimes and her crazies : Trump isn't articulate enough to suit the media (who are deep in the tank for Hillary), so that is the story somehow.
Day after day after fucking day.
He is an asshole.
But not as bad as Wolf or Chris or Rachel or the entire mainstream media.
delete this